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  1. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    Got to drive to pick the missus up at 5.20. After that, ill be pulling a beer up and spamming Boro fans all ducking evening.
    I imagine the single malt will be about by 9pm and ill be banned form multiple sites by 10pm.
  2. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Can someone help me?!
    Do I shout OMG! Yes!!!!
    Or OMG no. 
    Or just pull up a beer and wait for the EFL to think of another reason to say no. 
  3. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
  4. Cheers
    BucksRam reacted to Premier ram in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Stay strong mate
  5. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    I know I am biased but this article is fantastic and explains the problem exactly.
    It is accurate, funny, and places our situation in the wider footballing context to make other clubs fans sit up and listen.
    It's the article to share when we are under fire from outsiders who don't understand the situation.
    I don't trust the Daily Mail but this is a stroke of genius.
  6. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Thanks @Rammie16.  Life is stressful as it is - over the past 2 years we've all had COVID twice (quite badly), my wife's had cancer (now clear although awaiting result of her annual check), my Mum's having chemo for cervical cancer, one of my kids has got anxiety, work is manic and stressful - but that's not unique to me - many people, including many of those on this forum have their own crap to deal with. Add Derby to this and for many it probably feels like the final straw, not least the complete unjustness of it. 
    So it's great you offer your and other's services.  It's a reminder to all not to suffer in silence.  It's so important people talk and don't bottle things up....and take time out where possible to breathe. 
  7. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to Pikeyram in The Administration Thread   
    I do wish you would all stop posting, my refresh button is knackered
  8. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from i-Ram in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Thanks @Rammie16.  Life is stressful as it is - over the past 2 years we've all had COVID twice (quite badly), my wife's had cancer (now clear although awaiting result of her annual check), my Mum's having chemo for cervical cancer, one of my kids has got anxiety, work is manic and stressful - but that's not unique to me - many people, including many of those on this forum have their own crap to deal with. Add Derby to this and for many it probably feels like the final straw, not least the complete unjustness of it. 
    So it's great you offer your and other's services.  It's a reminder to all not to suffer in silence.  It's so important people talk and don't bottle things up....and take time out where possible to breathe. 
  9. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Ovine_Interferer in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Sadly, I can't avoid the t'interweb 'cos I work on it - I just try to avoid the DT's clickbait these days as they "know f-all about everything, and everything about f-all" as far as I'm concerned.
    We lost my Dad on Armistice Day last year and I'm kindof glad he's not around to be witnessing this shambles.  He'd followed the Rams since WW2 (born in 1937) and used to walk with me to the BBG when we started going together in 1973.
    It's a cr@ppy situation but I remember the last time we were in this kind of mess, so hope springs eternal!
  10. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Bob The Badger in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Thanks @Rammie16.  Life is stressful as it is - over the past 2 years we've all had COVID twice (quite badly), my wife's had cancer (now clear although awaiting result of her annual check), my Mum's having chemo for cervical cancer, one of my kids has got anxiety, work is manic and stressful - but that's not unique to me - many people, including many of those on this forum have their own crap to deal with. Add Derby to this and for many it probably feels like the final straw, not least the complete unjustness of it. 
    So it's great you offer your and other's services.  It's a reminder to all not to suffer in silence.  It's so important people talk and don't bottle things up....and take time out where possible to breathe. 
  11. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Alph in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Like has been said, mate. Try not to follow the latest news 24/7 because you'll make every second of this torture count. 
    Try to focus on other things. It will be hard but just watch a movie, go for a walk, catch up on a couple of things that you keep putting off. 
    Everything that is happening is happening behind the scenes. Sure there's a few trumpets blown on social media but essentially nothing is changing day by day/hour by hour. 
    Wycombe still are, Gibson always will be, Derby won't give up, The EFL are the EFL... so you're not going to miss anything by just stepping back from the noise. 
    Don't torture yourself!!
  12. COYR
    BucksRam reacted to Bosshogg in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    B4. Your support of Derby County and positivity and optimism are always something I look for in posts on the forum. There will be a club to support even if the worst happens and people like you are exactly what we will need to go again. Don’t despair mate we are all feeling the strain 
  13. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Zag zig in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Sound advice.  I've made a point today of generally staying off the internet for exactly that reason.  I got totally drawn in yesterday and it dictated my emotions all day.  It's one of my daughter's 13th today so focused on that.  Presents, nice chat and a lovely family birthday meal out.  Helped me touch ground again.  
