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  1. Haha
  2. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    But do you have any Tigha and Tucker on mottled coloured vinyl?
  3. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    You are almost completely wrong in all of those points. The FFP charges were a big pile of poo concocted by EFL to placate Gibson who otherwise would have sued EFL.
    the independent commission actually found that whatever misstatement there may have been in the accounts this was neither deliberate nor did it flatter our position. In fact the miswording made things look worse than they actually were. So it was a complete red herring brought up by EFL to distract from their own inconsistent approach. 
    the simple fact is there was a change of regime at the EFL. The previous people thought our accounts were OK , Parry decided otherwise. To use your breathalyser analogy it’s like a cop telling you the alcohol limit is three pints and then another cop doing you because he thinks the limit should be two pints. 
  4. Angry
    GB SPORTS reacted to B4ev6is in Chris Coles leaving Radio Derby in July   
    Can he take steel with him.please get rammage back.
  5. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Gaspode in Chris Coles leaving Radio Derby in July   
    Any chance he could take Dawes with him? 
  6. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to JfR in The Administration Thread   
    It's not really worth thinking about. Even if they do get further points deducted this season, we all know the EFL wouldn't have done it if it was us that would have profited from it.
  7. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    I didn’t mention him leave alone defend him.  Why is pointing out the Efl multiple failings seen as a defence of Mel Morris?
    Morris has taken us into administration. He either spent more money than he can afford , or he is not willing to pay for debts he has a moral responsibility for. There is no defence for Morris either way. 
    But after PPS is sold we will have no further dealings with Mm. unfortunately we still have to deal with the Efl . Until there is massive reform , including an independent regulator the problems that Derby have suffered will only be repeated at other clubs. 
  8. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    What I’d really like to know is
    How much is owed to MSD on loans of various types as : 
    A football Creditor to DCFC
    A normal trade Creditor to DCFC
    A secured loan funded by DCFC but secured on the Stadium
    Personal loans to Mel that may or may not be secured on the stadium or other Mel properties
    There is a very tangled web and we don’t know the half of it. 
  9. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Kevin we have investigated the complaint and there is no evidence, But we have this letter that Constable Dixon is holding and it appears you're the one with double standards, Who is Eric Alonso?

  10. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah right. Who brought the charge against Derby then 4 years after signing off on the accounts and two years after signing off on the stadium sale? Who pursued the matter despite much of the allegations being thrown out and tried to get us relegated when at most the only sanction should have been a modest fine? Who indulged the Boro claim which could have bankrupted the club? Who has been briefing against us with multiple misleading statements and leaks to the press over the last two and a half years? Two and a half years during which one man has presided over the EFL the spiteful Parry. And two and half years of a continuing vendetta that has made it almost impossible to sell the club.
  11. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    He's here more than at home.
    I think with everything that's riding on this it's not great that he's out in town the night before such crucial talks .  I think it reflects poorly on his seriousness regarding this for anyone else at that meeting as well.  Out in town getting some back slaps and thanks for finalising nothing as it stands.  Too much showman and not enough substance. Finish the job then go on a 5 day bender if he likes.  
  12. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    A quick leaf through the pages tells me I should not engage with this…because I’m just seeing folks making wild statements. And bring a bit emotional with the follow ups. So I will regret wading in…especially since I may not respond for a bit- sorry ?
    However the thing that seems to stand out is an assumption that there are magical better offers out in the wild that are being cruelly held back from some incompetent force. Madness. 
    The truth of the matter(as I see it) is boring AF. This deal sucks. Mel has complicated the math by how he structured the loans/stadium purchase. 
    Any potential buyer looks at this as a crap deal. All parties currently at the table or hovering have the means to complete the deal. But obviously will continue to push for best terms. 
    We will find out soon enough who wants to give in and pay over what this Club is currently worth.
    The only person who has satisfied the process thus far is CK. If anyone else wants to do better- then they need to voice that.
