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  1. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    SO it's time for the formula 1 show to arrive in Saudi Arabia for the Saudi Aramco Human Rights Grand Prix.
    There are plenty of reasons to not watch it if you don't agree with the oppression of Sergio Perez (and some other issues). They've made the track slightly less of a death trap this year as well, which I'm sure Mick Schumacher appreciates.
    However, eyeballs or not, the race will happen and the points will count.
    So, will we see a different kind of track hamper Ferrari less, or help the Merc look a bit more competetive, will Alonso continue in happy Alonso mode, or will the return of the grumpster be shepparded in? WIll Alpine not be dumb? Will Haas be not dumb? All this and more and remember, if you try to view it from a non-athorised source without the express written consent of F1, Liberty media and SKy, you'll get your hands cut off.
  2. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    The cuts in the red bull catering budget really starting to hurt them...
    "look Max, I can't get Marco to sign off any more expenses without a reciept. You know how mad everyone got about our catering department's carbon fibre fabrication last season. Look just go to a kabab shop and let me fix it. love, Karan."
  3. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to BaaLocks in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last time I went I wouldn't say the doctor was enthusiastic but when the report came back it said I needed two fillings and a crown.
  4. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to i-Ram in Prostrate Cancer.   
    It is definitely serious stuff. Go get yourself checked!!!!
    At my last prostate examination I asked where I should put my trousers and pants. "Next to mine" was not the answer I had been expecting.
  5. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to NottsRam77 in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Echo this
    my family sadly have a horrendous history of bowel cancer. We lost my dear dad 5 years ago to it at the tender age of 62 having been diagnosed at only 58.
    iv had several polyps pulled from me now but as undignified as it all is i know the alternative is a lot worse. Iv got young kids and to put them through what i as a 40 yo went through with my dad far far far outweighs any embarrassment of having a camera in my ass.
    Any doubts, bloating, pain after eating , irregular bowel habbits, blood in poo, go… go and get checked out
    probably nothing, but dont give fate a chance 
  6. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ramarena in Gary Lineker   
    Pantomime villain Priti Patel is looking to put a spanner in the works on Monday along with other con MP’s, she may end up inadvertently siding with Linekar.
    When even the likes of Patel are plotting against you, you know you’ve ducked up monumentally!
    This gets more and more amusing!
  7. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Grumpy Git in David Attenborough cancelled   
    Alright Rishi, great to know you’re a Derby fan. ??
  8. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Hilarious! I-Ram. We can laugh, joke, and occasionally wince, but we’ve had the exam, my original post was of course to urge others to have the examination. 
  9. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    No I didn’t miss out on your joke, I’m ashamed of my poor response! 
    I did however make sure the doctors hands weren’t on my shoulders during the examination.
  10. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last September I was playing football with my grandson,and hurt my knee. I didn’t bother the doctors because the knee gradually returned to near normal, but still quite painful at times. It was such a time I winced, and my wife “advised “ me to see the doctor,which I duly attended, knee examination, all OK, I asked for a PSA (having seen the information at Pride Park) check which he duly gave me the paperwork. The test came back 7.1, I’m over 70 so 6.5 is regarded as normal. I was dispatched to the Derby Royal, had the anal examination, ( for the first time) small lump found. In five weeks I’ve had a MRI scan,my prostrate biopsy done, and a QT scan,and I’m now on a hormone treatment plan. It appears they’ve caught the tumour early, and the prognosis is good, they say it will be eliminated. You do lose your dignity at times, but not going through that door and having the exam you could lose a lot more.
    A shout out to the doctors and nurses at the Derby Royal, they have been absolutely terrific, informative, and very understanding, and caring.
  11. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Pikeyram in Football is done   
    I don't want VAR at any level. Even more so in L1, the standard of refereeing is so bad we would spend just as long checking VAR and correcting decisions as in open play.
  12. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Comrade 86 in Football is done   
    Not gonna say it was a dive but...

  13. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Grumpy Git in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Hard working families (AKA Daily Mail readers)
  14. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ram-Alf in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    These trailer thingy's...is it like Pathe news at the Pictures...that's Cinema for you young uns ?
