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Posts posted by G STAR RAM

  1. 7 hours ago, Rev said:

    Gutless government. 

    If you want everyone to be vaccinated, and to carry proof of that on their person, crack on and bring a bill saying so before parliament, where it can be debated and feedback from the electorate taken into account, before a binding vote takes place.

    Don't try and bring about the same result by the backdoor, by isolating individual bits of the economy and making it impossible for them to operate without such measures, while denying parliament a vote.

    Nail on the head! ?

  2. 1 hour ago, ImARam2 said:

    Isn't he also the 'expert' who, last year, predicted up to 250,000 deaths.

    I believe, it's time that the media stopped bringing out all and sundry to give their expert opinions, with their algorithim's, graphs and charts, and even 'league tables', as we know the Covid virus is here to stay, and we will have to live with it for many years to come, as we do with influenza, and have a booster jab every Autumn or Winter.

    I think, in his defence the 250,000 was a worst case scenario with no restrictions introduced. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:


    This is really worrying to me, this man famously gets everything spectacularly wrong, so fully expect another lockdown in weeks.

    I literally watched this guy on tv sometime within the last 2 weeks saying we would definitely reach 100,000 cases a day and maybe even 200,000.

    Why is he even still being given airtime and newspaper space?

    I could do what he does, shout out random numbers and when they turn out wrong just say what the actual evidence is showing.


  4. 7 hours ago, Eddie said:

    How is me wearing a mask severely damaging anybody else's life? 

    It's not 'worrying' about other people - it's about trying to do my tiny bit in a pandemic and do you know what? It's no effort at all. I go about my life, I go shopping, I go to the pub, I go on holiday - nothing I do now is any different to what I did two years ago apart from one thing. If I am indoors in a crowded venue, I wear a mask.

    Yes, thats a fair comment if you are talking just about wearing a mask in an indoor place then its wrong for me to level that accusation.

    I was more talking about everything else that has gone before.

  5. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    When I felt that I couldn't care less whether I was in danger of passing the infection on to others.

    It's a simple question - "Do I care for others or do I not?".

    At the moment, I still do, and that's my only motivation.

    It really isnt that simple though otherwise everyone would think the same.

    For every person that you are 'caring for' there's another person out there who's life you are severely damaging.

    All of this worrying about others is a load of rubbish anyway, just admit you do what is best for you and your family, there is no shame in it.

  6. So what is behind this very sudden drop in cases?

    We are told there is a 2 week lag with the numbers so what happened 2 weeks ago that is causing such a rapid decline?

    Some people are going to be backing themselves into a corner here. 

    Some of been arguing previously that only lockdowns could do this. The only other angle they can have now is the vaccination programme but this will then poo poo their calls for people to continue wearing masks and the introduction of vaccine passports.


  7. 1 minute ago, Eddie said:

    It is precisely what the government, and the brown noses of the press, have done - blamed it for everything. Here's another game. How many people do/did you know who died from/with/of Covid? I got to 8 (ok, some were only 'casual' acquaintances)  before I deleted my LinkedIn profile because it was getting horribly morbid.

    Incidentally, I could see the point that Sajid Javid was trying to make, albeit clumsily, and couldn't bring myself to join in the hate-fest. I think that he now sees himself as some kind of superman (as does Piers 'Morgan' Moron) for having survived it, whereas Boris, at least for a few weeks, was humbled by the experience.

    Bloody hell, I've just cut multiple Tories some slack. Perhaps it's true that people do shuffle further to the right as they age.

    I don't know anyone who has died from it, dont know anyone that has got seriously ill from it, know 1 person that has been hospitalised (for one day) she is in her 50s and asthmatic.

  8. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    Such as the latest narrative about how the 'pingdemic' is causing food (and bogroll) shortages, even in Scotland - where they don't even use the NHS app. Anything to avoid the real reason of course, but of course I'm not allowed to say what that is. Anyway, Covid-19 has certainly proved to be a convenient scapegoat for the government, and has proved to be a godsend.

    Calling Covid a scapegoat, I think that is very disrespectful to the thousands that have died and their families.

    Hey that felt really good, I enjoyed playing that game.

  9. 37 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I thought it was a pathetic choice of phrase. Cower implies cowardly behaviour.

    Who has made him apologise? Are you suggesting he is that weak that he doesn't believe in his own apology?

    Jusg quickly Googled it and cant see anywhere that links it to cowardice.

    All seem to say things along the lines of hiding away in fear, so he really hit the nail on the head with his choice of word for me.

    He probably thinks better to just apologise than let the 'opposition' turn it into another irrelevant thing to be discussing for the next 2 weeks.

  10. 32 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I was glad when Javid took over as health secretary but it hasn't taken long for him to look stupid and have to apologise.

    I wonder if politicians have their tweets checked over by some sort of communications department, or perhaps even told what to tweet?

    Or do they just tweet out whatever comes into their head Trump style? Even @Archied would not be as crass to use the word "cower" from Covid.

    Sad state of affairs when he has been made to apologise for saying what half of the country are thinking. 

    Does it really matter what word he used, we all know what he meant.

    It is absolutely pathetic.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Not really, I think the idea would be new managers learned their trade lower down the leagues…..

    How though if there are people already at the clubs that are more experienced than the ones learning their trade?

  12. 42 minutes ago, chadlad said:

    As far as I am aware Wayne Rooney has no coaching qualifications. Why then is he the Manager of DCFC when there are plenty of more qualified people and more experienced people who are already employed by the club. Mclaren, Rosenior, Wassell and Walker are all better qualified and in all probability would do a better job.

    The best thing for the club would be for Wayne to walk away, if this isn’t an option gardening leave is probably the best option.


    Using your logic there would never be any new managers and we would just keep taking them off the merry go round.

  13. 3 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Of course they are under reported.  And its typical that bad news always follows good news ?

    If they aren't accurate stats then what exactly is the point of them?  I could make some numbers up - in fact I won't, I'll use a real one, which apparently is more than the Govt do, and my number is 0.  That is the amount of family/friends that I personally know that have caught covid.

    So have ITV been reporting the figures without fact checking them?

    Or does Robert Peston think he should be spoon fed figures rather than having to research them himself?

  14. 1 hour ago, Jayram said:

    How old are you - you sound like a petulant 13 year old. The ultimate blame lies with a man who took over ownership of a debt free football club

    Your post because the factually incorrect at this point. 

  15. Against my better wishes, just been dragged to The Eagle Centre or whatever name it goes under these days, by the kids.

    Although I didn't carry an @Eddiestyle forensic survey, I'd say it was pretty much 50/50 on the mask front. 

    Interestingly, there were plenty of very young people still wearing masks and plenty of very old people not bothering. 

    Exactly how it should have been since the get to for me, grown ups being given the choice on how they want to live their lives.

  16. 5 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    When have I said it is proven?  I think you're arguing with yourself ? 

    I said that its had some success in other parts of the world - which the link I provided shows, and that it is now undergoing proper testing in the UK.

    Weird that some people are happy to push vaccines with no long term data available but seem really against another potential life saving drug because its unproven...

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