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Bob The Badger

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  1. Clap
    Bob The Badger reacted to Wolfie20 in Watchable telly   
    Based on positive comments on here I've started watching Spiral and now part way through series 3. It's superb and the Gilou character is brilliant. On BBC i-player and highly recommend it.
  2. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Rev in Watchable telly   
    The writing gets better as it goes along.
  3. Clap
    Bob The Badger reacted to Rev in Watchable telly   
    The present Mrs Rev and I have started watching Succession, and are loving it so far. 
    Brain off, enjoy the dialogue and acting.
    The general bitchiness and one upmanship we all secretly wish we could indulge in but are too polite to do ourselves, laid out for our entertainment. 
  4. Sad
    Bob The Badger reacted to BaaLocks in Paul Ryder RIP   
    If you're of a certain age you will clearly remember just how new and fun the Happy Mondays were as a band. They sounded like nothing that had been before. Paul Ryder, bass player and brother of Shaun (described by Tony Wilson as Britain's best poet since W B Yeats) was a pillar of that sound and 58 is no age, even with the amount of over indulgences they all partook of.
  5. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to Stive Pesley in Paul Ryder RIP   
    I saw them many times circa 1988/89 and loved all the stuff up until the Madchester EP. After that I thought they became a bit too self aware and started to become predictable and a victim of their own success
    I remember one particular gig at Trent Poly, we saw them in the bar and sat with them. Tried to make conversation but it was quickly apparent that they were tripping their nuts off!
    The gig was in the big room downstairs (which was a surprise as we'd seen Inspiral Carpets and Stone Roses around the same time and they were playing the smaller upstairs room). The sound was incredible and particularly Paul's amazing bass. He was always the lynchpin of their sound for me
    The gig ended up with them fighting on stage ?
  6. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Mucker1884 in What is the point of fancy dress at sporting events?   
    I can loan you a sombrero, if that helps?  
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
  10. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to maxjam in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    I met a non-binary gold prospector once.
    Struck it rich in them/their hills.
  11. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Hans Datdo-Dishes in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Was that Cocu's backroom staff? 
  12. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Sponsorship   
    That isn't how advertising works or is meant to work..
    Most advertising is for brand awareness, not necessarily to increase use and/or consumption. This is especially the case with mature markets.
    It can sometime be to raise awareness fro new brands or market segments, but the vast majority isn't done for that purpose.
    Almost everybody thinks they're immune to advertising and almost nobody is. That is its real power.
    As Keyser Soze said in The Usual Suspects, the greatest trick the devil ever played was to make people think he doesn't exist. That is EXACTLY what advertising does on people like you mate. 
    Personally, I hope we avoid betting companies and alcohol companies too.
    The reality is that alcohol destroys a LOT more lives than betting does, but we are mostly ok with that.
    I wonder why?
    France banned alcohol advertising in sport 20+ years ago. But sport didn't suffer. And in conjunction with reducing the breath limit for driving from 80 down to 50 they halved the cases of death from cirrhosis and massively reduced drink related deaths.
  13. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from BatRam in Sponsorship   
  14. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from europia in Sponsorship   
    Freedom of choice has actually never been a human need.
    That's a myth steeped in ignorance and privilege. 
    Hunter gathers had no choice whether to hunt or gather.
    It was hunt or die.
    Drink this clean water or die.
    And in other times, fight (or join the army) or die.
    Or pay taxes or die (or at least lose you liberty)
    Should we not have banned Coca-cola from adding cocaine to their drinks or given them the freedom of choice and people the freedom of choice whether to but it?
    And should we have allowed opium dens and the rampant use of heroin to have spread by allowing people to make their own choices?
    Was it wrong to make it illegal for people to drive whilst drunk or to have to wear a seatbelt? Or should they have had a choice?
    Perhaps we shouldn't have insisted airlines perform proper maintenance or screen luggage for bombs and given people the choice whether to risk their lives or not?
    We are controlled and persuaded, but it's largely because we're ducking idiots who would self destruct in the pursuit of pleasure otherwise. 
    As you were.
  15. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from sage in RIP Pete Shelley   
    I can only recall 3 celebrity deaths that impacted me to any extent. Or at leats negatively.
