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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 2 minutes ago, Blondest Goat said:

    I totally agree but Forest Green couldn't play through our press.  West ham could.  That shouldn't surprise anyone.

    Whatever you think of their performances this year west hams players are miles better than ours.   Better technically, fitter, faster, stronger.

    The timing of the goals meant they were able to sit back and keep us at arm's length.   It didn't look great for us and we never looked like laying a glove on them but you can't just put that on our players.  The quality of the opponent comes into it too.

    I don't think we did press like we usually do that's my point. We were lethargic. Aside from that I agree. They sat back and we couldn't get anything going.

  2. Just now, Blondest Goat said:

    They played through our press with relative ease.  Just as you would expect them to do.

    I just thought we weren't very good in the final third.  We've had games like that in league one and the opposition have gifted us chances.  West ham didn't.

    The opposition have gifted us chances in League one because we press the life out of them. We didn't get near West ham tonight. We just looked a bit off it. A lackluster performance which was compounded by goals conceded at bad times in the game. We huffed and puffed but couldn't muster anything of note.

  3. 2 minutes ago, KBB said:

    On to the proper games on Saturday. Poor performance but no disgrace in going out to a prem team and not playing your best. Let's not dig out players or managers for this one game.

    Saying it's a poor performance where we lacked our usual intensity isn't digging out the players and the manager. It's how many of us saw the game. I'm disappointed but we move.

  4. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Nope. That wasn't the Derby we've seen most of the season. We didn't play well. Nothing to do with them, they threatened very little but we threatened less. Poor from us, where was the pace the closing down them attacking? All of which is nothing to do with them.

    I completely agree. This was nothing to do with West ham. The easy thing to say is that the premier League quality showed except it didn't. A couple of well taken goals but they weren't absolutely fantastic. They just did enough. We didn't put them under anywhere near enough pressure or cause them any problems. We didn't get at them or press like we do other teams. That's nothing to do with the opposition, that's on us. We weren't good enough tonight and got beat. But it wasn't anything to do with how good West ham were.

  5. 1 minute ago, Derbados said:

    We’ve been far, far too open. At Liverpool we were much more pragmatic and hit in the counter, tonight we’ve tried to match them on attacking play and they’ve just carved through us. 

    it’s naive and its cost us 

    We conceded at really bad times tonight as well

  6. 1 minute ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Class tells. WHU might be crap in the Premier League but their multi million pound players are just too good for us 

    Don't even think it's that. If we had played better and truly put them under some pressure it wouldn't be about the class of the West ham players. They've had it easy

  7. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Interesting to know what people think Warne should have done differently tonight? Or in his position what would you have done?

    I think we’ll hear comments after the match about the occasion getting to the lads, just not being at our normal levels, West Ham’s extra quality being the difference…all of which seems fairly accurate from what I’ve seen.
    I’m not too upset with losing an FA Cup tie to a premier league side, we can focus fully on the league now. What is concerning are the injuries to Bird and McGoldrick as we can’t spare them ? 

    Warne said that we will play the same way yet it hasn't appeared like that. Appreciate it's higher opposition but we haven't got at them in the same way we do in the league. We've almost looked lethargic. Not blaming Warne for the performance, at the end of the day it's the players on the pitch

  8. 5 minutes ago, vonwright said:

    Games like this make you realise the gulf between being a (very) good League One team and being competitive at a higher level. We've not played particularly well but they have got a lot more quality in pretty much every position. 

    It's going to be a long journey back. 


    We knew that before the game. We just haven't played well enough or caused them enough problems. End of. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Nice to see balanced coverage from ITV, unless I’ve missed something so far we’ve had the draw for the next round followed by them commenting on it being potentially a good away tie for West Ham, an interview with Moyes, a flashback to them winning the cup at Wembley in 1980, Joe Cole and Eni Aluko talking about West Ham’s lineup and their struggles this season, a bit about Michail Antonio and the fact he might want to leave for regular football after 8 years….? 

    Two pundits who don't know anything about League one 

  10. 48 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Didn't he have an injury he never really recovered from? Seem to remember Cocu saying something about it hurting him to just kick the ball with any force.

    Yeah I think Jack said that in a podcast one time

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