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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 14 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    We stay at the Crowne Plaza, nice setting on the Thames it’s about 3.5 miles to the ground so I’ll drive there. Always a pain parking near the ground though.

    I know it, would it be worth walking to reading centre or the station and getting a bus?

  2. Reading is like a morgue, I lived just outside (Woodley ) and everyone supported London clubs. Good night out in the centre, good places to eat. The stadium is miles from the train station so get a bus. 

    i would say Reading are a lucky club. 6 points is a joke given the amount they were overspent. They got class players for nothing (drinkwater etc) and they average a crowd of about 10k yet have a huge wage bill.

    I hope we stuff them 

  3. It would be interesting to see Bristol City’s (and other teams) losses over a recent 3 year period. Bristols are £49m over 2 years so will probably go higher. 

    I agree with COVID related deductions but they need to be reasonable, appropriate and consistent. It is possible that those that have overspent can use COVID to bring them in line with FFP. If the EFL accept Bristols £16m COVID figure and they spend less than £6m over the limit in the third year they will be fine. Although I don’t agree with any deduction for FFP for loss of player sales, that’s just the market.

    our problem was the overspend in non covid years. I would expect us to be so far below FFP at the moment it will be unreal. 

    the big difference is the administration, I for one have always said that our debt is not the biggest, we just don’t have an owner to bail us out. 

    re Mr Pop, sorry but he does deserve a back lash. He took the p out of Derby fans trying to look positively on our circumstances and he is doing exactly the same. Looking at them with rose tinted glasses and coming up with figures to justify the,, just like we tried to do.

    i think BCFC got used to selling players for big fees and that became their operating model. Once that fails you are in trouble 

    the only difference between us and them is that the owner didn’t put them into administration. We both had operating models that are/were flawed as have most clubs.

    the list of clubs with overspends will continue 

  4. 10 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    The deal the administrators were railroaded into cutting with the EFL considered a future 3 point deduction for the 19/20 20/21 Covid affected accounts. So in order to be consistent they should be penalising other clubs and not taking Covid into consideration. Half the league will get points deductions by doing this although they will probably be applied next season which doesn’t help us, if they are even applied at all. 

    If Mel hadnt absconded and we weren’t over a barrel, then I’d have expected us to push for a lower points deduction. Be interesting to see what happens with the other clubs but I have a feeling we will feel even more victimised, but we’re Derby County biggest cheats in the history of football so it’s justified!!

    Perhaps it’s a question for the administrators. Was a deduction in FFP overspending given due to loss of earnings from COVID and if so how much?

  5. The latest accounts are now being aired with Bristol City declaring having losses of £48.5m over the last two years (far worse than us by the way) who will follow, we have already seen Reading with a bigger loss for the previous year. More will follow but really how much can be written off due to covid and how can the EFL be even handed in their points deduction. 

    This will all arrive too late for us but those such as Bristol City should receive appropriate penalties. Those that called for our blood seem to have a different take when they themselves are over the limit. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Total lack of class from Kirchner. Haggling via socail media and via the Sun newspaper and then having a hissy fit when he isn't the preferred bidder. Reading some of his tweets he does remind me of Alonso, although maybe at least Kirchner did actually have money but looks like he has been outbid.  

    That’s a bit harsh but it does give a hint that he will not be the preferred bidder or at least he concluded that. For one I would have welcomed him to Derby he seemed a good guy to me


  7. 3 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    I agree with all this except I think lying about Ffp is  going too far. But I agree I thought even at the time the thing about the £4m overspend was a bit disingenuous and so it proved.

    Mel kept saying we were within FFP but we were not, how about if I used the word misleading. I have always thought he had Derby’s best interest at heart but the execution of that was misguided 

  8. 9 hours ago, atherstoneram said:

    Because they submitted their yearly accounts into the EFL and we didn't submit any for 2 - 3 years, we don't know what was discovered if anything after the administrators submitted the outstanding accounts. Did MM have something to hide?

    Not submitting accounts is not the reason, that in its self would not give you a sporting advantage. It’s the fact that within those accounts we had used an unauthorised amortisation method that masked our failure to comply with FFP.  It’s still down to the overpayment causing a sporting advantage. If correcting the amortisation didn’t affect FFP then they would not be after money. 
    I don’t think anything nefarious has taken place or we would have known about it my now. I think it’s a case of financial ineptitude nothing else. I’m not sure what else will come out. MM has certainly not done anything other than chase a dream and not run Derby as he would one of his businesses. He needed to concentrate of balancing the books and not try to find ways to circumnavigate the rules. 

    that said we need to remember that he has injected significant funds into the club it’s just a pity he wasn’t more prudent with them. That lack of financial care and brought us to where we are.  My main issue with him is that he lied to use for years about being within FFP, even misleading re the £4m on his last interview 

  9. 5 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    It was a one off game in which you played several players who you should not have been able to afford. 

    wycombe claim against us I don’t know what it’s about but on last game of season we drew with Sheffield Wednesday which sent Wycombe down. If we had lost to wednesday then Wycombe would still have been relegated along with us so I really don’t get what their claim is about. 

    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 

    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.


  10. 1 hour ago, VulcanRam said:

    People at Pride Park are busy now preparing for going back to playing behind closed doors. They are expecting it to happen.

    The Welsh Government has announced today that all games from Boxing Day onwards will be played without crowds. 

    Will we get to see West Brom before any shutdown? How long can this go on for this time? 


    Never a problem for Santa he always uses a chimney, I have just asked for a quote on getting one erected at PP so we can all go. A sort of great escape in reverse lol

  11. The two things I take from the minutes 

    - sale not to February

    - we are being held to ransom by two clubs who are using the administration as a way of obtaining funds. It looks like we are entertaining paying them as otherwise it will seriously hold up the takeover.

    re the first we need this completed in January . 

    re the second, I can see why they are going for this. I don’t think either claims have legs if it wasn’t for the fact it will affect the buying of the club. This wouldn’t work if we sued QPR or Villa ( or Gibson to go for Villa) because they are not in administration 

    people like this are known as opportunists and that is the politest word I can use for them.

    I do wonder if we could take insurance out to indemnify the new owners etc and tell them to go for one

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