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  1. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Sorry ,just doesn’t work , we are either all in this together or we are not , you can’t have the ordinary mass being nailed to the cross and the rich / lucky / privileged tearing the ass out of standards they expect / preach / force others to live by , you either want to change the world and how we live or you don’t , 
  2. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Point 1 ,, there really isn’t any kind of choice at the ballot box 
    point 2, if some hypocritical clown tries to forcibly stop me from going about my normal law abiding business then I have the right to forcibly remove them ( general to all people ) 
    laughed my nuts off a couple of days ago with one of these self blind clowns doing an interview on tv from his kitchen , you couldn’t believe the amount of unnecessary luxury appliances on view around him ,
    if it’s real then I’m up for being onboard, if it’s pretending we are saving the planet by outsourcing all we do, use , buy , no longer produce ourselves but import then I’m not, we live in a world where the likes of Elton John flies prince Harry around on privates jets but it’s just fine and dandy because he plants some trees ????????, ffs don’t do the private jet stuff and plant the trees anyway ??‍♂️,
    greta ?  She refuses to fly to her latest protest / conference and borrows a multi millions yacht to get there instead ,,, why aren’t we all being this responsible and sensible? Did the yatchs owners fly instead ? 
    damaging property that has to be replaced , causing miles of traffic jams that spew out far more pollution,,, brains of rocking horses these clowns
  3. Clap
    Archied reacted to JoetheRam in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Is it worth asking why China and India produce so much CO2?
    Manufacturing a large percentage of the crap that western consumers buy might be part of the reason? I mean they're not just burning resources for no reason are they?
    Let's not kid ourselves that we don't just outsource our emissions (or even our carefully sorted recycling).
    Capitalism requires continual growth to sustain itself and until it finds a way to exist without destroying the planet (my internal Commie says this is impossible, internal optimist says it might happen), or an as yet undeveloped, superior system is found, then we're not going to solve anything.
  4. Clap
    Archied reacted to maxjam in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Pretty much yup. 
    China used more coal in 2020 than the UK has used in total since 1978 and its due to build approx another 500 coal power stations by 2030.  We could reduce our carbon output to 0% but it would have little effect on world CO2 emissions whilst crippling our economy and way of life in the meantime. 
    Do I believe that climate change is real?  Sure.  Do I think we should do something about it?  Yup.  But its not the average bloke in the street that is the problem is it?  Its the jet set elite class that fly around the world virtue signalling and developing nations that XR and Greta would never dare to protest in.
  5. Clap
    Archied reacted to Boycie in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Just me thinking some climate change protesters started a few small fires?
    only the south east isn’t it?  Was 40 deg in Stratford earlier where I was working 
  6. Clap
    Archied reacted to Alph in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    I'm very confident that doing things like this has the opposite effect of raising awareness or support. 
    It does the opposite. It makes them look like the kind of attention seeking maniacs that spread conspiracy theories online all day. The Area51 the government are keeping aliens secret types. 
    That's what they achieve. Turning something valid into something people will look at, shake their heads, call them loons and move on. 
    They're not inspiring us or opening up conversations. They're creating barriers. 
    A bit like the "if you're not anti racist then you're racist/ silence is violence" type stuff with BLM. 
    Alienating people you want to win over is bizarre tactic which could lead us into the debates we had with Putin being pure evil or having valid concerns. 
    You just can't alienate people and expect their understanding 
  7. Haha
    Archied reacted to BaaLocks in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    It's not quite that simple though is it? We have evidence that is beyond deniable that our climate is changing so the simple question that faces us now (and it is not a question, sadly, that you and I can answer) is "knowing all of this, do we want to do anything about it - recognising it will likely impact significantly the way we all live our lives?"
    And this is where I do have some sympathy with Extinction Rebellion - as I see it they are trying to shake us up and give us the shock we need to actually do something about it. If we don't then it does look like we will leave a planet behind for our descendants that will struggle to support us all in the way we live today - with all the consequences that will bring. I could get all aloof and snotty and ask if it really worth the extra HD television, skiing holiday, third car for the weekend and other things that many might consider unnecessary given the likely impact. But, as said earlier, we (nearly) all think what we do is necessary - I travel up to see Derby on the train, I will buy a new car in the next couple of years, I leave the lights on sometimes and forget.
    Again, either we (the human race) do something about it or we don't - and every evidence suggests that the collective view of humanity today is that the new television is worth it, our kids can figure out the mess, we don't really need polar bears anyway. Extinction Rebellion are simply trying to force the discussion, given that forty years of trying to do it via conventional routes has had pretty much no impact.
  8. Clap
    Archied reacted to NottsRam in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    If they became extinct i wouldn't really be bothered.  
  9. Clap
    Archied reacted to Bob The Badger in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Just because you're breaking the law doesn't mean you're being smart about your resources or being effective.
    They're hardly throwing themselves under race horses ffs. This will change nothing, just create more polarisation.
    I'm in agreement with much of what they say, but this is juvenile.
    How about they figure out a way to break the law by, say, stealing insulation and installing it in pensioners homes. Or something actually creative that will raise awareness AND get people on their side?

  10. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from MackworthRamIsGod in Kemar Roofe   
    Did the verge edge roofing pun go over your head?
  11. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from jono in Kemar Roofe   
    Yep the above is exactly how I felt when I heard this news
  12. Haha
    Archied reacted to Miggins in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    'Speaks well' is a bit vague, I guess. 
    I thought he came across as especially articulate and he seemed comfortable and confident speaking in front of the camera. He seems to be an excellent communicator and he expressed his knowledge of the game, his plans and his opinions clearly and in an enthusiastic and engaging manner.
    OMG!!   Sounds like a flippin' school report!!!   ?
    Ah well. Once a teacher...?
    I think I'll just stick to 'speaks well'. X
  13. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Patrick Rams in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  14. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  15. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  16. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Miggins in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  17. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from DavesaRam in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  18. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Ewetube in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  19. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from Kathcairns in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  20. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from i-Ram in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Dunt matter anyroad duck 
  21. Sad
    Archied reacted to BaaLocks in Paul Ryder RIP   
    If you're of a certain age you will clearly remember just how new and fun the Happy Mondays were as a band. They sounded like nothing that had been before. Paul Ryder, bass player and brother of Shaun (described by Tony Wilson as Britain's best poet since W B Yeats) was a pillar of that sound and 58 is no age, even with the amount of over indulgences they all partook of.
  22. Clap
    Archied reacted to RoyMac5 in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Except Stretton nearly scoring and doing really well holding the ball up, and Sibley looking lively and setting up Stretton. Yeah, okay.
  23. Like
    Archied reacted to Miggins in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    It's so good to be back on the forum and reading discussions about teams and football again. I read all the above comments and I feel like I've arrived back in my football home!! ☺️
  24. Haha
    Archied got a reaction from BatRam in George Nunn - signed a 2 year deal   
    Not driving you crackers ?
  25. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Season Tickets 2022-23   
    The only answers I can see to this problem either a dedicated area for disabled fans or a discount for disabled fans for any area they choose 
    to be fair there will be plenty of non disabled fans who are not as financially well off as some disabled fans ,it’s a tough one to find a totally fair solution , I’m not sure it’s fair to say it’s disabled fans being discriminated against as I’m sure the new pricing policy affects the cost of tickets for many more fans that are not disabled 
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