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Hans Datdo-Dishes

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  1. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Looks like a crop of spuds being planted ? 
  2. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to May Contain Nuts in Aden Flint. Loves chips, joined Stoke.   
    Indeed they do, that's how we get baby horses.
  3. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to r4derby in Watchable telly   
    Very excited for Stranger Things season 4, with the first 7 episodes coming this Friday. The runtimes look ridiculous. It is rumoured that 2-3 of the episodes will be as long as feature films, with the last episode being 2 and a half hours long.
    I’m not complaining, but it asks the question - should there be a maximum length to TV shows? The whole point, in my opinion, is that they are shorter that a movie, but with more of them to unpack a story in short chunks. I won’t know until I’ve watched the whole series in early July, but looking at the timings, could they just have made the series from 9 to 12 episodes? It’s not an issue when the series is good, but could be an issue if shows that are not as good interesting start doing it.
  4. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Tyler Durden in Chinny reckon   
    Anyone remember kerby where you stood on opposite sides of the pavement to your mate and threw a football across the road trying to hit the corner of the kerbstone so the ball then rebounded to you and you tried to catch it?
  5. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    But they are a governing body with an independent panel .. appointed by them, precisely to remove that adversarial issue, yet they still chose to comment publicly .. twice .. first the “disappointment” and later the “with regret” 
    In essence they appointed a referee, in accordance with rules agreed by all the other clubs, the they told everyone that the refs word is final …. And then still had a last word. So offside it beggars belief 
  6. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to ossieram in The Administration Thread   
  7. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    Will probably be a peppercorn rent rate or considering CKs nationality it may be popcorn rent. 
  8. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    Sounds like we could be very clowes to coming out of administration. ???
  9. Like
  10. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to MidWalesRam in Baba Fernandes   
    Who ?
  11. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Stive Pesley in Chinny reckon   
    We called that Lurky, or "Lurky  Lurky 123"  to give it it's full title!
  12. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    Cetrainly better than if he pulls you off.....
  13. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks Kevin, you are right of course and I wish I had your common sense. I was in very real danger of getting completely carried away. I think my emotions are now in check.

  14. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    and hopefully not Boggs standard
  15. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Yani P in Wayne Rooney   
  16. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to angieram in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    A very different kind of break. Bart with his family at Aushwitz.
  17. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    So your first paragraph says that he wants to spend as little as possible and your final paragraph says that his decision is costing him more money. 
    Why not just give yourself a break and acknowledge that you have no idea why he is making the decisions that he is.
  18. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    Jesus H Clough! For god’ sake give over man! He's the ONLY person willing to pay an acceptable amount of someone else’s debt to acquire a club with nothing! Did you actually want the club to go under? You need to realise, there was not a long queue of rich people interested in spending money on DCFC and the sooner you negative bunch get over it, the better. Aim your bitterness where it should be aimed! 
    If someone shot your dog, would you be angry with the vet that saved it’s life? No, you blame the shooter ffs! 
  19. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Heard today it is a joint venture between French connection (FC UK) and the actor Mel Gibson. Will renamed the FC UK Gibson stadium.?
  20. Clap
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    It could be that he doesn’t have the money as you seem to be implying with your question. Or could it be he does have the money, and would rather not spend it all righting the wrongs and clearing the total amount of debts accrued by the previous owner?
    Perhaps he’s seen an opportunity to acquire the club as he sees some potential (Rooney, fan base, academy, infrastructure etc); has a clear plan in place that pays the debts over 3 years at 35p in the pound meaning the club isn’t hamstrung further with additional points deductions and a less restrictive business plan, also meaning he can gradually rebuild the club and pay some of the debts accrued, whilst leaving some money to invest in time as part of this longer term, sensible business plan. 
    There are only a handful of people who know all the facts of this situation; however, allegedly Kirchner has had to prove his liquidity to the admins and the EFL, both of whom have released statements which, whilst contingent on the massive stadium shaped elephant in the room, say they are satisfied with him becoming the future owner of the club. I appreciate people wanting to stay grounded and be realistic but surely there is currently more call for optimism than there has been in months and months? 
  21. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    I bet that hurt the EFL writing that. Is it possible to write something through gritted teeth? 

  22. Haha
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Ram-Alf in Wayne Rooney   
    "I know this because I discuss everything with Becky.”
    I bet you do fella, Like the story that Mahrez never turned up to training at Leicester which sent your misses into an Instagram frenzy, She caught a whopper when she hooked you, There's no fool like a stupid fool ?  
  23. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to ossieram in The Administration Thread   
    The fact that CK is now going to be paying the bills, on top of the amount of cash he has already laid out just to get this far, tells me that we are a lot further forward. 
  24. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Gaspode in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Genuinely couldn’t give a toss…..
  25. Like
    Hans Datdo-Dishes reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    Of course we are, this agreement clearly demonstrates that all parties want to get this deal over line. The ground was always going to be an issue simply because it’s outside of the clubs control and is not part of the package on offer by the administrators. The more parties involved in a deal the greater the complexity.
    Hopefully we are now close to being able to get back to talking about football and forgetting all about leases, amortisation, transfer bans, points deductions etc. I, for one, am just looking forward to focusing on the “on the pitch” activities ????
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