  14. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Sound advice.  I've made a point today of generally staying off the internet for exactly that reason.  I got totally drawn in yesterday and it dictated my emotions all day.  It's one of my daughter's 13th today so focused on that.  Presents, nice chat and a lovely family birthday meal out.  Helped me touch ground again.  
  15. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from IslandExile in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Sound advice.  I've made a point today of generally staying off the internet for exactly that reason.  I got totally drawn in yesterday and it dictated my emotions all day.  It's one of my daughter's 13th today so focused on that.  Presents, nice chat and a lovely family birthday meal out.  Helped me touch ground again.  
  16. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Sound advice.  I've made a point today of generally staying off the internet for exactly that reason.  I got totally drawn in yesterday and it dictated my emotions all day.  It's one of my daughter's 13th today so focused on that.  Presents, nice chat and a lovely family birthday meal out.  Helped me touch ground again.  
  17. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to Amberram in The Administration Thread   
    The flood lights have been upgraded
  18. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Ken Tram in Margaret Beckett on Radio Derby   
    Not in her constituency but I've emailed her my thanks too. 
  19. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from WharfedaleRam in Fund the Flag   
    Use it to get Nick De Marco to publish a letter giving his view on the WW and MB claims
  20. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Archie in Margaret Beckett on Radio Derby   
    I have too and asked her to keep it up! 
    Her late husband Leo would be very proud of her. Like the rest of us.
  21. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Indyram in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
    Just watched through the whole thing.  Very impressed.  Well apart from Mr Pragmatic.  I may go back and 5-bar-gate how many times he mentioned pragmatic!
    I'm already proud of this club but watching those MPs, most of whom support different clubs fighting for our survival was pretty awesome. 
    Boro MP made me angry.  To stand there and support the claim, and to say not one person there wants us to go under.  Argh. I've lost count of how many messages I've seen from Boro fans wanting us to go under.  Complete tosh.
    And yes I'm sure the EFL were watching, and were disappointed.....
  22. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Margaret Beckett on Radio Derby   
    I think this is the best course.  One thing we all need to ensure is we keep to the facts regardless of how we feel about it as that'll be counter productive.  For example..
    Waiting to the last day of the appeal time before appealing, the impact of which meant..... How long we have been embargoed for Restrictions on utilising our squad Restrictions on re-signing players, i.e. Marriott (even if it probably helped us!) Wage restrictions 2 July 2021: EFL stating "Following the decision, the EFL remains disappointed that the Commission has determined that a £100,000 financial penalty is appropriate..."  Any other quotes or since retracted communications? Producing 2 sets of fixture lists.... Signing off stadium sale, then appealing Signing off (or accepting at least?) 3 years of accounts then only challenging once ?Maguire raised it Retrospectively changing rules to suit them Sure there's loads of stuff.
    If it can be drawn up over the next day or so and sent out to Margaret Beckett etc then it'll inform even more. 
  23. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
    Just watched through the whole thing.  Very impressed.  Well apart from Mr Pragmatic.  I may go back and 5-bar-gate how many times he mentioned pragmatic!
    I'm already proud of this club but watching those MPs, most of whom support different clubs fighting for our survival was pretty awesome. 
    Boro MP made me angry.  To stand there and support the claim, and to say not one person there wants us to go under.  Argh. I've lost count of how many messages I've seen from Boro fans wanting us to go under.  Complete tosh.
    And yes I'm sure the EFL were watching, and were disappointed.....
  24. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from I know nuffin in Urgent Question on DCFC in Parliament   
    Just watched through the whole thing.  Very impressed.  Well apart from Mr Pragmatic.  I may go back and 5-bar-gate how many times he mentioned pragmatic!
    I'm already proud of this club but watching those MPs, most of whom support different clubs fighting for our survival was pretty awesome. 
    Boro MP made me angry.  To stand there and support the claim, and to say not one person there wants us to go under.  Argh. I've lost count of how many messages I've seen from Boro fans wanting us to go under.  Complete tosh.
    And yes I'm sure the EFL were watching, and were disappointed.....
  25. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Day in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    This has now been raised in the House of Commons. Huge progress. 
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