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48 hours

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  1. Haha
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in EFL Verdict   
    They’ve got pavements ??
  2. Like
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in EFL Verdict   
    Rick Parry ??
  3. Clap
    48 hours reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    We're in constant cycle of nonsense until the EFL put a stop to it. A takeover likely wont happen until the inevitable appeal from the EFL is concluded. Nobody with a fully functional head would buy a football club at this point not knowing which division it will be in. You'd have to have rocks for brains to buy us unless the EFL actually turn around and say "if you take over we will not appeal". 
    The EFL process could take weeks or months, a time in which we are in a state of paralysis. If the appeal doesn't go the EFL's way they will no doubt look to drag it out beyond even that somehow and on we go, round and round ad nauseam.
    For a governing body that professes to look out for its member clubs they do an absolutely shocking job of looking out for its member clubs. 
  4. Haha
    48 hours reacted to GenBr in Starting line up for the first game of the season.   
    Other than up front and at centre back it doesn't look to bad. We'll ship loads of goals and won't score any again, but other than that we should be alright. 
  5. Like
    48 hours reacted to DCFC1388 in EFL Verdict   
    I dont think the EFL have actually done anything wrong with regards the interchangeable fixtures. These would have been decided a while ago, before the IDC decision was announced so this is actually forward thinking from the EFL for once, even if its never been done before. There were 4 scenarios from the IDC result -
    1. Both us & the EFL are happy = no appeal
    2. EFL happy, we're not = we appeal
    3. We're happy, EFL arent = EFL appeal
    4. Neither are happy = both appeal
    So the interchangeable fixtures were created due to a 75% chance an appeal could be made and the divisional swap may or may not happen. If they hadnt done this then lets say 2 days before the season started it turned out we changed division, imagine the nightmare of having to sort the fixtures out. It could have been we were relegated to League 1 by the IDC, appealed and reinstated to the Championship, either way this needed to be done. I think the timing of the IDC result made it look worse but I reckon if we hadnt got the result when we did the interchangeable fixtures would still have been announced but with a comment saying we are just waiting on the IDC decision.
  6. Clap
    48 hours got a reaction from Pearl Ram in EFL Verdict   
    ... and me !
  7. Like
    48 hours reacted to Long Time Lurker in EFL Verdict   
    Eaton Ram's reference to Rams Trust has made me wonder whether we could get something out of the EFL through a letter along the lines of the one sent to the Club recently signed by Rams Trust, Punjabi Rams, Ryan Hills etc.  The letter could ask the EFL:
    How their approach meets with their stated aim of protecting clubs, particularly in respect of Derby.  Can they give any examples of where they have acted in good faith towards the club? What reassurances they can offer to DCFC staff whose jobs are under threat through the continued uncertainty Can they explain why an accounting technicality should lead to people losing their livelihoods, even when those people have had nothing to do with accounting procedures etc Is it their intention to continually appeal against any decision that does not go their way?  If so, can the explain the moral justification for such an approach? Can they also provide justification for deciding to reject an accounting practice that they had previously accepted when signing off the accounts?  Do they feel any responsibility for having made what they now seem to consider an error, and if so what redress are they making as a result? what, if any responsibility, do they feel towards the fans of DCFC, and do they understand the effect their actions are having on at least some of them? They have been reported to be keen to see Derby relegated.  Can they explain to the Derby fanbase whether this is in fact the case, and if so, their justification for acting in such a way? Etc Etc I think a letter coming from specific groups rather than an individual stands a better chance of getting a response.  That response is very likely to be that it's all Derby's fault, and that people will lose their jobs etc due to the clubs actions etc, they have to be fair to the other clubs blah blah.  However, it may be worth a try?
  8. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in EFL Verdict   
    I’m in, I think this is a great idea 
  9. Like
    48 hours reacted to Eatonram in EFL Verdict   
    This seemed to get at least a bit of support in principle. Would for example Rams Trust pick this up? Needs an organisation with existing banking facilities and contacts in the media. If it got going my money would be there before the end of the day. Even if it fails the money could go to the charities named and would still be a positive story where the EFL could be named and shamed. 
  10. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in EFL Verdict   
    It probably doesn't yet!  Give it a few days!  ?
  11. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Reggie Greenwood in EFL Verdict   
    Mels problem is health not wealth. According to last rich list I saw he has same amount 500 odd million as when he took over. He has stated and I take him on his word ( I know others won’t ) that he will fund the club until a takeover happens. I take funding as keeping the club as a going concern doubt any big transfer budget just trading as we go. We have a low wage bill comparatively now so can’t see it being a big issue. 
