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  1. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to ariotofmyown in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    They are correct. If you come on here and just bash Mel, you are unlikely to get anywhere.
    If you come on here and make robust, evidence-based criticism of Mel, you are likely to receive a mixture of agreement, disagreement and much inbetween.
    This isn't twitter or facebook. Thank god.
  2. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Spanish in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I feel quote confident in criticizing Mel and the regime, I do not feel in the minority at all.   Defensive isn't especially how I would describe myself quite the opposite really
    The fact that most of us on here seem more worldly wise than others elsewhere means that we probably have a greater understanding as to how businesses work.  You have been called out by @IslandExileto articulate exactly how we should go about getting answers and what are the questions that should be asked.  I suggest you start with that and then you may attract a more appreciative audience
  3. Clap
  4. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Day in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I was present for the first 2 I think supporters charter meetings as the idea was being setup, but through ill health and distance I never attended future meetings. 
    The minutes of the meetings will confirm this. 
    I surveyed the forum for questions to put forward and posted the meeting minutes once they were provided.
    As for my opinion, it’s been a difficult season both on and off the pitch, we have an owner in ill health, takeovers, EFL appeal and a global pandemic to deal with.
    Whilst I would love to know what is going on with regular updates, I would imagine hands are tied in what they can publicly discuss, and let’s be honest, when they do come out and talk it’s dismissed as PR spin.
    I feel they have always been in a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation.
    To address this here as I know it’s been asked in various online platforms, I haven’t spoken with anyone from the club aside from the marketing team with regards to the adverts displayed on this forum.
    I do understand your concerns, but aside from the deleted Collymore tweet, I haven’t seen any credible source to suggest the existence of this club is in threat, so was a little puzzled by the talk of protests if I’m totally honest.  
    I have been away for the last week and enjoyed some time offline and away from social media, so apologies if I’ve missed anything more. Taking time to catch up now, but there’s a lot of posts!
    At this stage I’m willing to remain patient, not freak out at every Daily Mail headline such as this mornings given their success rate on us recently (21 point deductions).
    The next couple of months are huge for this club, don’t get me wrong, and I’m not sticking my head in the sand, I just feel that the club face a number of issues that need resolving and will take longer than 48hrs after the final ball was kicked.
    Finally, the last 12 months have shown that football is nothing without fans, I’m hoping the communication level with fans is restored to what they were as soon as possible, with the stadiums look set to reopen, fans need to know the clubs plans going forward before parting with any money.
    You look at some of this clubs that were to join the ESL, having never heard or very little communication with their owners, we have almost been spoilt in years gone by in comparison, but that’s how it should be, I hope the club are aware of how important the fans are to this club and as I say, look to reopen those lines of communication as soon as possible.
  5. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    Chris Martin.                 I’ll get me ? 
  6. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    Chris Martin.                 I’ll get me ? 
  7. Cheers
    Foreveram reacted to seasider56 in Good luck from the Seaside   
    Good luck Rams against The Massive ,hope you stay up .
    Your fans were some of the most fervant in our fight against the Oystons, hope to see  you in the Championship next season. 

  8. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to BaaLocks in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    And, just to make that point, the OP states themselves that they haven't had time for a year to think much about DCFC. Now, when thankfully it seems their personal affairs are more in order, they feel the time is right to have the most senior people at our club to stop all that they have been working on for a year and update them. But not when they're working on their Uber shift. I mean, seriously?
  9. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Curtains in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I don’t blame MM for all of this .
    Its getting ridiculous now. 
    Support the club please 
  10. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Curtains in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I’m sure MM his doing his best to get the best for this Football Club.
    I have spoken to him at forums and outside the ground when he has taken time to speak when he needn't have .
    The guy is a human being for goodness sake 
    Let’s have some balance  
    Has anybody actually thought how this might be effecting him personally 
    I grew up in Littleover with Mel although I didn’t personally know him .
    He has  always been a Derby fan .
    He has made mistakes at times but he doesn’t deserve this  
  11. Haha
    Foreveram reacted to Philmycock in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Oh look, another "super fan", far superior us mere mortal season ticket holders.
  12. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Ken Tram in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    This post is a bit sycophantic, and I'm sorry if I wind up lots of good people who are so upset and angry, but I have to admit that I am happy to be in the fan club!
    That doesn't mean that I do but wish that things had gone differently.
    Firstly, no one knows where we would be if someone else had been in charge! I know that's not a ringing endorsement, but we do tend to forget that things could have been worse.
    Many detractors say, "If only Mel had taken different decisions," but this is the same as saying, "If only we had a local fans, with loads of money, who had made some different decisions." But, I'm not sure that there is a local fan with loads of money who would have made different decisions.
