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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 19 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    So if Covid is to blame can we get our 12 points back?

     its the question and a good one. They do doubt will point to the fact that we accepted it. The EFL are about to get themselves in a pickle between imposing the rules and appeasing clubs

    if any of our FFP points are over the Covid era then that could come into this. If hey change FFP there is going to be a backlash from the likes of SWFC and others

  2. It’s interesting the words coming out of others clubs when they are under the spotlight. I have no issue with our points deduction as we went into administration and failed FFP although I don’t think FFP is consistently applied. 

    so what I have heard is covid is now an act of god, so the covid years need to be over looked as it affected clubs operating models. FFP needs to be changed so that a lot of the clubs that are now likely to be over are not.

    i also don’t like the Covid losses being based over 3 years and the average used for a covid year. Some clubs like BCFC will benefit because they had a year where they made money and others will lose because they didn’t ( we would be in that category). So if you are -10, -10 and -10 your next year would -10 (-30/3) even if you have cut your wage bill operating costs and it should have been 0. It’s a terrible way of doing things.

    what’s more some clubs now want to have further deductions put in place to lower losses. 

    of course for them it’s different 

    so what will clubs who have been relegated due to FFP if the EFL change their system, will they be able to claim back the monies lost due to relegation and embargo ? It would seem a stronger case than Middlesbrough or Wycombes


  3. there would be a point to insisting Derby sold players if was little likelihood of debts being payed and that selling would help with that.  As we are about to get a new owner I don't see the point of doing that.

    However if we cannot get Gibson off our back and the EFL will not allow a new owner until we do then we will have to sell (towards the end of January)   

  4. I'm not sure what Gibson is trying to do. In a court of law the claim for £45m has little chance of success and you don't need to be a lawyer to work that one out. Yes we did breach the FFP limit when we last reached the playoffs however with Wycombe's claim I cannot see anything at all. Derby's failure to get points deductions last year was down to the EFL process not Derby being over FFP (Not sure if we were for last year).

    I have read on the Middlesbrough board that it is an attempt to change the rules, if so then is this the best vehicle for that? would it be best to sit down with the EFL and change the rules rather than put a club out of business. I don't think that the  Middlesbrough supporters realise that we cannot get a new owner and come out of administration until the two claims are sorted.

    If Gibson thinks he has a legitimate claim, why doesn't he with draw the claim until we have a new owner and them reinstate it. That way if he wins he stands a chance of getting paid and the club survive?

  5. 14 minutes ago, TooFarInToTurnRed said:

    Are the EFL are legally allowed to interfere in the Administration process to this extent? I very much doubt it

    In so much as all creditors or potential creditors need to be part of the package , or ensure a sustainable football club. The EFL are dotting every possible l and cross every possible T.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hanny said:

    I’m trying to sort out the figures I see floating around here and elsewhere. 

    If I understand correctly:

    1. the debts to creditors are Non-negotiable. Seems logical to me in this case. there are tangible dollars owed. So any bid must provide payment for those up front.(creditors are made while first). 

    2. The purchase price for the club and it’s assets are 100% negotiable. This is where I believe the stand off is happening. It will be up to the administrators to take the best deal and not chase away money. As pa used to say: it’s better to be looking at it, than looking for it. 

    3. The threats of lawsuit are not really about Derby. And I’m not too concerned with them. It’s long been a power play of rich folk/companies to claim suit in a situation, with the only purpose of attempting to get precedent set. They are using the Derby situation to try and better their own bargaining position for something later on. 

    Summary of what I think is happening:

    1. any bidder must sign and agree to payoff the creditors, by showing proof of funds to that end. 
    2. Only thing left is standard negotiation table standoffs to land on an agreed price point for club and assets. 

    Hopefully  someone yields a bit to get this over the line. 


    Good post

  7. 1 hour ago, StrawHillRam said:

    Lots of truth there but a lot of worst case scenario. You could put some of it at the door of clubs that are not in administration (debts). The deal will go through and Derby will survive. Most probably L1 but let’s see. Re buying players that will not happen, cheap loans and perms maybe. Will we sell, maybe for instance if TL says he will not re sign and someone offers £1m we will take it, less probably. Youngsters will need a serious bid.

    be optimistic we will be ok, we will regroup and move forward we just need to remember the lessons something that we and other clubs struggle with

  8. 21 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Rooney has been applying pressure to the administrators for a bit now, he said after the last game (that he attended), that he will speak to the administrators and should hopefully have an update by the next game (Reading).  I was excited to hear what Rooney had to say, only to be disappointed when I found out he wasn't at the game due to having cold like symptoms. I did think it was a bit suspect for a manager to not be at the game due to having a cold and a covid test showing a negative result, but I suppose that's the world we live in.

    All eyes on today's press conference with Rooney.

    I wouldn’t read too much into it, he was probably being careful. Wayne has never shied away from anything 

  9. On 30/12/2021 at 11:04, Briz said:

    Yeah, no doubting that. Wage bill is said to have dropped by a third this season with scope to get rid of the huge wages of Kasey Palmer and Nahki Wells so should drop significantly further. 
    It is a genuine possibility that next season our wage bill could be half of our wage bill last season. 
    Seems those at the top clocked on to our awful position just in time. 

    We did this, but far too late, our wage bill has dropped like a stone over the last 3 years. I’m a bit concerned about deductions for COVID, and I’m thinking of the likes of Stoke here.  I think it should only be attendance, hospitality and the collateral costs relating to that. Cost 0f player sale, amortisation of players (I know) etc should not be included. Also it should be net costs so for instance we have 22000 STs but still retained circa 8k during that period. 
    it should all be based on the average of the previous 3 years non covid earnings. This should all be published. The loans etc given by the EFL should be disclosed as income . 

    just my thoughts 

  10. 36 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I would imagine the cost of such indemnity insurance would be extremely high. No insurance company is going to risk splashing out millions in the event of the case being lost without charging a hefty premium. Obviously I know nothing about your lost will case but suspect is may have been a lot simpler and for a significantly lesser amount.

    You are right of course we are talking less than a million re the will and only a couple of prat’s that had an issue. But thank you

  11. 11 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Where’s he getting his info. Presumably Stretford. Still seems like he’s trying to join the dots around the Appleby bid and he doesn’t really know. The Canadian reference could be Brett Wilson’s association with Appleby so he’s definitely scrambling on that.

    But confirms what we knew about Kirchner being outbid and that Wycombe and Boro are digging their heels in. If the preferred bidder is willing to take on the risk then duck em, take the bar stewards all the way to court and counterclaim the duck out of them! Bamfords!! 

    Looks like Nick De Marco could be getting some more work from us!

    I have experienced getting insurance about claims from third parties when a will was lost. It was expensive but why are we not doing that. Getting an indemnity insurance against losing the court cases. That way tweedle Dee and tweedle dum might just go forth and multiply. 

    there is another thing here I would have thought that if we won they would pick up the bill. 

    i would be interested if any lawyer on here (based on the limited information we know) would give us an opinion on the validity of the claim. I have some legal training in criminal law and a little in TORT etc and I think on the balance of probabilities that we would not be the sole cause of either claim but I am not a lawyer 

  12. 58 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    I’ve looked at that but it would take too long to get back, I want to be back at the hotel for 5.30 for free celebration drinks (hopefully)

    I hope so too. For information the Crown Plaza in Woodley/winnersh is a good hotel and it is a better journey to get to the stadium (by junction 10) You could park at Foster Wheeler and get the free bus to the stadium. That way you don’t have to drive through Reading.

    the best one for the stadium (apart from the one at the stadium) is the Hilton.

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