  15. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Jourdan in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    Anyone who is worried by current form, think back to the magic 80.
    Wycombe need 26 points, Shrewsbury need 28 points, Peterborough and Portsmouth need 29 points. It’s a minimum of two points per game across 12-13 games and 7-8 wins minimum. If any of the four are to overtake us, it will require something special.
    We have to forget about the top two. I can understand the frustration because we have wobbled at a time when we needed to apply some pressure.
    If we’re honest, it was never really on. Sheff Wed are breaking records and Plymouth have set the pace since very early on. We had to be absolutely relentless. That was never really likely with a squad of 21-22, the majority of whom have played 30-40 games with a possible 15 more to go.
    We’re at a stage now where we need to hold our nerve. It‘s that simple. We have 12 games to go and need six wins to guarantee a play off place, possibly fewer if the chasing pack stutter.
    We’re having a wobble. There’s no getting away from that. But prior to that we had won six in a row and had gone 15 games unbeaten. You have to take the rough with the smooth and realise the standard we had set was an unsustainable one. Under normal circumstances, we would have added 3-4 more to the squad and avoided any hiccups.
    March going into April will probably be our toughest run of games all season. Three away games in five and Plymouth, Ipswich and Peterborough all to play. Brace yourselves because we have to be prepared for a bit more suffering.
    Ultimately though I don’t think now is the time to dig out Warne or the players. Fair enough if we end up in 7th or fair enough if we ship 3 to Ipswich or Barnsley and don’t do ourselves justice in the play-offs.
    But as it is, the manager and players are giving everything in difficult circumstances. I wish it was more straightforward but the end goal is still very much in our hands and the team will need our support to get over the line.
  16. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Mucker1884 in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    I'm not sure criticism of Wildsmith for that freekick going in is fair?
    Once he instructs the wall, and confirms he's happy with where it stands, it's meant to cover that side of the goal, whilst he shepherds the other side.
    The freekick did not curl gracefully around the wall.  It was not majestically floated over the wall.  Not even cunningly slid along the grass, under the wall (Although that would still be blamed on the wall not doing its job!
    It went straight through.  Someone put in a doorway, but didn't bother to fit a door!  The intruder just waltzed straight in!
    I've no idea which individual(s) were at fault... and no particular desire to find out... but the wall takes the blame for me, not the keeper.
  17. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to jimtastic56 in V Shrewsbury Town (H) 4th March 15.00   
    I thought the football we played in the first half was as good as anything we have done all season. Rooney panicked for the penalty after he got caught on the wrong side of his man .Warne has a 4 year contract and knows what he has got to add to the squad. If he doesn’t get us up this season . I am sure he will do it next year.
  18. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ram-Alf in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Oakeshott is just another who feeds off of stupidity, She's been interviewed on most if not all TV networks about her thoughts on Covid and lockdowns, The stupidity comes from that toad Hancock who let Oakeshott ghost write his Covid Diaries, She's a viper around his neck and Hancock put her there.
    I mean, If you're going to kiss a female other than your wife for pity's sake just look above your head to see if there's camara there, I believe the woman who he kissed has since had her guide dog confiscated 
  19. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I, for one, am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you - by this revelation that our leaders abide by a different set of rules to us mere mortals
  20. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ewe Ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  21. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Premier ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    can she ref all our games , very impressed
  22. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from 48 hours in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    Compare that to some of the other ref's we've had this season who have struggled to get 2 right decisions. Port Vale at home probably top of the pile. I agree she was good. She's off to the women's WC so must be doing the right thing.
  23. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Premier ram in Reading FC   
    "They ducked us 2 times 6 points cos' we are not good at maths"
    Sing, learn, repeat
  24. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from S75 Ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    Compare that to some of the other ref's we've had this season who have struggled to get 2 right decisions. Port Vale at home probably top of the pile. I agree she was good. She's off to the women's WC so must be doing the right thing.
  25. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Abu Derby in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    It was good to see a female referee at tonight’s game. About time. 
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