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Leeds Ram

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  1. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in It’s been a great season …regardless.   
    I know I've been a grumpy poster this year, but what a season it's been. Just focusing on the pitch and not worrying that the next time I go through the turnstiles might be the last has been such a lovely feeling. The support has been amazing tbh I expected us to average 23-24,000, but to average 27-28,000 in the third division is unreal. Rarely have I heard the fans moan at games or boo except when we have been particularly poor such as against Fleetwood at home. 

    It would be a fairytale if we were to get promoted, but if we don't, that's okay too. After having a few years of struggle, I won't complain at seeing us win more than lose, even if it is in the third division. 
  2. COYR
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Zag zig in It’s been a great season …regardless.   
    I know I've been a grumpy poster this year, but what a season it's been. Just focusing on the pitch and not worrying that the next time I go through the turnstiles might be the last has been such a lovely feeling. The support has been amazing tbh I expected us to average 23-24,000, but to average 27-28,000 in the third division is unreal. Rarely have I heard the fans moan at games or boo except when we have been particularly poor such as against Fleetwood at home. 

    It would be a fairytale if we were to get promoted, but if we don't, that's okay too. After having a few years of struggle, I won't complain at seeing us win more than lose, even if it is in the third division. 
  3. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in It’s been a great season …regardless.   
    I know I've been a grumpy poster this year, but what a season it's been. Just focusing on the pitch and not worrying that the next time I go through the turnstiles might be the last has been such a lovely feeling. The support has been amazing tbh I expected us to average 23-24,000, but to average 27-28,000 in the third division is unreal. Rarely have I heard the fans moan at games or boo except when we have been particularly poor such as against Fleetwood at home. 

    It would be a fairytale if we were to get promoted, but if we don't, that's okay too. After having a few years of struggle, I won't complain at seeing us win more than lose, even if it is in the third division. 
  4. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to Rev in A practical thank you to David Clowes, and DCFC.   
    I was reading the clickbait thread about Pride Park a few weeks back, and it got me thinking.
    The area where I sit/stand, is pretty grubby to be honest.
    Cobwebs and years of grime baked into the surroundings, I've often thought of taking some cleaning wipes in and giving it a good going over, but matchday probably isn’t the time to do it.
    The summer break though, could be the perfect time!
    We could show our appreciation, by devoting a few hours of our time one weekend of the clubs choosing, and descend on PP on mass with our dusters, polish and swiffers. 
    Sunderland did something similar, when they engaged volunteer fans to fit new seats, so it is possible. 
    Maybe the club could utilise us in a different way, as they see fit.
    Even if only 1% of ST Holders responded to the cause, that would still be 200 people. Pledge 4 hours each, and that's 800 hours of free labour, more than enough I'd have thought to get the place spick and span. 
    We could bring our own materials, and take away the used products, to save the club even having to hire disposal facilities or purchase equipment.
    Get the tannoy playing out some tunes, to keep us entertained whilst working, and we could have a great community day out, helping in a practical way the club we all love.
    We can't match the owners financial commitment to the club obviously, but we can show how much we appreciate his involvement by using our free time to help the club.
    What do you guys think? 
    Maybe @angieram could sound out the Ramstrust membership, to see if there's any merit in the idea?
  5. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Things you miss   
    Will do i-Ram 🙂 luckily my mum is great and I've got good friends at least 🙂
  6. Cheers
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Things you miss   
    Thanks that's very kind 🙂 I'm glad you're feeling better than you were 🙂
  7. COYR
    Leeds Ram reacted to angieram in It’s been a great season …regardless.   
    1. Driving up to Bradford for the first friendly; my hubby was umpiring but I couldn't miss being there to clap out our team, our club, we still had a club! ⚽️🐏
    Massive support that day, we couldn't quite believe we were watching football again. I remember Didzy gave away the ball for about ten minutes, then didn't give it away again after that. NML looking fit and confident. Little Oduroh,  looked like he'd wandered over from the under 16s game, but showed great skill against men twice his size. Rosenior, so pleased to be given his chance and very appreciative of the fans' support. 
    2. So many new grounds to visit, such contrasts between the welcome of some clubs and downright hostility of others. Thank you Exeter, Port Vale, Morecambe, Accrington. 
    Least said about Wycombe, Lincoln, Bristol Rovers the better! 
    3. Just the people I share awaydays with, we're a band of brothers and sisters who have travelled many miles, laughed and cried over the performances but always been there again next week. Some I know well, others are just familiar faces, but we smile and nod to each other as we know we have walked the walk together this season. Long may it continue.
  8. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Things you miss   
    Will do i-Ram 🙂 luckily my mum is great and I've got good friends at least 🙂
  9. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from TomBustler1884 in Things you miss   
    Thanks that's very kind 🙂 I'm fine just going through a bit of a rough patch atm 🙂
  10. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to i-Ram in Things you miss   
    I think a tremendous number of young people feel the same way. The pressure, much of it from peer groups, but also media and parental, to be seen to achieve and succeed nowadays is hugely out of whack. Look after yourself. 
  11. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to Miggins in Things you miss   
    Take care, @Leeds Ram and I really hope you feel better soon. 2010 and I was in your position more or less. It was only a visit to the doctor that saved me. Hope that you find a route that makes you feel much better. PM me if you need a chat!!
  12. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to TomBustler1884 in Things you miss   
    Never underestimate the importance of doing things just for you. If seeing your mates every now and again is your happy place, then it's just as important as anything else you have to do.
    Hope you are okay, that last sentence made me worry a bit. Don't know you, but if you ever need to talk, I'm a Mental Health First Aider and would be happy to help. Problem shared and all that. 🙂
  13. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Things you miss   
    I miss sitting in my office just being able to read my articles and write up my thoughts knowing that the future was at least 3 years off. 

