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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 6 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    So Maguire says:

    “It looks as if Mel Morris himself is owed £124 million.

    “Whether he’s going to insist on 25 percent of that, we’re uncertain.“

    Uncertain?  Morris has said he’ll waive the lot. The administrators have said they are confident of a sale (as Maguire points out, there would be no sale if MM does not waive his debt). 

    Maguire is a publicity grabbing public nuisance  

    I think (could be wrong) that Mel said he will forgo the £124m

  2. it would be an easier claim to say we prevented them getting to the play off's so they claim for the compensation of the gate receipts for the semi final and Wembley (probably about £1.5m ish). By saying we prevented them getting promoted is a bit of a long shot. Would they have beaten Leeds and Villa? can they prove that on the balance of probabilities they would? I don't think so   

  3. The EFL must hate this, its a bit like the amortisation question, if Gibson and Wycombe win then it could open the floodgates for clubs to be suing each other. I'm' not sure there is many if at all that haven't fallen foul of FFP in some way, even if they have not been over the limit. I'm thinking Reading getting players on loan for nothing (which others have not been able to do) and Fulham getting Wilson free for two years. all of this affects games in some way.  

    If someone gets an advantage by breaking FFP they are punished by the EFL. If Gibson is successful (I don't think he will) then welcome to the bun fight. We would go straight back into administration and lots of others, QPR etc would join us very closely  

  4. The restrictions are for this season and are better than we have now. I think it’s worth having the discussion on who might stay or go, also who we might sign? Maybe Rooney has his eyes on a couple of out of contact forwards that will come for 10-12k. Look who we got for £4.5

    i can see Jozwiak, Bielik and Lawrence going and possibly Shinniesta, Knight 

  5. On 16/11/2021 at 12:08, Gaspode said:

    Only if those figures are correct - various folk on twatter suggesting that those numbers have applied the same loss repeatedly over 3 seasons so the total quoted is far higher than it should be. No idea if that is correct (hopefully one of the accountancy folk on here can clarify....).

    My take is that the admins have told the EFL that they want closure asap so they can sell the club - the EFL have replied that the only way they'd accept that is by hitting us as hard as they can (effectively guaranteeing relegation) - basically blackmailing the admins to accept the punishment or else have the whole sorry saga drag out to the point we get liquidated.....a thoroughly crappy way to behave for an organisation that then has the temerity to issue a statement saying they want to help the club move forward.....

    they have been accepted by the Admin guys so right or wrong we need to move on

  6. 1 hour ago, NottsRam77 said:

    We just cant help ourselves can we 

    spending got us in this mess didnt it 

    With tv, gate receipts and corporate monies about to be slashed for us as we enter league , we will probably have to cut our cloth first further before spending 



    soo, don't bother about getting the team ready for L1? You don't have to spend big money. there is a difference between spending as part of a sustainable business plan and not chucking money at a dream.

    I never said about spending millions or spending above our means but we need to strengthen 

  7. 12 hours ago, vonwright said:

    What are you including in commercial and hospitality here? Usually that would include sponsorship and merchandise, which are not 'small bits' and were not wiped out by COVID. Are you in any way considering offsetting income from people watching in alternative ways, ie online? 

    In any case, say it was £20m if you like. My point was that even if this figure is correct, it needs to be looked at in context: the enormous losses Mel absorbed over multiple seasons, and the total £60m debts we apparently now have. The COVID loan that we were apparently cruelly denied by an EFL hell bent on destroying us was capped at £8.3m. That's roughly the sum we reportedly owe Cocu and his sidekicks for sacking them (in the middle of the pandemic).

    Clearly a number of people need to believe that we are a victimised club, led by a visionary businessman whose masterplan of sustainable success was cruelly derailed by a combination of COVID and the evil Baron Gibson and his EFL minions. And I say that's wishful thinking, as the accounts we still have to publish for 2018/19 onwards will probably confirm. I trust the administrators are doing their best to get us back on track. 

    Anyway I realise this is an unpopular view so I'm out. 

    Might be unpopular but factual. There is no doubt that we lost a significant sum during Covid but we were already on a slippery slop.  Yes Covid  exacerbated administration but unless drastic action was taken by Mel and Pearce that's where we were heading. The signing of players for £10m and £4m  sort of indicates that the they could not make those hard decisions and still wanted the dream of the prem.

    We needed to take stock a couple of years ago and put in place a sustainable business plan, I don't think we did and it took an embargo for us to dramatically cut our costs

  8. 24 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    In my experience, business plans are rarely, if ever, stuck to with much accuracy and are sometimes a complete work of fiction (similar to cash flow forecasts).

    I guess the difference here is can/will the the EFL impose further sanctions if we stray too far from what we said we’d do in the plan?

    They had a go at Birmingham when they didn't  follow theirs, not sure what the outcome was. Business plans and strategies should always be flexible. I guess if we want to use some of that flexibility we need to discuss it with them first. I would hope that it would be based on our projected operating income and current and projected liabilities.    

  9. 6 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Isn't the suggestion that even with the 21 points the EFL will still refuse to wipe the slate clean and that they will still insist on a business plan for the next 2 years?

    I can't remember now but have other clubs faced a penalty for a set period and effectively had the counter reset? Whereas with us people are suggesting the 'deal' is to stop them deducting points for breaches in the seasons following the ones we were investigated for?

    Something doesn't make sense, but it could just be my memory failing me or me having read something incorrectly.

    I think the business plan is a standard thing to ensure clubs behave appropriately 

  10. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I've looked at every Championship team tbh... Both of those teams have bent the rules.

    Reading - sold stadium and loaned Aluko out to owner's Chinese club for an over inflated amount.. meaning they narrowly avoided a P&S overspend up to 2019. It'll be roughly £32m overspent for the 2020 period. I think there's some other dodgy stuff but can't remember what off the top of my head.

    Stoke - Something like a £20m covid impairment on players (meaning they can slash the amortisation charges. Conveniently this was exactly what they needed to stay within P&S limits.

    I expect more dodgy transactions from those clubs in the 20/21 accounts.

    Thank you. it will be interesting what happens to them and others. I think if the tree is shaken lots of bad stuff will fall out

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