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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jubbs said:


    This picture always amuses me. How can Wycombe fans categorically say that is not offside? With this being the only camera angle too, from the side-line this will be a lot closer than they make out.

    I reckon he was onside to be honest but I agree there is no way of telling for sure. We had a really bad offside call against Huddersfield that same season and ended up losing the game. This is as clear as they get. 3.30 in the video.


  2. 12 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Not just a nob with us then. Collect thousands for his charity- don't like em.  Non league side get exited about a possible game v Spurs - don't like em.  Invade the pitch and headbutt  me in the face -  no problem, how much do you want your arse kissing.

    This fellas special. 

    Bit of a funny one isn't he. Why does he get wound up over things like this. They're a non league side who are excited about their run in the FA cup. You were lucky to get a replay from the first leg.

  3. 23 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Don’t know if it was a planned decision. If you’re offered Haaland, you take it, every time, and you fit him in somewhere. It’s a brave man that says, ‘you know what, we didn’t need Haaland, he’ll only make us worse.’

    He hasn't made them worse. I just think some of their other players have dropped off it. Something just isn't quite right there at the moment. Cancelo's exit suggests just that. I think to say man city have got worse because of Haaland is a nonsense comment.

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