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    archram reacted to On the Ram Page in Derby v Lincoln City   
    I have no problems at all it you having your views and opinions, just as I have mine - that’s what the world is about thank goodness. What I do hate are comments like “and it is down to the way the team are being asked, nay told to play - out wide, cross it”. You do not know how they have been told to play, you are purely guessing based on your bias and non-objectivity. Our poor performance in the 1st half, I think, was down to out inability to pass the ball with quality, control the football properly, people not moving to receive the ball and therefore getting tackled. The opposition, as another poster remarked, packed midfield and made space at a premium. An obvious answer is to try and attack down the wings. Unfortunately our passing and crossing when we got the chance was of poor quality.
    Again, my opinion - not fact, I think Ward was shown an example of, by being substituted at half time, in a like for like change. Wilson struggled early on, but currently has more confidence to keep taking player on (than Ward) and this made a difference. Two of our goals came from crosses into the box, the first and second goals. I also don’t like the balance in midfield wher we tend to be too open. I personally would like to see Fornah as the defensive midfielder, as he is more mobile and can win the ball. Hourahan could possibly then link up by playing in the middle. I think Bird has done ok in the advance position and has been involved in some lovely passing movements which have lead to goals a month or two back. But the balance isn’t right and I am not sure we currently have the players to get it right.
    In summary, I have opinions but I do not spout them as being factually correct. You may be right that Warne tells them not to pass to midfielders, only to wingers or whack it down the field, but I am sure that is not the case. He seems as frustrated as the fans that we are not playing better. I think Warne gets a bad press on here, when I think the players have to take a lot more responsibility for their performances.
  2. Like
    archram reacted to angieram in Pick a pinyata   
    What a pinyata?
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    archram reacted to Anag Ram in Next 3   
    Have we forgotten the spirit of B4 already?
  4. Haha
    archram reacted to Tamworthram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    They were probably pink before he had his way.
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    archram reacted to RYRAM in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Was thinking this myself. 
    Do it for us all derby DO IT FOR B4!!
    Get back in the championship 💪 
    Didn't no him personally but after the match yesterday found myself thinking of him amazing really 
  6. Like
    archram reacted to Steve How Hard? in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Someone alluded to this in last nights match thread and I think they're spot on. It's no coincidence that his passing has coincided with the unbeaten run we're on.
    He's definitely having some influence from above. I wouldn't be surprised if he's convinced the good Lord to allow him to paint the pearly gates black and white. Keep up the good work B4. 
    Of course, as the initial poster said, @B4’s Sister starting the match day threads is also having a big influence too. 
  7. Like
    archram reacted to RodleyRam in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    I've only just twigged B4 was the same age as me and it's really hit me. Amazing how many people he influenced in his all too short time. Definitely puts things in perspective and makes me want to look on the bright side much more often and be less of a grumpy sod! Rams are doing you proud lad.
  8. Haha
    archram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Rammie being his dad would explain a lot.
  9. Like
    archram reacted to Comrade 86 in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Not seeing it. I think he's a little weary as he seems a man who lives on his nerves and I think he's letting folk know how he feels with some honesty, nothing more. In fairness, would you not be somewhat defensive given the absolute pelters the man gets from some. I mean look at this forum - we're meant to be 'supporters' on here yet some folk can't even help the odd snidey even after 6 wins from 7. Why would he be happy? He knows he can't win, no matter how hard he works and it must be hateful and quite exhausting and while we all put our feet up, he has a tricky and hectic schedule to navigate with little or no time for him and the lads to rest and little or no thanks for doing it. Not referring to you btw the way, just addressing the 'odd' bit and you'll know whom I'm talking about with the rest.
  10. Like
    archram reacted to Archied in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Oh come on kash you know the deal , if warne is upbeat and seems to overate the performance it’s a stick to beat him with , he does the opposite and isn’t too pleased with the performance it’s a stick to beat him with 🤷🏻‍♂️
    jeez we’ve been told he is jovial to cover the fact he’s a fraud at this management lark and he knows it 😂😂,
    his job is to get us promoted and it seems to me he’s having a stab at it ,, personally I quite like the bloke based on what I get to see , I also think he knows he is giving a bit back to the over the top faction who grow more and more frustrated and in some cases even hateful with him and the team getting results , fair play to him , I hope to be bouncing when he starts the bounce when we get auto spot or win play off final at Wembley 
  11. Haha
    archram reacted to Comrade 86 in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Hark at Facty McFactFace, with your powers of rational observation. Well look here sunshine, as a relatively new member of the forum, you are afforded the one pass, but I'm afraid that's done now and I must now insist that you observe forum traditions for all future posts and stick to whingy hyperbole. Nit-picking is acceptable in the advent of us scoring 3 or more goals, but if you fail to identify something to moan about on all other occasions, you're not trying hard enough. FWIW, forum protocols dictate that you may loosely refer to 'feeling mildly upbeat', but the more tangentially you express such notions, the better as happy people make unhappy people even less happy and we can't have happy folk making unhappy folk even unhappier, can we? Top tip; try following any vaguely positive remark up with a negative conditioner, for example; "Yeah, I know that we won 4-0 today and we've won 6 from 7, scoring bucketloads, but Louie Sibley...." Works a treat!
