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48 hours

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  1. Like
    48 hours reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in EFL Verdict   
    This has been my argument all along, we wouldnt have done some of our business if the EFL hadnt signed off the Amortisation policy.
    We wouldnt have signed Bielik, Jozwiak and I imagine Rooney wouldnt have been here.
    It's like being granted planning permission for an extension and then being hit with a punishment because the planners realise your house is now bigger than theirs and everyone elses.
    We need to wake up and quick, the EFL are literally doing anything and everything to destroy our football club. This is a battle of egos between Parry and Morris and our club and the fans are collateral damage.
  2. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Gaspode in EFL Verdict   
    Still don’t get how:
    - EFL rules don’t state the method of amortisation to be used
    - we submit accounts using a legitimate accounting method which the EFL accept
    - we submit 2 more years accounts using the same method which the EFL accept
    - Keiran ‘finance expert in his own head’ Maguire tells the EFL that we’re doing something different to all the other teams
    -EFL charge us over multiple issues and lose
    - EFL appeal a small part of the charges and win but now threaten to relegate us if they decide to appeal again.
    Surely their appeal was only against the fact that we’d not been clear enough in telling the EFL accountants that we’d used a different accounting technique. The fact that the latest appeal has decided we should have been fined for the issue rather than given a good telling off doesn’t legitimately leave scope for a points deduction for last season - so relegation shouldn’t even be a consideration at this stage.
    This is a vindictive statement meant to cause as much trouble as possible - at a time when all clubs are in dire straits due to COVID. Appeals from either side simply drag out this farcical process and cause more damage - the EFL need to remember they have a duty to protect all clubs and not continue to attack us just because their chief exec is best mates with a nasty little man in a Middlesbrough - particularly when they have history of letting clubs with far larger FFP breaches off the hook……
  3. Haha
    48 hours reacted to AndyinLiverpool in EFL Verdict   
    Every cloud...
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to Day in Fixtures out tomorrow…   
    Look to see who we play first, when do we play Forest, who have we got over Christmas and my Birthday then on with the rest of my day.
    Can’t say I’ve ever been “excited” over fixture releases, that kicks in when we’re a few days away from the first pre season game.
  5. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Duracell in Fixtures out tomorrow…   
    I'm looking forward to finding out exactly where our defeats will be taking place each weekend.
  6. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Spanish in Fixtures out tomorrow…   
    can't wait to see which league we will in
  7. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Jimbo Ram in When do we start to panic?   
    Have we a big fan base in the US????
  8. Sad
    48 hours reacted to alexxxxx in When do we start to panic?   
    Frankly I am worried for the future of the club. Tbh I think administration is likely at this stage. 
  9. Haha
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    New clipboards all round then ?????
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to r4derby in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    As someone who has followed the Miami Heat for about 15+ years, I will agree with some of this. He is a good owner, and he certainly tries to attract big names to the franchise, but he certainly doesn't do it himself. Pat Riley is the man they rely on to attract the big stars, and this is helped by the Miami location and tax breaks, etc. Riley was the one who got Lebron in, for instance, along with with D Wade's help. Miami have also had a number of lean years, never the worst team but certainly outside of a real chance at the playoffs. Even least season, when they reached the finals, was seen as fortunate as they seemed to be the team that adjusted the bubble the best.
    All this doesn't mean that Arison wouldn't be a good owner. He does like to employ competent, ambitious people. He backs them to make a big splash. He expects results but has a sense of realism too so wont be trigger happy. Should give any manager/coaching team time to put their plans in place.
  11. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ghost of Clough in Academy Thread 21/22   
    According to that article he feels he's now needs first team football, but 'someone' at the club doesn't think he's ready to step up.
    I have no doubt that Wassall would have offered him a contract, but he can't offer assurances of first team football.
    I'm struggling to see Forsyth cope with another season of Championship football - he was rather poor in the run in last season. If I was manager, Archie would have had an opportunity in the cups to force his way in the team, and I'd gradually increase his involvement as the season progressed.
  12. Like
    48 hours reacted to Day in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Interesting bit on Archie Brown.
    Decision to leave is understandable, probably feels he is ready, soon find out who was right.
  13. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Jimbo Ram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I think it's too much time to be honest....
  14. Like
    48 hours reacted to Day in Academy Thread 21/22   
    That picture looks odd to me. New signing announcement with a player wearing a plain white Oxford shirt, don’t see that very often.
    Usually rocking some Givenchy or Palm Angels get up 
  15. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Give or take 48 hours?
  16. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Taribo in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Think it’s just under 6 weeks until the season starts..... that’s absolutely plenty of time for the EFL to set the punishment, a takeover to be started and completed, accounts to be submitted and approved, embargo to be lifted, players to be signed and bedded in with the rest of the squad...... isn’t it???
  17. Clap
    48 hours reacted to NottsRam77 in When do we start to panic?   
    the worrying thing too is that any player worth their salt will have been snapped up way before we’ve sorted ourselves out 
  18. Angry
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in When do we start to panic?   
    What happened to breaking news takeover thread ?????
  19. Haha
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in When do we start to panic?   
    Just a quick heads up for Mel on the state of the average Rams fan.

  20. Sad
    48 hours reacted to Stuniverse in Academy Thread 21/22   
  21. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Derbados in RamsTV Subscription increased by EFL   
    That’s absolutely ridiculous, at a time where people have lost businesses, homes and livelihoods the EFL in their total inept wisdom decide to not only raise the subscription fee, they ***** well doubled it!!  
    Absolute bunch of clowns, the lot of them  
  22. Like
    48 hours reacted to nogbad van 50 in When do we start to panic?   
  23. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Rample in When do we start to panic?   
    The EFL have already cost us dearly without any formal punishments.
    Both embargos and a sense we will struggle due to any potential punishments will probably have cost us free agents/cheap additions, and likely affected the negotiations of existing players, without mentioning the inability to plan beyond the end of last season, and now still living in relative limbo.
    The ridiculously protracted FFP/Keogh saga has hung over us for 18 months now, and will have cast a shadow of uncertainty that will be felt throughout the club, that has to have an affect on the pitch, as well as keeping genuine buyers at a distance.
    I sense in terms of current ownership its probably worn Mel down to a point he just can't be bothered any more, yes maybe he antagonised them first, but they do seem to be on a mission to drag everything out as long as possible for maximum effect.
    Its absolutely imperative that any new owners start to repair the damage and get us out of this cycle.
  24. Clap
    48 hours reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in When do we start to panic?   
    If part of our defence against any sanctions from the DC isn't "You have already cost us dearly with your constant embargoes and the frankly ludicrous amount of time this has taken" then it definitely should be.
    Another transfer window swallowed up by the EFL and their meandering, glacial paced incompetence.
  25. Like
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in When do we start to panic?   
    Our new French keeper ??
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