    Comedian, Greg Giraldo (not known over here, but Google Midlife Vices if you want the best stand up set ever delivered), Robin Williams and Pete Shelley.
    All were known for being really nice and caring people as well as incredible artists.
    The Buzzcocks were the best band I ever saw live and my only regret is that I only saw them once, way back in 1979.
    Everybody's Happy Nowadays often gets overlooked as a classic Buzzcocks track and was panned at the time because it was so much less commercial than Ever Fallen in Love With, but it's up there with any of them.
    I know it cooler to like the Spiral Scratch era stuff, but Love Bites was (imho) one of the greatest pop/punk albums ever made.
  16. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from GB SPORTS in RIP Pete Shelley   
    I can only recall 3 celebrity deaths that impacted me to any extent. Or at leats negatively.
    Comedian, Greg Giraldo (not known over here, but Google Midlife Vices if you want the best stand up set ever delivered), Robin Williams and Pete Shelley.
    All were known for being really nice and caring people as well as incredible artists.
    The Buzzcocks were the best band I ever saw live and my only regret is that I only saw them once, way back in 1979.
    Everybody's Happy Nowadays often gets overlooked as a classic Buzzcocks track and was panned at the time because it was so much less commercial than Ever Fallen in Love With, but it's up there with any of them.
    I know it cooler to like the Spiral Scratch era stuff, but Love Bites was (imho) one of the greatest pop/punk albums ever made.
  17. Clap
    Bob The Badger reacted to GB SPORTS in RIP Pete Shelley   
    No apologies for bumping this:
    Today is the day of the big reveal of Pete's mural, i am hoping to get up in a few weeks to see for myself.
    Also the funding campaign for the statue carries on.
    Remember Life's an Illusion , love is a dream.....

  18. Clap
    Bob The Badger reacted to Rev in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Yes, leave for the month, they'll be nothing much happening forum wise and it's too important for you to risk the distraction. 
    In fact, I'd go one step further and get yourself banned for a month, just to help you focus.
    Ask @eddie if you need advice on the best way to go about it!
  19. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Miggins in Sponsorship   
    You missed the entire point of why this could be extremely relevant to our club.
    Derby could make a vehement public stand that they won't accept alcohol or betting sponsorship because they care about the physical and mental wellbeing of their supporters.
    Do you think that has precious little to do with the people in this group? Most of whom will have been harmed, or know somebody harmed by alcohol or gambling?
    Derby could stimulate a wave of support from people outside of our usual support base. A bit like Forest Green with being organic and carbon neutral (I think) did, but on a MUCH bigger level.
    That would create crapload of national publicity that could possibly bring in a bigger sponsor who wants to be associated with that ground swell of feeling and support.
    Radical change is often preceded by radical actions that only after the event look like common sense. At the time they look like commercial suicide.
    My comments have got everything to do with Derby and our future success. I know plenty of marketing groups I can go and post in if that is my objective. 
  20. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Kathcairns in Sponsorship   
    That isn't how advertising works or is meant to work..
    Most advertising is for brand awareness, not necessarily to increase use and/or consumption. This is especially the case with mature markets.
    It can sometime be to raise awareness fro new brands or market segments, but the vast majority isn't done for that purpose.
    Almost everybody thinks they're immune to advertising and almost nobody is. That is its real power.
    As Keyser Soze said in The Usual Suspects, the greatest trick the devil ever played was to make people think he doesn't exist. That is EXACTLY what advertising does on people like you mate. 
    Personally, I hope we avoid betting companies and alcohol companies too.
    The reality is that alcohol destroys a LOT more lives than betting does, but we are mostly ok with that.
    I wonder why?
    France banned alcohol advertising in sport 20+ years ago. But sport didn't suffer. And in conjunction with reducing the breath limit for driving from 80 down to 50 they halved the cases of death from cirrhosis and massively reduced drink related deaths.
  21. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Nishfan in Sponsorship   
    I think both things would be great and show real guts and care for your supporters.
    Almost every single major cause of death for young adult males from suicide to RTA's to accidents to almost every cancer are increased by alcohol.
    BUT, both drinking and gambling are legal activities, so selling it is by no means the same thing as not advertising it.
