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  1. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  2. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Red Ram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  3. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Rambervalley in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  4. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  5. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  6. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Wistaston Ram in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  7. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Dimmu in Let's make Sunday "Duck the EFL day".   
    Public defamation of the EFL by the fans, at a time when our club need as much positivity as possible will only backfire in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong, I'd like to get banner fly-bys calling the EFL all sorts of things, but it achieves nothing whilst they sit in their smug ivory towers accountable to no-one but themselves.  The only way they'll be held to account (but not guaranteed) is through an independent review.  
    If anything, any public display by Derby, and more so its fans, needs to be seen as something to be proud of, which will only further reassure buyers they are buying into something special.  Many of us sit here spouting how Rooney is something special to sit there week after week, publicly saying he'll not quit, that he'll focus on taking the team forward, keep working hard. That's exactly what fans should do.  We are a big part of the public face of this club from which many will judge us. 
    I'm sure Rooney sits there behind closed doors swearing and cursing about how things have been handled. But you don't and won't see it. The same should be said of us. 
  8. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from I am Ram in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Seen a mix on social media - usual Florest and Leeds fans mocking, got what you deserved for cheating blah blah blah. But seen quite a few, dare I say more, from the same group of fans, plus the likes of Birmingham empathising and calling out your exact point Alty, that it's the fans that suffer.     
  9. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Fla Ram in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    There's a few things I want (for Christmas), among which:
    I want to see us continue to fight with the amazing spirit shown so far - I don't want to see capitulation and if we do go down, as is sadly likely, we do so head held high, proud and fighting I want a new buyer in, without an ego, who is ready to bring real stability to this great club, and one ready to commit to at least the next decade, rebuilding a sustainable, successful club even if that happens to be in League 1 (for now).  I want our academy to continue to go from strength to strength, maintaining its status as one of the best in the country and for our U23s, U18s et al continue to be a success I want our Women's team to continue the excellent progress shown to date such that, with support and development it can establish itself as the one of the contending women's teams nationally (I won't say in the WSL specifically as we don't want the same issues as we're now in for the men!).  Oh, and I want a publicly available independent review of everything the EFL has done to so many great clubs, not just us, covering: their complete and utter inability to consistently protect and represent the members they claim to hold in such esteem whilst only seemingly looking after their own self-interests. operating a framework and infrastructure that enables, promotes and allows financial suicide to attain PL status and the financial rewards attached, their complete inability to consistently apply and understand their own rules, their inability to act in a timely fashion on key decisions, whilst at the same time imposing penalties on members for not acting in a timely fashion according to the EFL (allegedly) allowing external parties to influence decisions,  their penchant for showing hidden agendas on what they want (use of such phrases as "disappointing....") creating an environment that allows clubs to sue each other where the basis of the claims is as a result of the EFL's decisions, not the club being sued their seeming ability to ignore and not hold to account the many clubs blatantly ignoring the rules, gaining promotion and not being held to account not fighting for their members by allowing and accepting horrendous TV deals / parachute payments that by their nature create a massively disproportionate financial tier system in the leagues (one of the reasons they hated MM from the get go). I'm sure there's more but I've run out of puff
  10. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Zag zig in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  11. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  12. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  13. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from jono in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    There's a few things I want (for Christmas), among which:
    I want to see us continue to fight with the amazing spirit shown so far - I don't want to see capitulation and if we do go down, as is sadly likely, we do so head held high, proud and fighting I want a new buyer in, without an ego, who is ready to bring real stability to this great club, and one ready to commit to at least the next decade, rebuilding a sustainable, successful club even if that happens to be in League 1 (for now).  I want our academy to continue to go from strength to strength, maintaining its status as one of the best in the country and for our U23s, U18s et al continue to be a success I want our Women's team to continue the excellent progress shown to date such that, with support and development it can establish itself as the one of the contending women's teams nationally (I won't say in the WSL specifically as we don't want the same issues as we're now in for the men!).  Oh, and I want a publicly available independent review of everything the EFL has done to so many great clubs, not just us, covering: their complete and utter inability to consistently protect and represent the members they claim to hold in such esteem whilst only seemingly looking after their own self-interests. operating a framework and infrastructure that enables, promotes and allows financial suicide to attain PL status and the financial rewards attached, their complete inability to consistently apply and understand their own rules, their inability to act in a timely fashion on key decisions, whilst at the same time imposing penalties on members for not acting in a timely fashion according to the EFL (allegedly) allowing external parties to influence decisions,  their penchant for showing hidden agendas on what they want (use of such phrases as "disappointing....") creating an environment that allows clubs to sue each other where the basis of the claims is as a result of the EFL's decisions, not the club being sued their seeming ability to ignore and not hold to account the many clubs blatantly ignoring the rules, gaining promotion and not being held to account not fighting for their members by allowing and accepting horrendous TV deals / parachute payments that by their nature create a massively disproportionate financial tier system in the leagues (one of the reasons they hated MM from the get go). I'm sure there's more but I've run out of puff
  14. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Ellafella in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Indeed. Reminds me of John Donne's Devotions upon Emergent Occasions ...