    We have a football structure, where people can buy football clubs. That's the issue! If you don't like what a man has done with the best of intentions - then don't moan at him - direct your ire towards getting rid of the ownership structure.
    But, is there an alternative. Germany do something that I don't fully understand. When I asked if 30,000 fans could find £2,000 each, to raise £60 million; lots of flaws were found; not least the fact that the club doesn't balance it's books; and would continually need more money. And how would this great ownership democracy work? An individual would be appointed to take charge. And they would do things that the mukti-owners would not like. So it might not be any different. Maybe fans could be on the board, but what if they made unpopular decisions.
    In terms of Mel, my message is: thanks for doing your best. It is brilliant that you had the balls to have a go. Don't worry about perceived mistakes. No-one's perfect. Like you, we're all hurting, but Derby'll be alright. By definition, the club cannot always be moving upwards under every tenure, otherwise we would have been European Champions for the past 100 years! And if this was the time for us to be in a downward slope, then you probably prevented things being worse. And I've enjoyed quite a few seasons where we have won more than we have lost, and the positive feeling on a Monday morning. Don't forget the positive chants that used to call out your name.
  13. Like
    Foreveram reacted to ram1964 in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    I have no gripe with Mel, obviously things haven't gone to plan and this last 2 seasons it has fallen apart. Who is to say any other owner would have faired any better in his tenure. We've certainly had a few good seasons with him at the helm and a lot of upheaval ,skulduggery , managers along the way.
    I have no reason to believe Mel had didn't havethe best intrest of the club and for the most of his tenure poured significant personnel funds to pursue success .We can all criticse ,bad signings bad managers in hindsight but most on hear were raving Rooneys arrival as a player ,Rooney as Manager.And I  Can't remember many moaning about any of the numerous players being bought during the last 5 years.Were a fickle lot but Mel is a ram ,he did his best didn't work out but I take my hat off to him for having a go.
  14. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to MrPlinkett in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    What do we protest against ?
    I don't disagree Mel has made a right horlicks of things in his time at Derby but what do we protest about ? his lack of spending ? no because if anything that's one of the issues,  it's not mels fault the EFL p&s rules aren't fit for purpose and hes just not allowed to spend what maybe I  the past other owners have to achieve success. 
    I guess we could protest his ownership and demand he moves on,but isn't he trying to do that? it's not his fault no one can seemingly afford to cough up the going rate, the last thing we need is him selling to someone for 50p like lionel did because no one else would buy us.
    So I share your frustration, Mel has made a lot of mistakes and has to accept responsibility for where we are, I'm just not sure what we would protest against because as far as I can see he is making every effort to move on but no one seems able or willing to take over.
  15. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to angieram in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Okay, posts that are critical of Mel Morris' tenure as owner are not taken down.
    Posts which contain personal insults of Mel Morris are.
    The same applies to other previous or future owners, players, other posters.
    How difficult is it to grasp the difference? Quite difficult for some people judging by the number of posts we have taken down in the last twenty four hours.
    If in any doubt please re-read the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined the message board. If you don't agree with them, you are welcome to find somewhere else to post your personal insults. I hear Twitter aren't too fussy! 
  16. Like
    Foreveram reacted to Coneheadjohn in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    He’s done a lot of good for a lot of people,my family included.
  17. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to uttoxram75 in Derby County on this day   
    I suppose being champions twice helps!
  18. Clap
    Foreveram got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Derby County on this day   
    David RoCASTLE
  19. Cheers
    Foreveram reacted to Mucker1884 in Derby County on this day   
    22nd March 2014...
    A day to savour...
  20. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Mucker1884 in Derby County on this day   
    Fancy a coffee, anyone?
    March 20th 2004...
  21. COYR
    Foreveram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Derby County on this day   
    If you don’t get my point I can’t help you 
  22. Like
    Foreveram got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Derby County on this day   
    March 15th 1969 Derby County 1 Huddersfield town 0 Roy Mac header from hinton’s corner.Not a particularly stand out game but it was my first and 52 years later I’m still going to matches with my son and grandson.
  23. Like
    Foreveram got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in Rams Memorabilia.   
    Cos he didn’t want one that was unlucky 
  24. Like
    Foreveram got a reaction from derby8 in Derby County on this day   
    March 15th 1969 Derby County 1 Huddersfield town 0 Roy Mac header from hinton’s corner.Not a particularly stand out game but it was my first and 52 years later I’m still going to matches with my son and grandson.
  25. COYR
    Foreveram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Derby County on this day   
    March 15th 1969 Derby County 1 Huddersfield town 0 Roy Mac header from hinton’s corner.Not a particularly stand out game but it was my first and 52 years later I’m still going to matches with my son and grandson.
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