    For future reference, if at anytime you fear that you are once again succumbing to any feelings of even mild positivity, please just consider that we'd never beat Man City with this lot of cloggers and you should find your yin instantly realigned with your yang. On the rare occasions this does not work, I usually try to visualise Margaret Thatcher in her undies as I find that a rage / nausea combo is a quite effective buzzkill. That said, I'd only advise using this technique when literally all else fails.
    A last word on your ridiculously positive end-note; please see my reaction to that below, as expressed through the medium of GIF.
    86 x

  12. Like
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    This 👌.
    Reading what some people say about our recruitment baffles me. Yes it could have been better, there’s always potential for improvement, but it’s hardly been terrible.
    We’ve signed one who hasn’t lived up to the hype (Bradley) but has still come in and done a job as part of the second best(?) defence in the league.
    A couple more have been hard to observe due to injury. But the rest have added strength and depth to the squad in my opinion, with the likes of Washington and Waghorn playing their part in picking up points earlier in the season. With them returning from injury and hopefully some strengthening in January there’s as much chance of us pushing on up the table as there is dropping down it, guess it’s down to how you choose to see the world. 
  13. Haha
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in Derby v Lincoln City   
    It is B4’s Dad (as far as we’re aware, we did get a new milkman around the same time though 😂)
  14. Like
    archram reacted to B4’s Sister in Derby v Lincoln City   
    It’s a long way to Lincoln when you’re 💩 That chant made me laugh 😂 Enjoyed the match tonight. Had a pic with Rammie too 🐏 

  15. Like
    archram reacted to Archied in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Will take that , yes we are frustrating at times and that’s not down to warne it’s down to the players who just at times pass very poorly , there’s a reason we don’t play through the middle much , it’s because we hit poor passes and players are drawn to the ball rather than moving intelligently to create space and options , it’s not all on warne demanding the ball wide every time , then we have little spells where we click and don’t force it and hey presto we look like a team , bloody shame that last minute penalty for Wycombe 😡,
    the haters popped in again briefly tonight I see , I mean ffs some people really need to get a grip , Paul warne is a football manager , he’s doing an ok job at worst and on top of that it’s clear he is a decent kind of human being , the crap aimed at him from some on here is beyond the pale 
  16. Like
    archram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby v Lincoln City   
    What Sibley did was exactly what Bird and Fornah don't.  Give a defence something to be concerned with, by running at them 40 yards from goal rather than collecting sideways on and moving slowly.  it's shifting them from a a comfortable position in their own third and making space.  Sometimes he's better at it than at other times but I can't see any benefit in him sitting on his arse watching Fornah looking like Bambi on ice for an hour. He's a better player.
  17. Like
    archram reacted to Anag Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    First half was awful, punctuated by Hourihane’s fine strike. 
    Nobody was demanding the ball, particularly in the midfield, which meant we went sideways or long.
    No danger from them but Ward just isn’t a defender and his tackle was dumb.
    Second half started slow again but Wilson raised the tempo, as did Sibley, and gradually players started to wake up.
    Wish we could play with that intensity from the start. We have a reasonable squad now and can afford to give players a breather.
    Lovely to see Thompson back.
    Glad I travelled up from Bristol. Hotel bed beckons 😊
  18. Haha
    archram reacted to Eddie in Derby v Lincoln City   
    I assure you I don't know him.
  19. Haha
    archram reacted to BathRam72 in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Wouldn't that make him Jane Collins?
  20. Haha
    archram reacted to Eddie in Derby v Lincoln City   
    I took one for the team.
  21. Like
    archram reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    B4’s Sisters matchday record.
    Played 6, Won 5, Drawn 1, Goals For 13, Goals Against 3
    …………….……think someone somewhere is pulling a few strings! 👍🐏
  22. Like
    archram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Comfortable 3-1 win in the end, we weren’t quite at it first half but were the better side and would have deserved a 1-0 lead…but for Ward’s rush of blood. Credit to Warne for bringing Wilson on, he made a big difference after the team started the second half slowly, goal and an assist probably make him man of the match ahead of the rock solid Nelson and blocking machine Cashin.
    2 lovely goals either side of Wilson’s deft flick. Minutes for Elder, Thompson, TJJ is another plus. 
    Up to third, one point off second (2 if Bolton win on Sat), 6 wins and a draw in the last 7….it’s not bad going really for me. 🐏 
  23. Like
    archram reacted to REDCAR in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Find it strange that nothing on the official site about his departure..?
    I’m sorry for Red Dawn, it’s his club end of the day and contributes on the forum respectfully, so I’ll spare a thought.
    A shame when the fans have such a strong connection with the manager and they leave. When was the last time that happened to us?
    Jim Smith??
  24. Like
    archram reacted to davenportram in Free Xmas present for a kid   
    First things first this not a scam. Long time member - used to be a moderator - drifted away now slowly getting drawn back in.
    In a story too long to tell I have a spare YL (youth Large?) away shirt (blue and black check)
    Should fit an 8/9 year old.
    anybody want it DM me - I should be at the game on Thursday if not I could arrange postage.
    just thought there might be someone on here who could do with a little goodwill this time of year.
  25. Haha
    archram reacted to maxjam in Max Bird   
    Has no one said it yet?  Okay then...
    Tell them £25m with 20% add on.
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