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  1. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Gritstone Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Not really! The lateral flow test is for when you don’t have symptoms a PCR test is what you should have if you feel ill. This is exactly how it spreads when people don’t understand what these things are for.
  2. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Can't for the life of me work out why they would have gone big on the BBC.
  3. Sad
    ariotofmyown reacted to GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Is this the same Daily Mail that took massive objection (rightly) to the BBC footage of Christian Eriksen's heart attack and close-up of his team mates' reactions, who printed still pictures of him being attended on the pitch and close-up's of his wife's reaction?
  4. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can understand different opinions on lockdown measures, but this is a very strange thing to brag about.
  5. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to BaaLocks in EFL Verdict   
    Married to the sister of the writer of the theme tune to Neighbours. I challenge anyone to get a more tenuous Mike Pejic link than that one.
  6. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Stive Pesley in EFL Verdict   
    Agree - lots of good points in there
    What I keep coming back to is the fact that the EFL, although there is a governing body -  are actually made up of the member teams
    We know that *certain* other members have it in for us (mentioning no Gibsons) but what must the other members think when they see how we're being treated? The precedent is being set that the EFL can approve something but then at an unspecified point in the future, change their minds and seek to punish clubs. 
    Surely no other members want that? Surely they all want a fair and consistently applied set of clear rules
  7. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to hintonsboots in Sports minister emails.   
    I have emailed the sports minister and the football governance review body and my local MP, in case Crouchy won’t deal with my email as I’m not a constituent.
    I think all Rams fans should do the same, as the EFL is out of control and not showing any fairness in its approach.
    Every bit helps !!
    I would ask you urgently to intervene in the witch-hunt being undertaken by the EFL towards my football club, Derby County. 
    Having been fined £100 000 yesterday and warned re future accounting practices, following investigation by an independent panel ( for the second time), the EFL continue to press for a points deduction, with an unprecedented aim to relegate the club after the season has finished.
    What is the point of an independent panel if its decision is not respected by the regulator ?
    I feel the EFL is out of control, is being heavily influenced by third parties and is therefore not acting in a fair and unbiased way.
    The EFL needs to be warned by the government about its behaviour towards its member clubs. Currently its approach is verging on bullying and I suspect it will end in the High Court, with the destruction of a founder member of the football league and hundreds of associated redundancies.
  8. Haha
  9. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Premier ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Dominic Cummings is a peeping tom now, got to be his work all this
  10. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was about to say the exact same. Imagine you're having the worst day of your life thanks to someone else's actions and those scumbags start following you round taking pictures.
  11. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    So we can all decide if Hancock made a good decision or not?
  12. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in EFL Verdict   
    We need a respected sports journalist to put some time looking into all this and then write a damning article about the EFL. This has descended beyond chronic incompetence it is now nothing short of victimisation.
    I repeat what I said on another thread. At this moment in time it is not established if we gained an unfair advantage regarding FFP as our revised accounts have not been submitted, so put that in the pending file! Regarding our lack of clarity in declaring out unique but legal amortisation policy we have been found guilty on appeal and fined £100k. End of!!
    What the heck are Wycombe on about? IF and its a big IF we eventually fail FFP when our accounts are submitted then blame the EFL for taking too long to sort it out but what has that got to do with DCFC?  
  13. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Ghost of Clough in EFL Verdict   
    If it was an open letter with national papers reporting on it?
  14. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Long Time Lurker in EFL Verdict   
    Eaton Ram's reference to Rams Trust has made me wonder whether we could get something out of the EFL through a letter along the lines of the one sent to the Club recently signed by Rams Trust, Punjabi Rams, Ryan Hills etc.  The letter could ask the EFL:
    How their approach meets with their stated aim of protecting clubs, particularly in respect of Derby.  Can they give any examples of where they have acted in good faith towards the club? What reassurances they can offer to DCFC staff whose jobs are under threat through the continued uncertainty Can they explain why an accounting technicality should lead to people losing their livelihoods, even when those people have had nothing to do with accounting procedures etc Is it their intention to continually appeal against any decision that does not go their way?  If so, can the explain the moral justification for such an approach? Can they also provide justification for deciding to reject an accounting practice that they had previously accepted when signing off the accounts?  Do they feel any responsibility for having made what they now seem to consider an error, and if so what redress are they making as a result? what, if any responsibility, do they feel towards the fans of DCFC, and do they understand the effect their actions are having on at least some of them? They have been reported to be keen to see Derby relegated.  Can they explain to the Derby fanbase whether this is in fact the case, and if so, their justification for acting in such a way? Etc Etc I think a letter coming from specific groups rather than an individual stands a better chance of getting a response.  That response is very likely to be that it's all Derby's fault, and that people will lose their jobs etc due to the clubs actions etc, they have to be fair to the other clubs blah blah.  However, it may be worth a try?
