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    maxjam got a reaction from Millenniumram in Frank Lampard   
  2. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Pets   
    Ollie looks like he eats better than me - cake in the foreground, chocolates in the background...
  3. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Andicis in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    I thought it was a very straight forward movie when I came out of the cinema, then the more I thought about it as the day went on the more uncertain I became.  Just watched a 'ending explained' video from The Film Theorists on youtube and am now really confused as to what I actually watched and I'm not sure another viewing would clear it up lol - doesn't change the fact that it was an excellent film ?
  4. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Andicis in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Just seen it, I agree with the 9/10. Wonderful film, had a great atmosphere, Joaquin Phoenix did a great job as the Joker, I probably preferred him in the role than Heath Ledger. 
    Best film I've seen this year.
  5. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from Bubbles in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Joker 9/10
    Its not a Marvel movie, there are no special effects, there's no Batman but what you do get is a simple, powerful, character driven story.  Excellent.
  6. Clap
    maxjam reacted to ThePrisoner in Gaming   
    Untitled Goose Game has been occupying a lot of my after work hours time. Even brought my Switch in to play it during lunch.
  7. Like
    maxjam reacted to MK in Frank Lampard   
    Looks like Tomori is getting an England call up. Well done that man!
  8. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Day in Frank Lampard   
    Pleased for the lad, I'm sure some will question the decision and argue he isn't ready or shown enough for the England team and others should be ahead of him, but as a Derby fan who he spent a year with and deservedly won our player of the season award, I'm made up for him. Hopefully he gets on the pitch and picks up his first cap. 
  9. Sad
    maxjam reacted to dog in Pets   
    Ours is on the way out. The thin balance between enjoying life and suffering has clearly been crossed.
    The vet had said it would be quick and he wasn't wrong. Heart disease
    She didn't have breakfast this morning, she's not walking. 
    Took her to see my folks for the last time this morning
    Had her as a rescue dog eleven years ago so she's done well
    Taking her to the vet on Wednesday
  10. Like
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Frank Lampard   
    I like Tomori and Mount much more than Lamps. Perfect loans. Really came in and acted as if they were here to stay. Good players, top fellas! 
    Still love watching them now. ?
  11. Angry
    maxjam reacted to Mucker1884 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
  12. Like
    maxjam reacted to Mostyn6 in Pets   
    So... I had Patrick from Friday lunchtime until about 8pm last night, and now I've given him back, I'm absolutely crushed lol.
    Due to work commitments and living in a first floor flat, alone, it would be cruel to own a dog. I leave at 5am and sometimes don't get home until 6:30-7:00pm. But weekends are generally fine.
    So I didn't want this puppy to think I was boring, and that's a lot of pressure to put on oneself. It's like a middle-age man trying to impress his kids and act cool!
    So I've lived in and around Sinfn for 12 years and only just discovered that there is a "Nature Reserve" at Sinfin Moor, and I took Patrick there 5 times! I let him lead the way each time and decide which path to take. He's only 9 months old and likes to sniff everything, so it takes ages to walk 100yds! lol.
    I really enjoyed my time with him, I am a massive lover of dogs and as said frequently, I prefer them to humans, by a long way, and Patrick is easily one of my most favouritest living things! 
    I spent most of the weekend laughing at him and play-fighting with him. he is obsessed with ears though. He's pulled the ears off all his teddys and bunnies and always nibbles my ears when play fighting.
    Anyway, he's with his grandma now cos I had to go back and do responsible things like Work! My life feels empty again and I can focus on booing Keogh!
  13. Sad
    maxjam reacted to Mostyn6 in Pets   
    So, all give your pets an extra fuss, and if they look confused, tell them it’s from Mostyn. 
    I was peacefully doing my ironing about an hour or so ago, by the window, that overlooks a busy Grampian Way in Sinfin. I heard a thud, instinctively looked out of the window to witness a dog running into moving traffic. 
    Suffice to say I’ve shed tears a few times since seeing it. The car behind stopped, and the absolute gentleman driving it tried what he could and showed genuine love for the dog he probably didn’t know. 
    After he carried it off the road and gently placed it on the lawn beside the road, the owner appeared with the lead in her hand, witnessing her reaction will live with me for a very long time, as will seeing the driver, totally blameless, who hit the dog, but stopped around the corner as his kids were in the car. 
    After about ten minutes, the lady owner said goodbye to her dog before collapsing trying to lift the dog wrapped in a blanket, before being pulled away by someone, and the real true gentleman, who i dont know, but admire greatly, gently wrapped the dog a bit more snugly in the blanket and carried it to a car. 
    Owner and driver totally inconsolable. A lovely dog gone just like that. ??
  14. Sad
    maxjam reacted to VulcanRam in Pets   
    I dislike dogs. I dislike people who dress their dogs up even more. More than that, I dislike people who treat dogs like they are more important than humans. I also dislike people who make stupid baby noises and voices when they see a dog. 
    Most of all I dislike people who think it's acceptable to allow a dog to lick their face (or anywhere else) no doubt having just licked their own arse or balls. 
    The Koreans have the right idea about dogs.
    I'd quite like a tortoise as a pet. 
  15. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Day in Neil Warnock is a National Treasure   
  16. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Day in Forum Issues   
    Wouldn't worry about it, you're probably the only one using Firefox ;) 
  17. Like
    maxjam reacted to r4derby in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    As a result of watching Captain Marvel and the ensuing debate about her as a person, along with my growing excitement for Endgame, I rewatched Infinity War last night. I think that is my favourite film of 2018, and not even ashamed. So rarely does a triple A blockbuster meet expectations, and mine were high, but this did. Scene after scene of good film.
    Ive come to realise with age that movies are less about what the critics say or whether it’s a big/low budget/indie film, but whether you enjoy it when you watch it. And it’s a good place to be!
  18. Like
    maxjam reacted to mozza in Pets   
    A dog, never mind a puppy shouldn't be left alone from 9am - 6pm that's just cruel and may even be illegal. I've no doubt the owners are presuming the poor mite is fine cos nobodies moaned about barking or whining. They need telling David. They then might be able to arrange a daily visit from a friend or neighbour to sort the little fellas needs out. Cruel ..
  19. Cheers
    maxjam reacted to Day in Forum Issues   
    Dark mode is something I’ve been working on for a while, it’s taking a while as I’m having to rewrite every inch of the site and pages you probably wasn’t even aware existed. 
    I don’t want to put a date on it as there is a major update coming out early next year which will no doubt break things.

  20. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Parsnip in Pets   
    11 weeks old now and made it to base camp  (although he had to yelp to be rescued as he could get no higher and refused to jump down!)

  21. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from froggg in Pets   
    We lost our 16yo salt and pepper miniature schnauzer 'Tricky' in April this year ?
    'Schnapps', our new black and silver miniature schnauzer is 9 weeks old today, we've had him a week and he's settling in nicely!  He already responds to his name, sit command and 'wee-wee'.  Oh and he has a variety of innocent/cute looks that will no doubt come in handy in the near future!

  22. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Carnero in Pets   
    11 weeks old now and made it to base camp  (although he had to yelp to be rescued as he could get no higher and refused to jump down!)

  23. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Will the Ram in Pets   
    11 weeks old now and made it to base camp  (although he had to yelp to be rescued as he could get no higher and refused to jump down!)

  24. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Mrs Cone in Pets   
    11 weeks old now and made it to base camp  (although he had to yelp to be rescued as he could get no higher and refused to jump down!)

  25. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Day in Pets   
    11 weeks old now and made it to base camp  (although he had to yelp to be rescued as he could get no higher and refused to jump down!)

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