    No man is an Island, intire of it selfe; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
    In short, those discerning fans know that it could be them...next. ?
  15. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Ellafella in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Seen a mix on social media - usual Florest and Leeds fans mocking, got what you deserved for cheating blah blah blah. But seen quite a few, dare I say more, from the same group of fans, plus the likes of Birmingham empathising and calling out your exact point Alty, that it's the fans that suffer.     
  16. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    There's a few things I want (for Christmas), among which:
    I want to see us continue to fight with the amazing spirit shown so far - I don't want to see capitulation and if we do go down, as is sadly likely, we do so head held high, proud and fighting I want a new buyer in, without an ego, who is ready to bring real stability to this great club, and one ready to commit to at least the next decade, rebuilding a sustainable, successful club even if that happens to be in League 1 (for now).  I want our academy to continue to go from strength to strength, maintaining its status as one of the best in the country and for our U23s, U18s et al continue to be a success I want our Women's team to continue the excellent progress shown to date such that, with support and development it can establish itself as the one of the contending women's teams nationally (I won't say in the WSL specifically as we don't want the same issues as we're now in for the men!).  Oh, and I want a publicly available independent review of everything the EFL has done to so many great clubs, not just us, covering: their complete and utter inability to consistently protect and represent the members they claim to hold in such esteem whilst only seemingly looking after their own self-interests. operating a framework and infrastructure that enables, promotes and allows financial suicide to attain PL status and the financial rewards attached, their complete inability to consistently apply and understand their own rules, their inability to act in a timely fashion on key decisions, whilst at the same time imposing penalties on members for not acting in a timely fashion according to the EFL (allegedly) allowing external parties to influence decisions,  their penchant for showing hidden agendas on what they want (use of such phrases as "disappointing....") creating an environment that allows clubs to sue each other where the basis of the claims is as a result of the EFL's decisions, not the club being sued their seeming ability to ignore and not hold to account the many clubs blatantly ignoring the rules, gaining promotion and not being held to account not fighting for their members by allowing and accepting horrendous TV deals / parachute payments that by their nature create a massively disproportionate financial tier system in the leagues (one of the reasons they hated MM from the get go). I'm sure there's more but I've run out of puff
  17. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Seen a mix on social media - usual Florest and Leeds fans mocking, got what you deserved for cheating blah blah blah. But seen quite a few, dare I say more, from the same group of fans, plus the likes of Birmingham empathising and calling out your exact point Alty, that it's the fans that suffer.     
  18. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Ramarena in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Seen a mix on social media - usual Florest and Leeds fans mocking, got what you deserved for cheating blah blah blah. But seen quite a few, dare I say more, from the same group of fans, plus the likes of Birmingham empathising and calling out your exact point Alty, that it's the fans that suffer.     
  19. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Alty_Ram in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    The EFL have been all over us like a rash for the recent financial stuff (understandable to a point given how the club has been run) but totally missing in action so far with the latest revelations of Boro's attempt to sue us which if successful would surely be the death of the club and even if it just stalls a potential sale for a significant would be much the same outcome. Lets be clear, this legal action if successful is an existential threat to the future of DCFC.
