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Leeds Ram

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  1. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from europia in Sonny Bradley   
    Yeah not to be mean about him but if he was a horse he'd be glue by now tbh. 
  2. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from DCFC Kicks in Sonny Bradley   
    Yeah not to be mean about him but if he was a horse he'd be glue by now tbh. 
  3. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Gerry Daly in Sonny Bradley   
    Yeah not to be mean about him but if he was a horse he'd be glue by now tbh. 
  4. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Adslegend in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    that collapse was largely the result of an injury crisis that battered our squad tbf
  5. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Oh god, didn't we lose that 1-4 and ended with Savage going on radio derby for a 20 minute interview which went wildly out of control? 
  6. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Sweetness34 in Sonny Bradley   
    Yeah not to be mean about him but if he was a horse he'd be glue by now tbh. 
  7. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    You can't rely on set pieces to win games at a professional level. We lacked anything from open play, devoid of quality or dangerousness they looked utterly comfortable. 
  8. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Derbados in Sonny Bradley   
    Yeah not to be mean about him but if he was a horse he'd be glue by now tbh. 
  9. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from TimRam in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    I am tempted to ask for a refund for tonight's game because I paid to watch derby county play football, but whatever it was that we served up tonight, it was not football. The first half was so timid, scared, and off the pace. We played a back 5 as the wing backs became full backs, and the midfield was so deep, leaving Laing and Collins so isolated. One of the few times we broke, Laing crossed it in and apart from Collins in the box, there was no one within 35 yards of him. Mistakes were everywhere, and Oxford looked neat and tidy but I suspect that was because we made them so. It was surprising they only scored 1 by half-time. I've seen some blame Wildsmith, but it was a hard shot high up from about 10 yards out... not sure I'd blame him for that. 

    The second half was just as much of a shambles. Oxford could have scored 3 before we got 1 back and again looked dominant. They easily beat our press and forced mistakes off the wide players, especially on the left-hand side of the pitch, where the second assist came from. Warne made a boatload of changes, so the players didn't know whether they were coming or going for half the half. Thompson managed to play both LWB and as an advanced CM in one half... what is more amazing than that is that neither is his natural position. We looked slow, clueless, and inept when we did move it forward. 
    The only time we did look threatening was from set pieces. But the lack of any threat from open play is a massive problem. There is no tempo, pattern of play, consistency, or movement. We seem to pass it around the back, then move it to the wing relying on either a run and a cross or boot it down the line hoping we'll force an error. We arguably have 2 of the strongest technical midfielders in the division, and we are completely bypassing them, nulling their strengths. Laing possesses the physical attributes to cause problems but he is being played out of position and was coming too deep today.
    The system and style of play absolutely stink. I'm not even angry, at this point it's just utterly depressing to watch us reduced to this. Warne is mismanaging a team he put together, playing to their collective weaknesses and giving the opposition such an easy time of it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a forest agent in disguise trying to get us relegated to the 4th division. I thought his post match presser was a fu**ing disgrace. Making jokes, failing to take responsibility, and being utterly blind to the reality of our performance. If he doesn't sort it out after 15 games i hope he fu**s off back to Rotherham where it increasingly looks like he belongs.
  10. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from BPV in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    You can't rely on set pieces to win games at a professional level. We lacked anything from open play, devoid of quality or dangerousness they looked utterly comfortable. 
  11. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Andicis in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Yeah, he's a winger through and through not a forward. I'd probably say if he continues with 2 up top (not sure i would) then it should be Washington and Waggy I think. I can see Washington being halfway useful if we actually play in a way that would utilise his strengths.
  12. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Zag zig in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    I am tempted to ask for a refund for tonight's game because I paid to watch derby county play football, but whatever it was that we served up tonight, it was not football. The first half was so timid, scared, and off the pace. We played a back 5 as the wing backs became full backs, and the midfield was so deep, leaving Laing and Collins so isolated. One of the few times we broke, Laing crossed it in and apart from Collins in the box, there was no one within 35 yards of him. Mistakes were everywhere, and Oxford looked neat and tidy but I suspect that was because we made them so. It was surprising they only scored 1 by half-time. I've seen some blame Wildsmith, but it was a hard shot high up from about 10 yards out... not sure I'd blame him for that. 

