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Stive Pesley

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  1. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Chester40 in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Sounds to me like you should take it up directly with the Victoria's Secret customer services
  2. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Christmas shopping advice if people want it   
    I also advise to definitely do your xmas shopping as early as possible this year before our currency becomes worthless and we can't afford to drive to the shops
  3. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to B4ev6is in Christmas shopping advice if people want it   
    No mate
  4. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Christmas shopping advice if people want it   
    I also advise to definitely do your xmas shopping as early as possible this year before our currency becomes worthless and we can't afford to drive to the shops
  5. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Christmas shopping advice if people want it   
    I also advise to definitely do your xmas shopping as early as possible this year before our currency becomes worthless and we can't afford to drive to the shops
  6. Clap
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from therealhantsram in Christmas shopping advice if people want it   
    I also advise to definitely do your xmas shopping as early as possible this year before our currency becomes worthless and we can't afford to drive to the shops
  7. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from LERam in Petition to Derby to remove our relationship to gambling companies   
    I worked at EDS at the time (early 2000s), and we also did the official DCFC website. Was a fun job for sure, lots of meetings at the ground and we did some pretty pioneering stuff. Then PremiumTV came along and offered a cut-price generic template to all the FL clubs and 90+% of them took it (including Derby). You may remember it as the time when everyone said "why has the website suddenly gone so crap?" ?
    I still have a folder of old promo photos we had to scan. Lots of pictures of fans. I bet some of you lot are in there!
    Funnily enough, what was EDS is now called DXC and they just set up a similar deal with Manure
    But to get back on topic FWIW I don't think pressuring Derby to drop betting sponsorship is the right approach. It needs to be handled at a national level on ALL sports, and it should be via a mandatory levy on the betting companies to go towards gambling addiction support
    At the moment it's a voluntary 0.1% - which isn't a lot and betting companies can choose not to do it
    GambleAware are proposing a 1% mandatory levy
    If you want to do something proactive for your friend, then lobby MPs to get behind this proposal. 
  8. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Gaspode in Watchable telly   
    I was of the same opinion, but the final episode is pitched just right and rebalances those previous episodes - think you’ll enjoy it…..
  9. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from TigerTedd in A new window on the Universe   
    An interesting discovery as a result of the JWST?
  10. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in A new window on the Universe   
    Hmm, those scientists wanna be careful, sounds like The Great Barrington Declaration of astronomy ?
    Interesting though, hope it does get taken seriously and studied.
  11. Clap
    Stive Pesley reacted to Crewton in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Well, it's an arguable point. If vaccines do protect individuals from becoming infected (and I would contend that that was certainly the case when the vaccines based on the Wuhan virus were first distributed) then they also indirectly prevent transmission because they reduced the 'R' number (until the Government took the brakes off just as the Delta Variant was getting established here).
    I didn't bother with the Fox News report, but your second link is an article based on a study reported in the Lancet, from which I will quote the following findings and conclusions:
    I'm happy to let the science do the talking. I have emphasised the point about close, prolonged exposure, because it emphasises what is a known fact : that viral load is fundamental to the successful transmission of all of the Covid variants.
  12. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to Anon in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes we would. Rapid replication of viruses causes mutation as it moves through a large population. You don't need mRNA injections to achieve that result.
  13. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from LERam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  14. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Crewton in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    No, I can see you've no intention of changing your views, nor me mine, so I'll leave it there. 
  15. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Crewton in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    For an island nation low on water reserves, but surrounded by (checks notes) the sea, you have to wonder why we only have one desalination plant in the UK
    But I digress - it's heartening to read this morning that even those who I don't see myself particularly politically aligned with - all agree that successive governments have privatised things they shouldn't have and have endlessly funnelled public money into the tax havens of private corporations in return
    Can we just stop voting for these corrupt maniacs please?
  16. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Crewton in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This is all semantics though. Because you're pretty much contradicting yourself here
    It sounds like you are agreeing that the vaccines do prevent transmission in some cases (ie in the early weeks/months of vaccination)
    In which case the pertinent words are in bold. What you actually mean is that it doesn't prevent transmission in the longer term.
    Almost everyone I know has been vaccinated and still caught the virus eventually, so I don't know why you want to keep heralding this fact as some sort of gotcha when we most of us know it from first-hand experience
    The vaccine programme clearly headed off a much more catastrophic trajectory for the virus.
  17. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to PistoldPete in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I have never heard anyone say that vaccination makes it impossible for you to catch the virus, or to pass it on to someone else. . 

    It reduces the risk of either of those things happening. Which is a good thing.
  18. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to BaaLocks in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Me too, since 1979....
  19. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Bob The Badger in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    I've been thinking for a while now that the Tory leadership is a poison chalice.
    The knock on effects of all this over the coming months will be horrendous.
  20. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Ram-Alf in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    I have.
    The electorate are feeling more apathy...imo towards the politicians than ever before, Governments are now getting into power with less and less from the voting public, If people believe they are here for us...then they've been hoodwinked, Duped, Conned, Kidded, Lied too with Uncle Tom Cobbley and all, MPs are told what to vote for or they are "whipped", There's a "cartel" in all political parties who drive through their agenda, If not your either sent to the back benches, Deselected or go Independent, Independents lose their funding of the big parties but still get their pay and pension.
    I despair on how we've gotten to this point in Politics and now we have 160,000 tory members voting for the next PM, Politics has been broken for decades, Not even Gorilla Glue could fix it.  
    Ooops...Political rant...sorry 
  21. Clap
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Highgate in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Some speculation about the impact on crops and farming in the UK as a result of the current drought. We had some friends over in the week and they own a cattle farm in Lincolnshire, so I know that at least some of the concerns here are valid (mainly about running out of cattle feed)
    But that's not really my point - I've been accused of being a doom-monger for pointing out various articles that paint a gloomy picture, with the opposing view essentially being to ignore such predictions and hope that they are wrong
    So the question really is - when DO you start believing the predictions and taking action? Because it feels like the answer is - not until there is literally no food, mass migration from the equator where the land has become uninhabitable, sea levels have risen and people's houses are underwater, the bees are all dead and there is no top soil left
    Needless to say that's a very stupid answer
  22. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to ariotofmyown in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
  23. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Ram-Alf in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Thatcher the milk snatcher sold all the crown jewels, Workers in each industry were given free shares to keep or cash in, Those who cashed in the big winners were the multi nationals, The CEOs of these mulits are friends and family of the Government, Billions upon billions has been syphoned off to those who already had a very healthy bank balance, We've been f ucked over by successive Governments since the 80s.
    Now we have that blonde bint Truss saying it's not a bad thing for companies to make a profit, That's true it isn't, With profits you can re invest, Pay your workers a good wage, But to make vastly excessive profits is immoral, BP 5 billion Shell/Centrica 2/3 billion, A Saudi oil company 48 billion, And yet those in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are struggling to live, They have 2 choices well one really...petrol or food, A taxi driver needs petrol to earn money to buy food, If he can't afford the petrol then no food.
    Here in the UK it's eating of heating for some, The UK Government had better be prepared for what's round the corner, I've seen this before with the Poll Tax Riots, If you pi$$ off your electorate you're in bother.
    Governments...I've $hit em.    
  24. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Archied in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    Was going to answer but I see it’s been done already , our drought issues are a result of stupidity, greed, and short term profit before long term planning, just like our energy crisis , cost of lockdown crisis , nhs, education,,,,,,,, well pretty much everything 
  25. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in Gotta love Extinction Rebellion   
    I don't suppose this has helped much either...
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