    Also as I understand it ( and I could be wrong ) the way the club is set up any debts are Mel’s not DCFC ?  
  12. Haha
    48 hours reacted to RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    Rick Parry must launch an investigation into MFC being unfairly disadvantaged by Mel Morris not stopping him from hiring Tony Pulis. "Many championship chairmen are livid that DCFC haven't been punished"
  13. Haha
    48 hours reacted to RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    ...and someone needs to tell Gibson that it's not our fault he thought employing tony pulis was a good idea.
  14. Sad
    48 hours reacted to ziggyram59 in EFL Verdict   
    It's obvious the EFL have a big Vendetta against Derby all I will say on the issue is I've been a Rams supporter since 1971 seen the glory days and the bad days but if the EFL relegate us and we end up in League 1 next season then that's me finished with football this all stinks of politics between Parry and Gibson. Mel Morris I feel as just destroyed our club. 
  15. Like
    48 hours reacted to angieram in EFL Verdict   
    Agree wholly with the first part of your post.
    However, it makes me want to stand up and be counted in support of my club. 
  16. Haha
    48 hours reacted to JfR in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Chuffed with this
    Also, hopefully the new contract means he can buy his own bike and not have to borrow his little sister's
  17. Like
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Great stuff. 
    Further down that thread:
  18. Like
    48 hours reacted to Stuniverse in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Some good news at last. Hurray!
  19. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Raich Carter in EFL Verdict   
    Just a thought but filing accounts is a legal requirement for HMRC. EFL, no matter who they think they are, do not have the same powers as HMRC so I'm not sure that, legally speaking, DCFC are obliged to re-file. They could generate a new set of accounts based on the preferred practises of the EFL for the EFL but legally, they're not allowed to instruct DCFC to re-submit accounts - only the HMRC can do that. Obviously they can do under the guise of membership to the league, etc but they don't have the legal standing to demand that sort of stuff.
    And it is very obviously a set-up. As soon as the new accounts are submitted, based on 'normal' amortisation, then they'll come back at us and gives us a points deduction - they have to to save face. This is gonna rumble on for ages and as has been said, it's a massive cloud over the club for both us and potential signings. This is already damaging enough so there needs to be some mediation here to get it done and dusted. 
    The EFL are utterly feckless. Despite thinking they're hard and tough, they're just playing at it. If they really wanted to nip this whole thing in the bud then kick us out of the league to stop it happening again. At times, I think I'd rather than than this death by a thousand cuts.  
  20. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Wolfie in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    This saga now just comes across as a vindictive face-saving exercise by the EFL and payback for all Mel's sniping at them over the years. We've made it easy for them by streching and bending the rules - giving them a convenient stick to beat us with.
    You're not telling me that we accidentally used an accounting practice that no other club uses and then failed to highlight it properly in our submitted paperwork.
    Mel & everyone else at DCFC thought they were cleverer than the EFL, which probably is the case but if you continually tread on the beast's tail, you're gonna get bitten at some point.
  21. Like
    48 hours reacted to Rammy03 in EFL Verdict   
    But does it though? The accounts were signed off. There was no problem. If there was, I am sure there are many of things the club wouldn't have done. You cannot say it's fine and then a year later say actually no it's not. As much as I question the way the club has been run, this is EFL incompetence.
  22. Like
    48 hours reacted to angieram in EFL Verdict   
    If the EFL do appeal this verdict, thus placing us in yet another transfer embargo while it is sorted, then the club should be shouting out the unfair treatment from every rooftop.
    The restrictions placed on our ability to trade over several seasons now are as much of a punishment as any points deduction. Surely no-one still believes that the EFL haven't got it in for us?
    Fans of other clubs laughing at us might do well to remember it might be their turn next. Once the EFL have succeeded in destroying us they will turn to someone else.
  23. Like
    48 hours reacted to Gaspode in EFL Verdict   
    And that’s the crazy part - they appealed the part of the original charge that said we weren’t clear enough in explaining to the EFL that we were using a different accounting method - thereby admitting that their own processes were too lax to spot the difference in accounting methods, yet they think that we should have a point deduction because they were too incompetent to sign off the accounts correctly….. what an absolute bunch of winkers they are….. 
  24. Like
    48 hours reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in EFL Verdict   
    Actually it's like the police telling you it's ok that your speedo is 10mph out and then the police fining you for it a year later.
  25. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Brammie Steve in EFL Verdict   
    No way will he walk.
    What does he pay a chauffeur for?
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