    The second half was just as much of a shambles. Oxford could have scored 3 before we got 1 back and again looked dominant. They easily beat our press and forced mistakes off the wide players, especially on the left-hand side of the pitch, where the second assist came from. Warne made a boatload of changes, so the players didn't know whether they were coming or going for half the half. Thompson managed to play both LWB and as an advanced CM in one half... what is more amazing than that is that neither is his natural position. We looked slow, clueless, and inept when we did move it forward. 
    The only time we did look threatening was from set pieces. But the lack of any threat from open play is a massive problem. There is no tempo, pattern of play, consistency, or movement. We seem to pass it around the back, then move it to the wing relying on either a run and a cross or boot it down the line hoping we'll force an error. We arguably have 2 of the strongest technical midfielders in the division, and we are completely bypassing them, nulling their strengths. Laing possesses the physical attributes to cause problems but he is being played out of position and was coming too deep today.
    The system and style of play absolutely stink. I'm not even angry, at this point it's just utterly depressing to watch us reduced to this. Warne is mismanaging a team he put together, playing to their collective weaknesses and giving the opposition such an easy time of it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a forest agent in disguise trying to get us relegated to the 4th division. I thought his post match presser was a fu**ing disgrace. Making jokes, failing to take responsibility, and being utterly blind to the reality of our performance. If he doesn't sort it out after 15 games i hope he fu**s off back to Rotherham where it increasingly looks like he belongs.
  13. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Andicis in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I think the poor decisions from Laing tonight were a result of 2 things. 1) He was being forced to come really deep very often and doing things he's not good at (like passing the ball more than 10 yards in the middle of the pitch) 2) the fact he and Collins were so isolated. At one point, he put a cross in, and the only person in the box was Collins, and no-one was within 30 yards of him. 

    I'm not sure we conjured a shot on target from open play tonight. That makes our attacking threat from open play not just very poor but literally non-existent. It can't go on for too much longer, he needs to change it. 
  14. Clap
    Leeds Ram reacted to Scott129 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I cannot believe you are spending what's left of your evening defending that performance.
    We were unbelievably poor and created very little.
  15. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    I am tempted to ask for a refund for tonight's game because I paid to watch derby county play football, but whatever it was that we served up tonight, it was not football. The first half was so timid, scared, and off the pace. We played a back 5 as the wing backs became full backs, and the midfield was so deep, leaving Laing and Collins so isolated. One of the few times we broke, Laing crossed it in and apart from Collins in the box, there was no one within 35 yards of him. Mistakes were everywhere, and Oxford looked neat and tidy but I suspect that was because we made them so. It was surprising they only scored 1 by half-time. I've seen some blame Wildsmith, but it was a hard shot high up from about 10 yards out... not sure I'd blame him for that. 

    The second half was just as much of a shambles. Oxford could have scored 3 before we got 1 back and again looked dominant. They easily beat our press and forced mistakes off the wide players, especially on the left-hand side of the pitch, where the second assist came from. Warne made a boatload of changes, so the players didn't know whether they were coming or going for half the half. Thompson managed to play both LWB and as an advanced CM in one half... what is more amazing than that is that neither is his natural position. We looked slow, clueless, and inept when we did move it forward. 
    The only time we did look threatening was from set pieces. But the lack of any threat from open play is a massive problem. There is no tempo, pattern of play, consistency, or movement. We seem to pass it around the back, then move it to the wing relying on either a run and a cross or boot it down the line hoping we'll force an error. We arguably have 2 of the strongest technical midfielders in the division, and we are completely bypassing them, nulling their strengths. Laing possesses the physical attributes to cause problems but he is being played out of position and was coming too deep today.
    The system and style of play absolutely stink. I'm not even angry, at this point it's just utterly depressing to watch us reduced to this. Warne is mismanaging a team he put together, playing to their collective weaknesses and giving the opposition such an easy time of it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a forest agent in disguise trying to get us relegated to the 4th division. I thought his post match presser was a fu**ing disgrace. Making jokes, failing to take responsibility, and being utterly blind to the reality of our performance. If he doesn't sort it out after 15 games i hope he fu**s off back to Rotherham where it increasingly looks like he belongs.
  16. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from BPV in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    that collapse was largely the result of an injury crisis that battered our squad tbf
  17. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    We created chances??? how many shots on target did we have? Did we actually create anything from open play...  My big concern is that we looked devoid of anything resembling dangerous play. There was no movement, no connection between midfield and attack and no patterns of play to open them up. Oxford looked so comfortable at the back except for the last 5 minutes when we threw the kitchen sink at them which still consisted of nothing more than lumping crosses in the box.
  18. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    In the context of who we were playing and given this was our first 11, it's definitely up there in the past decade. I'm struggling to remember a first half where we were so timid, so off the pace and clearly in desperate need of change apart from the covid season. It was more than a bit sh** it was an error-strewn sh** show with no grit, determination, or game plan where a third division opponent not only looked comfortable but bossed the game. 

    You don't have to agree with me on why it was bad but i do question your ability to read the game if you think that was anything other than absolutely terrible. 
  19. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I said at the time I wasn't bothered as I didn't think we were good enough to go up. However, the collapse in form was concerning and now that form looks to be turning into a trend which he doesn't have any answers to stop. 
    Did you watch the game tonight? Genuine question as that was probably the worst performance I've seen us give in the past decade and if you think otherwise you either didn't watch the game or know fu** all about football tbh. 
  20. Clap
    Leeds Ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    We're not three games in though. We are nearly 12 months in to Warne and we've been getting steadily worse since last winter. We finished last season poorly and we've started this one in even worse shape. It's not an isolated three match blip.
  21. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    I am tempted to ask for a refund for tonight's game because I paid to watch derby county play football, but whatever it was that we served up tonight, it was not football. The first half was so timid, scared, and off the pace. We played a back 5 as the wing backs became full backs, and the midfield was so deep, leaving Laing and Collins so isolated. One of the few times we broke, Laing crossed it in and apart from Collins in the box, there was no one within 35 yards of him. Mistakes were everywhere, and Oxford looked neat and tidy but I suspect that was because we made them so. It was surprising they only scored 1 by half-time. I've seen some blame Wildsmith, but it was a hard shot high up from about 10 yards out... not sure I'd blame him for that. 

