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Stive Pesley

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Posts posted by Stive Pesley

  1. 45 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I have tried to find the survey to see how many people had voted but couldn’t find it. My suspicion is that such surveys are not necessary representative as the silent majority probably far outweigh the minority that have an opinion they can be bothered to, or want to, share. Having said that, I’m surprised those in favour is as low as 74% given not many of us really know anything like the full facts and are even less likely to be able to think of an alternative (let alone better) solution. 

    It was the email that yougov send out to all those registered for surveys with a kind of "question of the day", which I assume they use to try and gauge the general public mood on whatever batshit crazy thing is going on in the news. So in theory it should be a reasonable cross-section as the sample is large and wide

    I find it interesting to look at the results as they do tend to match what I *think* is going on in the heads of most sane people, as opposed to what culture war stuff the media are trying to stoke




  2. Don't underestimate your achievement here. To keep an independent discussion board going this long in the era of social media is impressive

    I used to run an Invision board (not football-related) years ago and it died not long after this one started up because everyone just moved to Facebook

    That said - the DCFC  facebook fan pages are a total bin fire, so maybe it's not really any surprise that you've lasted!

  3. 2 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    We can be moralistic about it now . But when we were told Mel was running the club in tandem with the Sheikh , I can’t remember many fans being up in arms . Also there weren’t many tears when £30 mills worth of tax ( taken from staff wages) for schools and hospitals , went missing. I understand what you are saying , but we have short memories .

    Not sure about short memories, (I was unhappy about both the things you stated and said so) but some people clearly don't care, and are happy to divorce "the game" element from the "reality" element of football club ownership. Their prerogative I guess

  4. The club still has the corporate interview video up on FB from when CK was the preferred bidder


    Funnily enough, he's talking about the complexity around the way MM had structured the club and the stadium making it harder for the deal to be sorted

    It's entirely possible that, had MM not created such a rats nest of companies and structures - then CK might have been able to get the deal through quickly before anyone realised that he was a money-laundering fraud.

    So thanks for that Uncle Mel 😂

  5. 1 hour ago, ramit said:

    Just thought of something while tossing and turning unable to sleep.  Some of the trickier questions in certain tests can best be solved if worked from back to front, or it's opposite.  We are all familiar with the statement nothing will come from nothing and it does make sense that it is factual, as we cannot extract something from nothing, well, in this perceived reality anyway.  In itself it is an observant statement but not really inducing extrapolation at first consideration.  That's where insomnia helps, one keeps pondering, stuck in a thought and voila a new idea emerges thereby insuring one gets no further sleep.

    Yes, I am getting to the point.  If indeed nothing will come from nothing, then asserting that something will come from something should also be a valid statement.  That is a much more interesting idea really, for that means every thing has an origin and therefor that origin after origin stretches into infinity, for if not, it would begin with nothing, which it obviously cannot.  Now, this means one of two things to my warped mind, either origin stretches out endlessly, or it forms a circle, biting it's tail so to speak and of course also has an origin.  Either way, that reeks of programming, ergo a simulated reality in a simulated universe.

    Infinite regression isn't it? If we were created by something or someone, someone must have created them,  and so on etc 

  6. 10 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Agreed, but it's hard to overlook that the big boss is now the single most prominent exponent of misinformation and worse

    Yeah but, surely his twitter feed is abundant with community notes, correcting all of his rubbish...(checks).....oh. That's weird 🙄

  7. Remember when he said that the paid blue tick system would get rid of the bots?

    And then said he would pay out to blue tick accounts based on how much engagement they generate?

    What could go wrong, other than people paying for blue ticks and then setting up bots to auto-generate replies in the hope that they might earn some Musk Dollars...



  8. 49 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    25,000 dead, 60,000 injured, 2 million displaced, little to no food, water, medicine and aid and injured children being operated on without anaesthetic.

    Yes, but let's not forget that it's not just Palestinian deaths



    The Israeli army says 24 of its soldiers were killed in Gaza on Monday - the deadliest day for its forces since their ground operation began.


  9. 10 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    That's an interesting one. I loved what Nick Cave said about AI songwriting, but also fear he might be wrong in terms of the herd's lazy acceptance of it. Will "generative AI" only ever copy and adapt, or will it actually generate something original? I ask myself the same question in science, when people tell me about the breakthroughs that are apparently coming. Could an AI have created the intellectual cathedral that is Einstein's General Theory of Relativity? And, given this is the theory we now need to replace to gain a deeper understanding of the Universe, how can AI possibly ever have the understanding of what it is doing and proposing, to move us on?