    If Ashley wants to put a bug in the ear of Q and say he wants to put forth a better deal…he would have done that. Exclusivity does not stop him from making his intentions clear.
    In short: complex business deals that involve history, sentiment, and future value are generally long drawn out and boring minutiae. There are no conspiracies, there are no magical deals.
    At some point some one caves on a line item. Then the deal is made. We are very close to that point.  
  13. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm not too bothered who gets it, they just need to get on with it so we can start rebuilding the club
  14. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    As far as I understand it, the £23m would be 100% of the footballing debts (Arsenal) + 35% over three years for the rest. Unsure how it works for HMRC, as a preferential creditor, but I would have to presume that there's been a deal struck since the total amount owed to them was over £35m IIRC.
    It reads that way. 
    "man who walk round naked, probably going to Bangkok" - ancient chinese proverb
  15. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    Love the hypocritical flip flopping.
    Q should be listening to all bids, even the ones which don't exist, not entering into periods of exclusivity or extending them for any one bidder. That's the correct way to do things because I say so, even though I know nothing about the internal workings of the process I've decided that I know better than them and they're wrong. They're obviously wrong because it hasn't been sorted yet!
    What's that? Q were listening to all bids on the table 3 months ago? OMG are they idiots? Why were they doing that? What they should have been doing instead of wasting time encouraging and weighing up various bids is just selected one and got on with it! Why? Because I say so, even though I know nothing about the internal workings of the process I've decided that I know better than them and they were wrong. They're obviously wrong because it hasn't been sorted yet!
  16. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    I've heard it's a Derby fan from Grimsby. Apparently he's done brilliantly from a website he owns. 5 million hits on one thread alone.
  17. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    Could it be?

  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
    And the people who are doing it aren't the sharpest tools in the box - How do you persuade someone who you entirely depend on but have no real leverage with to 'do the right thing'? That's right, abuse them, send them death threats, propose chants against them, suggest we meet outside their house etc.... It's puerile and entirely counter productive.
  19. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ewe Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I’m looking forward to the day Derby fans stop posting foul mouth rants against Mel Morris on Twitter and sitting back soaking up the likes. We all know what he’s done and how we feel about it, but I’m bored as hell of those tweets. 
  20. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Anag Ram in The whole squad wants to stay.   
    Yep, but change is good.
    Excited to see what squad we start the season with. Not expecting any stellar signings, but a bit of old-fashioned pragmatism might be needed alongside the excitement of youth.
    Let’s face it, whilst we have done well in difficult circumstances, we have been losing lots of games for a couple of years now and we can’t really say keeping the same players would yield a different result next season.
  21. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to JoetheRam in Stadium buy out   
    Yes, but it also means that any Forest fans living in Derby will have to contribute to saving us so it's a better option from that perspective.
  22. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Ed is a noisy fan masquerading as a journalist. I respect his love and knowledge of Derby, sometimes he makes the odd valid and pithy observation. But his one eyed, individual, grumpy “told you so / I’ll get you, him or them” aura gets up my nose and lacks nuance. It’s like listening to a teenager, no matter how bright they are. 
  23. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to dog in The Administration Thread   
    Ok. Admission time. This is getting to me now. Not knowing whether I'll have a club to support let alone a ground to watch them in is eating at me.
    And may I add that I'm a (fairly) well balanced individual with supportive partner, immediate and larger family, decent job and income etc. Football is not my life.
    Others are not in my situation and I know that the rams are pretty much all they have. I have huge concerns that the cloudiness surrounding the club is having a hugely detrimental impact on a large number of people.
  25. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Turk Thrust in The Administration Thread   
    I’m constantly amazed at the number of posters who make bold and often derogatory statements about MM as though they are factual. We can make assumptions about his thinking on the stadium and MA, based on what little we actually know but that’s all they are - assumptions. The only real fact is that we just don’t know. In my work, I’d be very wary of passing assumptions of as facts. Yes the various stories behind MM’s machinations could  be true but who knows. The old saying often trotted out in training courses is that “to assume makes an ass out of u and me”. 
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