    The second half was just as much of a shambles. Oxford could have scored 3 before we got 1 back and again looked dominant. They easily beat our press and forced mistakes off the wide players, especially on the left-hand side of the pitch, where the second assist came from. Warne made a boatload of changes, so the players didn't know whether they were coming or going for half the half. Thompson managed to play both LWB and as an advanced CM in one half... what is more amazing than that is that neither is his natural position. We looked slow, clueless, and inept when we did move it forward. 
    The only time we did look threatening was from set pieces. But the lack of any threat from open play is a massive problem. There is no tempo, pattern of play, consistency, or movement. We seem to pass it around the back, then move it to the wing relying on either a run and a cross or boot it down the line hoping we'll force an error. We arguably have 2 of the strongest technical midfielders in the division, and we are completely bypassing them, nulling their strengths. Laing possesses the physical attributes to cause problems but he is being played out of position and was coming too deep today.
    The system and style of play absolutely stink. I'm not even angry, at this point it's just utterly depressing to watch us reduced to this. Warne is mismanaging a team he put together, playing to their collective weaknesses and giving the opposition such an easy time of it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a forest agent in disguise trying to get us relegated to the 4th division. I thought his post match presser was a fu**ing disgrace. Making jokes, failing to take responsibility, and being utterly blind to the reality of our performance. If he doesn't sort it out after 15 games i hope he fu**s off back to Rotherham where it increasingly looks like he belongs.
  22. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to Nuwtfly in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Honestly think if someone said the grass was green on here you'd call it laughable because there's so many shades of green 
  23. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Jortat in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    I am tempted to ask for a refund for tonight's game because I paid to watch derby county play football, but whatever it was that we served up tonight, it was not football. The first half was so timid, scared, and off the pace. We played a back 5 as the wing backs became full backs, and the midfield was so deep, leaving Laing and Collins so isolated. One of the few times we broke, Laing crossed it in and apart from Collins in the box, there was no one within 35 yards of him. Mistakes were everywhere, and Oxford looked neat and tidy but I suspect that was because we made them so. It was surprising they only scored 1 by half-time. I've seen some blame Wildsmith, but it was a hard shot high up from about 10 yards out... not sure I'd blame him for that. 

    The second half was just as much of a shambles. Oxford could have scored 3 before we got 1 back and again looked dominant. They easily beat our press and forced mistakes off the wide players, especially on the left-hand side of the pitch, where the second assist came from. Warne made a boatload of changes, so the players didn't know whether they were coming or going for half the half. Thompson managed to play both LWB and as an advanced CM in one half... what is more amazing than that is that neither is his natural position. We looked slow, clueless, and inept when we did move it forward. 
    The only time we did look threatening was from set pieces. But the lack of any threat from open play is a massive problem. There is no tempo, pattern of play, consistency, or movement. We seem to pass it around the back, then move it to the wing relying on either a run and a cross or boot it down the line hoping we'll force an error. We arguably have 2 of the strongest technical midfielders in the division, and we are completely bypassing them, nulling their strengths. Laing possesses the physical attributes to cause problems but he is being played out of position and was coming too deep today.
    The system and style of play absolutely stink. I'm not even angry, at this point it's just utterly depressing to watch us reduced to this. Warne is mismanaging a team he put together, playing to their collective weaknesses and giving the opposition such an easy time of it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a forest agent in disguise trying to get us relegated to the 4th division. I thought his post match presser was a fu**ing disgrace. Making jokes, failing to take responsibility, and being utterly blind to the reality of our performance. If he doesn't sort it out after 15 games i hope he fu**s off back to Rotherham where it increasingly looks like he belongs.
  24. Clap
    Leeds Ram reacted to Justa in v Oxford United (H) Match Thread   
    Just got home and listened to Warnes interview and that’s the first time I think he’s lost it - that was awful, dreadful in every dept, we couldn’t get the basics right and the players looked lost and not happy with the way they are being asked to play.
    And Warne says the second half was ok and there were bits that pleased him ?
    There was nothing about that performance that pleased me - yes we scored a goal but it was kick and rush football by then. Yes Thompson did OK when he came on but why at wide left ?! Get him in midfield FFS !!!
    A complete inability to admit that his preferred formation is not working - everyone but the manager can see that !!
    For the first time under Warne I’m angry 😞
  25. Cheers
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Nice one Jimbo! 🙂 
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