    I'm a big Nick Cave fan, but I thought his comments on AI songwriting were a bit short-sighted, in so much as he makes the mistake that most people make when contemplating AI.

    That AI could or will become a wholesale replacement for human intelligence (if we let it). We shouldn't even be considering that.

    He's right that it would be awful on many levels, but It puzzles me that so few people seem to look beyond that and concentrate on where AI can be useful for, and where we should be harnessing it.

    He almost gets it at the end where he picks out one terrible line from the AI song and uses it to frame a joke about his feelings about AI. That's where I'm coming from. To use AI as a spark, or a starting point. Have it generate some nonsense and then pick it apart using your own creativity to make something totally different and unique. You wouldn't have come up with it without AI, but it's not "AI-generated"  - more AI-assisted.

    I make similar points to my students about AI programming. Traditionally, the boring bit is sitting down and slogging through writing the code. Then the fun bit is debugging it and refining it, and testing it to make sure it meets the requirements. To use AI for the donkey work and have it churn out a framework of code saves you an enormous amount of time, but that first AI pass of code is never going to work properly, or do exactly what you need - so you get to go straight to the debugging and refining part. In which case you still need to understand the programming language and the theory, concepts, frameworks etc so get learning


    AI will not replace humans, but it's a sexy headline to scare people with I guess






  10. 1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

    And billionaires earn millions a day. Where does all this money come from? Surely there’s enough money in the world for every one to earn a very healthy wage each year. 

    did you see this? 


    it always baffled me how people with extreme wealth could possibly need all that money - there must be a cut off where you simply don't need any more. Because it starts to accrue so quickly - if you have £10m in savings, you're easily earning half a million quid just in interest - and that's in a bog standard high street account - realistically they would be investing it in much more profitable places

    At least that letter puts paid to the old nonsense trope that all the millionaires would leave the country if we taxed them too much!

  11. 29 minutes ago, Malty said:

    This might be true but given that there is no “disposals” in the year it might suggest that knight didn’t have a carrying value in the accounts. Hard to be sure without the details but perhaps knight had a £nil carrying value.

    What we need is for Stephen Pearce to come up with a clever way of accounting for players residual values. 

  12. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    I've just been reading that China has devised a nuclear powered battery with almost zero radiation risk. Output is minimal and the life of the battery is 50 years. Interesting how this develops. First step will be a phone battery but who knows how it will go? 

    We're still in the infancy of power development. Charging will be quicker, safer and battery capacity will be better. Right now it's workable but inconvenient. I'm sure filling stations were equally inconvenient in the dawn years of the petrol car. 

    Yeah - we had an LPG camper van for a while and it was a nightmare trying to find places to fill it up before it ran out. Didn't help that the fuel gauge was totally unreliable

    But back on point - the EV race isn't actually about EVs at all - it's just about who can come up with the best battery solution. The car part is largely irrelevant. Just wheels to get you from A to B



  13. 14 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:


    and the best they can do in reply is


    An Avanti West Coast spokesperson said: “These slides were an attempt to explain how the Service Quality Regime works to some of our colleagues, but the language used was regrettable.

    I get all the arguments for privatised public services, but surely even those who are pro the idea have to admit that the current implementation of the model doesn't work for us? The idea that they can take tax-payers money, and then fail but it doesn't matter because they get bailed out by more tax-payers money is ludicrous. 

  14. https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/16/tesla_owners_in_deep_freeze/


    Saw a fellow sitting in his EV at a charging station. The businesses were still closed for him to stay warm and dawdle while his car charged. I briefly spoke with him as he went into the store. He said he's been sitting in the car running the heaters and it was taking about twice as long to charge. The car's range was about 280km in the cold he said. The fellow said his trip to Saskatoon from Kelowna takes about 3 times longer for charging time (sitting time). His charges today were about $100 and two hours of sitting with heaters on and the battery was only 2/3 charged. He said he liked his EV, but only in summer. But he said only if it's not too hot, AC drains batteries very fast. So, if you live in Canada, and are considering buying an EV, make sure your pockets are deep and you're NEVER on a schedule.


  15. 10 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    In Birminghams case it's possible after they had to shell out over a billion pounds to female council workers whom historically were unfairly underpaid relative to their male counterparts. 

    As Birmingham council made no provision for this huge compensation claim which ultimately was their own fault then this effectively left them borassic. 

    So is the implication that they are declaring bankruptcy as a way to avoid paying up on this legal liability?


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