    I miss going to the cinema at 10.00pm after staying late at the office and spending a fiver for my entertainment. 
    I miss regularly seeing my friends without feeling guilty for not doing something i should have off my list. 
    I miss not feeling under immense pressure and strain almost every hour I'm not sleeping. 
  14. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ram Logan Josh in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    I'd hope for an unchanged formation. Perhaps experiment with Smith in the middle instead of Hourihane and either push him further up as part of the three, dropping sibbo into left mid at the expense of roberts or leave him on the bench entirely. I think we really need to win this one, as i don't fancy our odds against Sheffield Wednesday if they have anything to play for on the final day. 

    Looks like it'll be a full house with Portsmouth bringing a full allocation as well so should make for a cracking atmosphere. Ironic this is our final home game of the league 1 season, doesn't seem so long ago this was the first game of our ill-fated season back in the big time. 
  15. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from DesertRam in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    I'd hope for an unchanged formation. Perhaps experiment with Smith in the middle instead of Hourihane and either push him further up as part of the three, dropping sibbo into left mid at the expense of roberts or leave him on the bench entirely. I think we really need to win this one, as i don't fancy our odds against Sheffield Wednesday if they have anything to play for on the final day. 

    Looks like it'll be a full house with Portsmouth bringing a full allocation as well so should make for a cracking atmosphere. Ironic this is our final home game of the league 1 season, doesn't seem so long ago this was the first game of our ill-fated season back in the big time. 
  16. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to angieram in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    From chatting to most of the players last night, I'd say they are very much up for this game.  They are enjoying the current formation and looking forward to the run-in.
    I'm pleased to report Curtis wasn't hobbling at all and was in fact the last player to leave. Warne even later and Clowes still there chatting to all at 10.30 p.m.
  17. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    I'd hope for an unchanged formation. Perhaps experiment with Smith in the middle instead of Hourihane and either push him further up as part of the three, dropping sibbo into left mid at the expense of roberts or leave him on the bench entirely. I think we really need to win this one, as i don't fancy our odds against Sheffield Wednesday if they have anything to play for on the final day. 

