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  1. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Eiran Cashin   
    Missing apostrophe - arghhh.....
  2. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from On the Ram Page in Ed Dawes   
    The crucial thing is that as a football commenator it doesn't matter whether he's a Rams fan; or whether you feel sorry for him and his missus; or whether you love to listen to his voice; but rather whether he can do a good job of descibing what's going on on the pitch to those folk who aren't there in person. I find that that's the area his commentary severly lacks - he struggles to paint a picture of what he's seeing - mainly due to his obsession with the official's performance and the distraction of him seeing a train or a pigeon. Tell me where the ball is, who's got it, which direction they're going in and where they try to pass it and I can feel as if I'm there watching it with him - but there are large chunks of the game where he forgets those crucial parts of the commentators lot - there have even been times when a goal has been scored and I've not been able to tell whether it's us or the opposition that put the ball in the net - that's poor when his job is to inform the listeners.....
    Yes I could turn off as has been suggested (and I have on numerous occassions because it's cheaper than chucking the radio at the wall), but surely when his job is to commentate on the game he's being paid (by the publicly funded BBC) to attend, I shouldn't have to turn to the good (and not so good) folks on this message board to follow my team if I'm not at the game...
  3. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Red_Dawn in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Sod what the mods think - let's have a poll......
  4. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from IslandExile in Eiran Cashin   
    Missing apostrophe - arghhh.....
  5. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Rev in Ed Dawes   
    The crucial thing is that as a football commenator it doesn't matter whether he's a Rams fan; or whether you feel sorry for him and his missus; or whether you love to listen to his voice; but rather whether he can do a good job of descibing what's going on on the pitch to those folk who aren't there in person. I find that that's the area his commentary severly lacks - he struggles to paint a picture of what he's seeing - mainly due to his obsession with the official's performance and the distraction of him seeing a train or a pigeon. Tell me where the ball is, who's got it, which direction they're going in and where they try to pass it and I can feel as if I'm there watching it with him - but there are large chunks of the game where he forgets those crucial parts of the commentators lot - there have even been times when a goal has been scored and I've not been able to tell whether it's us or the opposition that put the ball in the net - that's poor when his job is to inform the listeners.....
    Yes I could turn off as has been suggested (and I have on numerous occassions because it's cheaper than chucking the radio at the wall), but surely when his job is to commentate on the game he's being paid (by the publicly funded BBC) to attend, I shouldn't have to turn to the good (and not so good) folks on this message board to follow my team if I'm not at the game...
  6. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Nothing to do with it being a Florest player, but I’d like to see the authorities take action on blatant cheats like Gibbs-White - yes Rodders deserved the red card, but the time delay between the grab and the cheat throwing himself to the ground was hugely embarrassing - imagine behaving like that to get a fellow professional sent off…..
  7. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Eiran Cashin   
    Missing apostrophe - arghhh.....
  8. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    Agree entirely - massive piss-take from Red Bull - there may not be a rule that prevents it, but there should be! Completely against the spirit of the competition.....
  9. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Rugby Union Thread   
    England 71-0 versus Chile - 11 tries including 5 for Arundell. ‘Only’ Chile but some tremendous performances - love watching Marcus Smith….
  10. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Rich3478 in Ed Dawes   
    Find him really unlikeable, would happily get someone else in for his role.
  11. COYR
    Gaspode reacted to Day in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    Come on you lot, yeah we could play nice football and win, likewise we could just you know, enjoy the 3 points and have a night off the bickering (both sides).
    Really doesn't have to get that personal you know. 
    Saying that, crack on if you want as I have a plane to catch back home so I won't be reading. 
  12. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Boycie in Electric Vehicles   
    I’d be better with methane power….

  13. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Magicman in Electric Vehicles   
    Sorry mate - no idea as I'm not really into EVs so only pay attention as they drive past in their 'milkfloat'.....if I get chance I'll have a look this weekend...
  14. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from TimRam in Electric Vehicles   
    Sorry mate - no idea as I'm not really into EVs so only pay attention as they drive past in their 'milkfloat'.....if I get chance I'll have a look this weekend...
  15. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from TimRam in Electric Vehicles   
    Couple over the road from me have 2 EVs - think one is a Kia and the other a VW - both smallish 'city' cars...
  16. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Stive Pesley in Electric Vehicles   
    But you don't need a dedicated 'station' as you do for petrol, so expanding the current public charging infrastructure would answer the majority of the demand
  17. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from sage in Electric Vehicles   
    But you don't need a dedicated 'station' as you do for petrol, so expanding the current public charging infrastructure would answer the majority of the demand
  18. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Electric Vehicles   
    But you don't need a dedicated 'station' as you do for petrol, so expanding the current public charging infrastructure would answer the majority of the demand
  19. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Rugby Union Thread   
    France scraped past Namibia 96-0
  20. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    Someone really needs to have a word with Sargent - it's almost a crash every race weekend at present.....
  21. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    Someone really needs to have a word with Sargent - it's almost a crash every race weekend at present.....
  22. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Red_Dawn in Russell Brand   
    It's not called Herpes anymore - it's been renamed to Evri.....
  23. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Premier ram in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
  24. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Atmosphere at Pride Park   
    Surely it  depends on what she cooks for us?
  25. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Alph in Boro & Steve Gibson   
    I hope to outlive Gibson so that I can go up to Middlesbrough and piss on his grave….
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