    We are seemingly guilty of using an amortisation method which while legal was (eventually) not deemed acceptable as it was not what others were doing. We then inevitably failed FFP as presumably it was used to keep within that. Punishment though ? Points deductions and relegation have left us battered and bruised but surely potentially ceasing to exist as a club is spectacularly over the top. There seems to be some confusion and lack of understanding from Boro fans about our reaction to this too - most Derby fans are looking to just grudgingly accept this and move on. We will be relegated and suffer financial consequences that will be with us for years. Job done, well done Boro, you win.
    The EFL talk about drawing a line under things with the punishment which, catastrophic as it is (pretty much guaranteed relegation with this points deduction and threadbare squad stripped of remaining assets in Jan..), most fans have taken this on the chin and just want to try and move on from but Gibson and Boro are trying to prevent that from happening. If the EFL do nothing to try to head off/apply pressure against this business of one EFL club suing another then they will have by inaction have directly contributed to the demise of one of their own members. For any gloating fans of other clubs, just put yourself in the place of a fellow football fan. Another club is trying to wipe your club out of existence. How would you feel ? Regardless of the rights and wrongs actions of departed owners, it is always the fans who have to pick up the pieces afterwards with whatever is left of their club in whatever division they find themselves.
  20. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from strawhillram in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    There's a few things I want (for Christmas), among which:
    I want to see us continue to fight with the amazing spirit shown so far - I don't want to see capitulation and if we do go down, as is sadly likely, we do so head held high, proud and fighting I want a new buyer in, without an ego, who is ready to bring real stability to this great club, and one ready to commit to at least the next decade, rebuilding a sustainable, successful club even if that happens to be in League 1 (for now).  I want our academy to continue to go from strength to strength, maintaining its status as one of the best in the country and for our U23s, U18s et al continue to be a success I want our Women's team to continue the excellent progress shown to date such that, with support and development it can establish itself as the one of the contending women's teams nationally (I won't say in the WSL specifically as we don't want the same issues as we're now in for the men!).  Oh, and I want a publicly available independent review of everything the EFL has done to so many great clubs, not just us, covering: their complete and utter inability to consistently protect and represent the members they claim to hold in such esteem whilst only seemingly looking after their own self-interests. operating a framework and infrastructure that enables, promotes and allows financial suicide to attain PL status and the financial rewards attached, their complete inability to consistently apply and understand their own rules, their inability to act in a timely fashion on key decisions, whilst at the same time imposing penalties on members for not acting in a timely fashion according to the EFL (allegedly) allowing external parties to influence decisions,  their penchant for showing hidden agendas on what they want (use of such phrases as "disappointing....") creating an environment that allows clubs to sue each other where the basis of the claims is as a result of the EFL's decisions, not the club being sued their seeming ability to ignore and not hold to account the many clubs blatantly ignoring the rules, gaining promotion and not being held to account not fighting for their members by allowing and accepting horrendous TV deals / parachute payments that by their nature create a massively disproportionate financial tier system in the leagues (one of the reasons they hated MM from the get go). I'm sure there's more but I've run out of puff
  21. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Ellafella in What have the EFL done for me lately ?   
    Out of 30 promotions over the last 10 years, only 3 Clubs have gone up without breaking FFP. So, why do we have a system that clearly doesn’t work. The whole chebang is loaded towards those who reside around the top of the top table. The EFL are just a bunch of jumped-up suits who to quote Simon Jordan “ sit around a table discussing the colour of the linesmans’ flags whilst Clubs go to the wall…”. The result is that football is knackered…mired in pointless international fixtures (San Marino 0, England 10 (ten), VAR which also doesn’t work, and a Top Division which only 3 Clubs from this point on can win. Project forward a few more seasons and it will implode, fractured, splintered and bust. 
  22. COYR
    BucksRam reacted to Premier ram in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    Brilliant post mate , agree with everything
  23. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Jubbs in Wayne Rooney   
    By the sounds of it, Kirchner is mates with Paul Stretford, who is obviously Rooney's agent...
  24. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Mucker1884 in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    Last time I heard that word, there was no internet.
    Have a like!  ?
  25. Like
    BucksRam reacted to CBRammette in Wayne Rooney   
    And us all. They would probably deduct points for trying too hard
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