    Looks like it'll be a full house with Portsmouth bringing a full allocation as well so should make for a cracking atmosphere. Ironic this is our final home game of the league 1 season, doesn't seem so long ago this was the first game of our ill-fated season back in the big time. 
  18. Sad
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from MaltRam in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    I can still remember the optisim 
  19. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in Mel Morris   
    As long as Mel isn't at the ground I don't care where he's slunk off too. 
  20. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Should Max Bird sue?   
    It was a very odd interpretation of the play from my perspective. It's not like bird has used his body to 'force' the contact, as you sometimes see. The ball in the box was loose after a poor touch, their player has tried to make up for it, and he's made contact with Bird. It's a penalty as clear as day. 
  21. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Should Max Bird sue?   
    I liked how their manager said it was never a penalty despite the fact he's half a pitch away. I was at that end and about 15 yards from the incident, and it's a penalty all day long. It's a stupid challenge as the ball got away, bird nicked in and their player made contact. The radio derby commentator who called it a 'modern penalty' as Bird stepped across him sounds like an idiot tbh. 
  22. Clap
    Leeds Ram reacted to Day in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    B4 is not a lone ranger in standing at away games, not here to argue the rights, wrongs and ground regulations here, it just happens. Until clubs enforce the regulations, don’t expect any changes in fans suddenly using the seats at away games.
    And yeah it’s a big but, to sit here and call Newcastle fans “mardy” for complaining about safe, in a stand which, well we all know the history of….is bringing these comments on to himself yet again.
    @B4ev6is you are a highly passionate fan, we all know this, however at times, like this, I think you just need to be a little more understanding.
    Newcastle fans are more than within their rights to make a complaint on not feeling safe, they should not be afraid to speak out. Whilst you may not have felt unsafe in that stand, you was not there on that day to experience what Newcastle fans experienced.
    It is the responsibility of Sheffield Wednesday to ensure all fans feel safe within their ground, they failed, as a result the capacity of that stand has been reduced. 
    Also, I recall games in the past where you wasn’t able to attend due to your Dad not being able to take you, many fans including myself have other priorities in life with family and work. I’m not sure your suggestions to send the Mrs shopping, or rearrange work shifts are that helpful to be honest.
    I realise you are trying to help and would like to see as many Derby fans inside the grounds as possible, sometimes as I say, people just have other commitments with our partners.
  23. Angry
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Wolfie20 in Wrexham is there success way over the top in the media?   
    They've lost 3 million, not 2, and that's with a 400% increase in turnover.  The money they've spent on wages at that level is ridiculous and it's not a football fairytale is my point. They don't need to be spending big transfer fees to be blowing out the competition off the pitch so they can succeed on it. Whether you agree with their right to do it is a different question and one that goes beyond the remit of the thread. 

    My main concern is their interest wanes once the excitement of owning a club goes away. If they rack up significant losses and then walk away, as owners in the past have done, then the club could be left in a sticky situation. I didn't say they'd need to spend big in League 2 and League 1, I suggested League 1 and the championship level is where they may be more likely to gamble more heavily. I stand by that approximation if they hang around Wrexham for that long. 

    My second paragraph was in response to yours about Clowes not having deep pockets. I thought that was obvious tbh. Do you honestly think the wages at Wrexham are a result of their higher attendances? I think you're simply mistaking correlation for causation tbh. There is competition and blatant unfairness which I think you're confusing. A competition would lead to a relatively even playing field giving each team a reasonable opportunity to compete against one another. I'm not sure that's what's really going on here. If you approve of Newcastle basically pimping their football team out for some sports washing good for you, personally I find it sickening. 
    Did I say the Wrexham fans should be ashamed? or the players? or the owners? 
  24. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ellafella in Identical Seasons   
    I get what you're saying. I am maybe still a bit scarred from the mauling we took at their place. Playoffs are a lottery, and if we win against Portsmouth, sneak a draw against Wednesday then we'll have hit a nice patch of form before the semi-final legs. 
  25. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to Boycie in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    You’d make a great husband mate.
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