  15. Sad
    ariotofmyown reacted to FrostedRam in Papa John’s trophy   
    Seems like we’ve also provisionally been entered into this as well
    our group is in the southern section 
    Group ? MK Dons, Burton Albion, Wycombe Wanderers/Derby County, Aston Villa Under-21s
  16. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It certainly feels like someone has it in for him. How many people have access to Westminster private office CCTV?!
    Mind you Bojo is on shaky ground if boffing someone who isn't your wife, but who you are giving public money too is seen to be a sackable offence..
  17. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Mostyn6 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Getting a good bum squeeze in there Hancock! Is it weird that I now feel more respect for him? I thought he was an alien imposter until seeing that! 
  18. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Flying Fokker in EFL Verdict   
    A Sky Blues Fan here. Born Derby but moved to Coventry in 1965.  I feel your pain.  My first match was a 0-0 Draw FA Cup 1974/Energy crisis/first sunday game in 'the modern era for both clubs.  Crowd of over 40k...Forest kicked off earlier so they pipped us to the post.
    Anyway, The Sky Blues have a different story.  Our white knight actually took us to the pits of the 4th division. Nothing out of the ordinary when a club is on its knees.  I guess Derby could go there as well.  The fans suffer.
    Our owners run a tight ship and are loved by some but loathed by many.  
    Derby County will not go out of business but the rough ride may go on for several years yet.  Unless of course you end up like Leicester City who were lucky enough to be operating in a different era.  
    My guess is that Admin is coming soon.  If any points deduction is applied immediately (But stay in Championship) you may have the added burden of the points deduction for Administration.  Makes sense to take double-punch and relegation at the end of the coming season.  
    If you are relegated due to the current scenario I think you will also go into admin. The points could well be assigned to next season but the chances of staying up will of course be better. (Than carrying sanctions over /results of league action this season). 
    Anyway, I wish the Rams the best for the future.  Onwards and upwards...It would be great for Derby and the Sky Blues to be in the Prem. The chances of that are virtually nil...
  19. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to sage in What happened to being a parent?   
    That is why the defunding of SureStart has been such a disaster. 
  20. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Boycie in What happened to being a parent?   
    A debate on fast food.
    I’m lovin it.
  21. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Stive Pesley in What happened to being a parent?   
    Because god knows it's hard enough being a parent as it is, without having to fight against the insidious influence of advertising on top of it all
  22. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to JoetheRam in What happened to being a parent?   
    A lot of people aren't equipped to be good parents.  They've never been shown how - their dad ran away and their mum spent her money on fags and bingo. Or their mum had an affair and their dad was a drunk. 
    Abusing themselves by abusing their kids (which letting their kids become obese is a form of) is just one symptom of our sick society.
    In such situations people are more vulnerable to the malign influence of billion dollar marketing (lack of role models, poor education, low levels of personal discipline) so I think curtailing their presence is probably a good thing but I don't think the effect will be that great.
    It's a sticking plaster on a double broken leg.
  23. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to RodleyRam in Rick Parry - Enemy No.1   
    I grew up playing football with his son. He never came to watch.
    I'm not sure what that says about the man but it always felt sad to me that a guy so heavily involved in football never saw his son play.
    My old man was there every week. Never said a word, mind, but then that's not his style. The only thing I ever heard him shout at a Rams game was 'Prima!' to Stefan Schnoor, when he scored his first goal for us (he taught German in school) - think he wanted him to feel at home.
    I've wandered off topic a bit... The summary is...
    Rick Parry = sociopathic sausage chops
    My old man = slightly strange eurofile 
  24. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Carnero in EFL Verdict   
    You're forgetting that we were at a massive advantage over Wycombe at al last season due to the money we spent 5-6 years ago.
    Without Blackman, Butterfield, Anya & Shackell's goals last season we'd have probably been relegated as of right.
  25. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to RoyMac5 in Holiday Plans 2021   
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