    Until Government stops being pay-rolled by the alcohol industry both directly and indirectly, and makes advertising alcohol illegal (like France did when it got fed up of being the laughing stock of Europe for alcohol dependency) then it's tough to say you won't sell it.
    But selling something and actively promoting/endorsing it are not the same thing. Lots of places sell cigarettes, but they cannot advertise or endorse them.
    As supporters we have little influence over Society as a whole or even Government policy because both Labour and the Tories have refused to take a stand, but we have a lot of say comparably over our club. So that is why I think it's relveant.
  22. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Nishfan in Sponsorship   
    That isn't how advertising works or is meant to work..
    Most advertising is for brand awareness, not necessarily to increase use and/or consumption. This is especially the case with mature markets.
    It can sometime be to raise awareness fro new brands or market segments, but the vast majority isn't done for that purpose.
    Almost everybody thinks they're immune to advertising and almost nobody is. That is its real power.
    As Keyser Soze said in The Usual Suspects, the greatest trick the devil ever played was to make people think he doesn't exist. That is EXACTLY what advertising does on people like you mate. 
    Personally, I hope we avoid betting companies and alcohol companies too.
    The reality is that alcohol destroys a LOT more lives than betting does, but we are mostly ok with that.
    I wonder why?
    France banned alcohol advertising in sport 20+ years ago. But sport didn't suffer. And in conjunction with reducing the breath limit for driving from 80 down to 50 they halved the cases of death from cirrhosis and massively reduced drink related deaths.
  23. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from S6 boy in Sponsorship   
    That isn't how advertising works or is meant to work..
    Most advertising is for brand awareness, not necessarily to increase use and/or consumption. This is especially the case with mature markets.
    It can sometime be to raise awareness fro new brands or market segments, but the vast majority isn't done for that purpose.
    Almost everybody thinks they're immune to advertising and almost nobody is. That is its real power.
    As Keyser Soze said in The Usual Suspects, the greatest trick the devil ever played was to make people think he doesn't exist. That is EXACTLY what advertising does on people like you mate. 
    Personally, I hope we avoid betting companies and alcohol companies too.
    The reality is that alcohol destroys a LOT more lives than betting does, but we are mostly ok with that.
    I wonder why?
    France banned alcohol advertising in sport 20+ years ago. But sport didn't suffer. And in conjunction with reducing the breath limit for driving from 80 down to 50 they halved the cases of death from cirrhosis and massively reduced drink related deaths.
  24. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Ram a lamb a ding dong in Sponsorship   
    You missed the entire point of why this could be extremely relevant to our club.
    Derby could make a vehement public stand that they won't accept alcohol or betting sponsorship because they care about the physical and mental wellbeing of their supporters.
    Do you think that has precious little to do with the people in this group? Most of whom will have been harmed, or know somebody harmed by alcohol or gambling?
    Derby could stimulate a wave of support from people outside of our usual support base. A bit like Forest Green with being organic and carbon neutral (I think) did, but on a MUCH bigger level.
    That would create crapload of national publicity that could possibly bring in a bigger sponsor who wants to be associated with that ground swell of feeling and support.
    Radical change is often preceded by radical actions that only after the event look like common sense. At the time they look like commercial suicide.
    My comments have got everything to do with Derby and our future success. I know plenty of marketing groups I can go and post in if that is my objective. 
  25. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Sponsorship   
    You missed the entire point of why this could be extremely relevant to our club.
    Derby could make a vehement public stand that they won't accept alcohol or betting sponsorship because they care about the physical and mental wellbeing of their supporters.
    Do you think that has precious little to do with the people in this group? Most of whom will have been harmed, or know somebody harmed by alcohol or gambling?
    Derby could stimulate a wave of support from people outside of our usual support base. A bit like Forest Green with being organic and carbon neutral (I think) did, but on a MUCH bigger level.
    That would create crapload of national publicity that could possibly bring in a bigger sponsor who wants to be associated with that ground swell of feeling and support.
    Radical change is often preceded by radical actions that only after the event look like common sense. At the time they look like commercial suicide.
    My comments have got everything to do with Derby and our future success. I know plenty of marketing groups I can go and post in if that is my objective. 
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