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Posts posted by Kathcairns

  1. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yes so many unsuccessful managers of Derby, who'd want to remember back to one with a good record for the club and who played great football? ?

    Dont know how old you are but i can remember a few. Hope you are not referring great football when he was a player?

  2. 10 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    I agree - pretty sure a lot of people on here called out ages ago when Mel used COVID as one of the key reasons for loss of revenue, and therefore detrimental impact on our P&S that this would come out down the line for other teams. And here we are.  IF, and it is an IF, the likes of Brizzel and {insert expletive} Boro use COVID as a reason and have it accepted by the EFL then we have every right to appeal against the EFL's very black and white decisions on us, not least refusing us the loan.  Alongside the Boro and WW claims, this could indeed get very very messy for the EFL.  

    Can't have one rule for us and another rule for everyone else, this could be very interesting

  3. 10 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Unfortunately, as long as the likes of China or the Middle East still continue to enjoy and pay for the product, the Golden Goose is alive and well. How many DCFC shirts do you think are sold in China? The money men that run the show don’t give a duck about the Bury’s or the Derby County’s of the world. Even if we were in the premier league, it’s not us they’re paying to watch. They don’t give a duck about Brentford or Burnley either. And they definitely don’t care about where football started, any of the history, or frankly any football since before the premier league. If they could get away with showing United vs Liverpool every week, and have every other team go out of business, they would. 

    I'm really glad i started watching football in the 60's and not starting now, the young fans don't know what they missed.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

    Gibson doesn't have a leg to stand on with his obserb claims and figures which he's picked out of thin air. Wycombe need to take out any grivements with the EFL as they are the ones who choose to hit us with a points penalty this season as opposed to last season.

    Cant understand this clubs sueing each other, efl docking points off clubs, clubs going into liquidation. Every season the parachute clubs going up then coming back down relegated clubs with points deducted and the same rich clubs winning the prem every year. Soon there will be no enjoyment in going to watch football. Dont all the people in charge realise they are killing the golden goose.

  5. 7 minutes ago, jono said:

    I remember penny arrows and at decimalisation they stayed at a penny. I felt robbed ?. Anyone remember the small dairy milks that were 2d or 3d .

    my gran would give us 6d to spend in the cheap corner of the sweet shop.  It was tough work maximising the take in terms of volume per penny ? fizzes, love hearts, black jacks, penny arrows 

    Rainbow drops, tiger nuts chewing wood.

  6. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Deadmans Lane is off London Road near the Portland Pub, Which runs to where Bombardier is now.

    Chadd sidings is where all the trains parked up well away for Deadmans Lane, We used to put a penny (1d) on the tracks...wait...then collect a piece of flat copper, You could get 2 black jacks for a penny in the 60s, We were minted ?

    You could get 4 blackjacks or fruit salads for a penny but that could have been in the 50's. Those were the days??

  7. 4 hours ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    Gibson would not care. He just wants money, and possibly distract his own fans about Boro’s failures at promotion over the last few years. These chairman probably don’t care that much about other clubs or the sanctity of the English game. Also, didn’t he and Boro attempt to bring their own case in front of the league arbitration panel but this was rejected back in 2020?

    No he wouldnt care,most owners dont care at the end of the day. The only ones who do care and llve their clubs are the fans.

  8. 10 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

    Find the Boro and Wycombe story crazy. Am I right in thinking that if we go bust then neither will get a penny? so what’s the point in their actions? Unless they see us going bust as a win.
    Pretty sure majority or Boro and Wycombe fans don’t agree with there actions. Wish both sets of supporters would put pressure on Gibson and the other bloke to drop it. 

    Im not so sure you are right about their fans not agreeing with their actionls.

  9. 41 minutes ago, StrawHillRam said:

    i want an owner that keeps DCFC afloat. I’m not ambitious about being in the PL at all costs. It’s a fantasy league with show ponies trying to add to their stable of Bentleys etc

     I’d be happy with a side like we have now.   committed, energetic and have desire to win. No big names please.

     My wish would be that the so called elite teams form their own super league and leave English football to be reclaimed as a fair and even sport.

    Agree, that would bring the excitment back into football for the rest of us. Football was so much better before the prem was formed.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Crewton said:


    I'm already fed up with Newcastle fans, the same ones who have no problem with their club being owned by a murderous and oppressive regime, lecturing Derby fans about how awful being owned by the cockney Bradley Hardacre would be and that "it would be worse than liquidation". 

    They're clueless. 

    How rediculous, how can anything be worse than liquidation, would love to know their views if the boot was on the other foot.

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