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  1. Clap
    sage reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I’m not so sure. By all means report doubts from sources, or disturbing rumours but the wording is inflammatory and typical of Ed. It’s shock horror attention grabbing. I respect his fan like enthusiasm and knowledge of the club, but I have never liked his tone and delivery. It’s always seemed to me to be bratty and sensationalised. 
    god this is torture
  2. Like
    sage got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  3. Like
    sage got a reaction from alram in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  4. Like
    sage got a reaction from Papahet in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  5. Like
    sage got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  6. Clap
    sage got a reaction from BBG83 in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  7. Clap
    sage got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 
    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 
    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him
  8. Like
    sage reacted to Chopper in The Administration Thread   
    Ok so listening to Ed' he is recalling shades of BZI and Alonso, all good until they actually have to pay for something, then nothing. It might be a ploy (from Ed's contacts) to get him to stump up the cash, but if we need to go through these shenanigans every payday then he might not be the one for us.
    It'll probably be the pain of MA if this is all true and it will collapse. 
    The positive to hold onto is that Derby County will exist in some form. Even after everything that is going to happen, if it needs to be MA. So many of us are young and have only known Pride Park, Cat 1 Academies, well known names associated with the club. But those of you please remember in the coming weeks and months, that isnt only who we are. We are more than that, we are a community that will exist even if the Academy gets wound down and half of Moor Farm turned over to 'rewilding Derby'. PPS can look dingy and in need of refurb,  but the spirit that inhabits it, that is Derby. The names associated with this great club will have us all saying "who?"  And scouring Football Manager for clues, but we will love them all the same.
    Said I'd start catastrophising on Weds. 
  9. Like
    sage got a reaction from Rammy03 in Live football thread.   
    We didn't play well, but on chances it is a fair result. 
  10. Haha
    sage reacted to Rev in The Administration Thread   
    No idea, but I'm glad to see you've replaced your previous avatar with a more lifelike one.
  11. Haha
    sage got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Finance thread 2022.   
    Bulgarian Caviar is almost as good as the Russian stuff and £20 an ounce cheaper 
  12. Like
    sage reacted to Bwash_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    "A Forboding"  ?
  13. Like
    sage reacted to rammieib in The Administration Thread   
    No - what we don’t want or need is complete bell ends abusing our potential new owner on Twitter.
    For what it’s worth I think we are incredibly lucky. This obviously is a ridiculously complex process when the easy thing without a doubt would have been to wind the club up. We’ve got a guy who (hopefully) is seeing this through to the end and working his way through all the challenges.
  14. Like
    sage reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I reckon most of us are very welcoming, it’s just that a certain small segment of society has an overly loud voice. 

    It might be deemed political but I’d give a huge round of applause to Poland the nation for coping so openly and positively with Ukrainian refugees. No reflection on anyone else, Poland is their neighbour after all .. but you’d want neighbours like the Poles wouldn’t you ? 
  15. Haha
    sage got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    There's absolutely no point in checking for updates till this afternoon, bearing in mind the time difference. 
    Ive checked three times this morning. 
  16. Haha
    sage got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    There's absolutely no point in checking for updates till this afternoon, bearing in mind the time difference. 
    Ive checked three times this morning. 
  17. Haha
    sage got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    There's absolutely no point in checking for updates till this afternoon, bearing in mind the time difference. 
    Ive checked three times this morning. 
  18. Haha
    sage got a reaction from RamO in The Administration Thread   
    There's absolutely no point in checking for updates till this afternoon, bearing in mind the time difference. 
    Ive checked three times this morning. 
  19. Haha
    sage got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    There's absolutely no point in checking for updates till this afternoon, bearing in mind the time difference. 
    Ive checked three times this morning. 
  20. Clap
    sage reacted to Comrade 86 in Tom Barkhuizen - Signed 2 year deal   
    Oh dear. That comment is a bit more revealing than you meant it to be. About you of course, not the player. 
  21. Like
    sage reacted to Comrade 86 in Test Cricket is Back   
    I thought Foakes actually looked very good today despite playing foil to the majestic Joe Root. He has a very uncomplicated technique and plays with a straight blade which I like to see in test players. Perhaps today can breather a little confidence into him and the side in general.
    Bit of a side note, but I really like the way the Kiwis go about their business. On the wrong end of it this test but they always seem to play with a smile on their faces and without the snarling sledging and aggression other sides favour. Good to see England reciprocate too, nice to see the mutual respect.
  22. Clap
    sage got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Biggest disappointment   
    Billy Davies
    Hoist by his own narcissism 
  23. Cheers
    sage got a reaction from angieram in Aden Flint. Loves chips, joined Stoke.   
    No. From a friend in Smalley 
  24. Haha
    sage got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Is this a confession or are you having a guess?
  25. Like
    sage reacted to DavesaRam in Who’s having a season ticket for the 2022/23 season   
    Yep. I’ll be there. Except for when I’m not.
    And when I say “I” it means 3 of us as I sit (read “stand”) with my son and daughter.
    We will take in some away games as well, ticket availability permitting.
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