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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. On 19/02/2022 at 21:15, TuffLuff said:

    Found Adrian Durham’s account then!

    Apparently we have cheated for 10 years and are still cheating. A lot of their fans were more informed I will give them that.

    we have had a good PR job done on us. Everyone gets the facts mixed up with fiction and then some.

    the best is Reading, we cheated but they didn’t even though they were over FPP by more for a lesser period.

    still it takes the attention of clubs laundering money through their books, making deals for players to circumvent FFP and sell players for dodgy fees between clubs owned by the same person, clubs wanting to write off circa £40m for Covid, teams that now want to include potential income from player sales into covid amounts …..shall I go on

  2. 22 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    After watching that game last night you still think we'll need 42 points?

    It was a poor game even with the conditions. I cannot believe that either 0f those teams will not improve at some time, we just need to keep collecting points. This is not a forgone conclusion, it’s still 3 from 4

  3. 16 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    So if he’s not gone by tomorrow, it doesn’t sound like the reading players will be making any great effort to save his job.

    Another upshot to reading winning is that it could save his job temporarily. It’s only Peterborough, so wouldn’t necessarily mean reading have suddenly become good. But it might mean that the manager gets another couple of games to keep them in the poo. 

    always have an issue when players do that. Yes he is the manager but they have a responsibility as well. sounds like a bad changing room, which is better for us

  4. 11 hours ago, twelveincher said:

    Think the EFL could be tempted to give us 3 points back to shut us up if this Sun article is truthful? I hope that’s our angle and we don’t stoop to the level of Boro or Wycombe 

    No way would that happen, we have been vilified as worse than Attila the Hun. We are the big cheats, any one else has done nothing wrong. Everyone will go ape if we had an extra 3 points.

  5. 10 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    I'm not sure we can claim that we have been treated  more harshly than Reading. I think the option they chose was available to Derby but we chose the nine points option.

    Reading chose to go down a different route to Derby in the agreements they arrived at with the EFL. Reading agreed to being subjected to a business plan which extends to the end of the 2022-23 season. If they breach that plan they will be subjected to a further six points penalty, which means in effect that their penalty was 12 points but with six suspended. I seem to recall that in reaching our own agreement, DCFC declined the option of a two year plan, which I think was sensible in our position because it could restrict the plans of our new owners who will hopefully be in place for next season.

    Our focus on Reading should be on the football field because I think we are all agreed that if we can pull clear of them then we have every chance of making the great escape. We have a manager who has shocked the football world with the outstanding motivational skills he has displayed this season. I have been warmed by what I have seen of the Reading and Hull managers in recent weeks because they seem hopelessly lacking the ability to motivate a team in a relegation dog fight, in my opinion.

    While Reading and Peterborough are obviously teams we need to be looking to overtake I have not given up on bridging the gap to Hull. I don't think I would saying that if Grant McCann was still in charge there but when I watched the Sky recording of Avelardze's post match interview my eyes lit up because he was so defeatist. The Hull fans are very vocal about his tactical deficiencies. He could be a massive Achilles heel for Hull,

    Didn’t the EFL look at our accounts on a 3 year rolling basis, so we incurred a penalty on 3 of the 4 years. Readings penalty was for one 4 year block so a total of 12 points available where as Derby in theory could have received 4 x 12 points so 48 points.  Would it have made a difference if Reading had the same, so the chance of incurring 4x12 point penalties.

    also I might be wrong but dosnt things reset when when you have been penalised so for the next two years you are not over FFP. Due to our cost cutting we should be ok, but I would doubt Reading would be?

    or do I have that wrong?

  6. On 12/02/2022 at 14:48, FindernRam said:

    If the "Accord" involved money and it is confidential, how will Boro hide that in (next?) years accounts; and will it count to FFP?

    It’s between Gibson and Mel so maybe it isn’t going through their accounts or maybe through the Group accounts that also include the other two companies 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

    Last paragraph discloses the apparent secret EFL agenda of appeasement - on behalf of MFC - that the EFL has within their ability, actions and inactions (if not power), to cause, finally and fatefully, the expected or assured relegation of DCFC.

    I am calling it "Constructive Relegation"; it's an EFL parallel to how employers behave (and eventually get found out of, at Tribunals) when they want to make an unwanted employees' job tenure unpleasant, impossible, frustrating - leading to the person ultimately leaving the job, and then taking it up as a claim and legal grievance.

    The EFL needs to deny DCFC' Championship status somehow, to appease the parasites and those who demonise an already-punished club, and who, disgustingly, appear to have a chance of overcoming all penalties.

    This is quite evident, when you look at the DCFC / EFL timeline, without being exhaustive...

    * Two years of drawn-out embargoes and the emergence of the EFL dispute with MFC as a motivation to deplete DCFC over and above P&S / FFP penalties.

    * Use of the Chorley FA Cup teenage representatives to invoke 'professional player' status to restrict squad recruitment / retention

    * Failure to apply EFL rules re: 3.5, 4.4, regarding club conduct and discredit / disrepute behaviours, by the parasite clubs 

    * Publication of 'alternative' league fixture lists for DCFC & WW to swap League places in different divisions

    * Publishing press releases and statements without reference to DCFC; expressing 'disappointment' about LAP/ IDC judgements

    * Leakage of selective information to gutter press to stoke up the demonisation of DCFC

    * Ambiguity of the status of the parasite claims in terms of creditor preference

    * Blocking PB progress / discouraging bidders due to the above ambiguity

    * Ensuring that admin and legal processes endure throughout the fifth (!) transfer window, in January 2022 in which DCFC has been embargoed.

    * Due to blocking PB progress (and their £5m non-refundable funding deposit) and because of the parasite claim status ambiguity, impelling administrators to undertake desperate player disposals by DCFC, in order to facilitate instant cashflow demands

    The EFL's attitude of deflection, obfuscation, delay and denial makes me very angry and will get called out, if we get relegated or (Heaven forbid) go into liquidation. Constructive relegation is not my paranoia - it is DCFC's ongoing nightmare, a gift from Parry to Gibson.

    Last paragraph discloses the apparent secret EFL agenda of appeasement - on behalf of MFC - that the EFL has within their ability, actions and inactions (if not power), to cause, finally and fatefully, the expected or assured relegation of DCFC. Probably gone a bit far on this, no doubt MFC and the EFL want us relegated but collusion (which is illegal) ........feels like it, but no evidence

    I am calling it "Constructive Relegation"; it's an EFL parallel to how employers behave (and eventually get found out of, at Tribunals) when they want to make an unwanted employees' job tenure unpleasant, impossible, frustrating - leading to the person ultimately leaving the job, and then taking it up as a claim and legal grievance. Also a bit far, we are not being given much leeway but its  a stretch to call it constructive (illegal)

    The EFL needs to deny DCFC' Championship status somehow, to appease the parasites and those who demonise an already-punished club, and who, disgustingly, appear to have a chance of overcoming all penalties.It does feel like that

    This is quite evident, when you look at the DCFC / EFL timeline, without being exhaustive...especially with the press releases between MFC and EFL

    * Two years of drawn-out embargoes and the emergence of the EFL dispute with MFC as a motivation to deplete DCFC over and above P&S / FFP penalties. they were in their rights to do this

    * Use of the Chorley FA Cup teenage representatives to invoke 'professional player' status to restrict squad recruitment / retention this is down to the FA and not EFL, infact the EFL overlooked those players that took part (as part of professional players/squad)

    * Failure to apply EFL rules re: 3.5, 4.4, regarding club conduct and discredit / disrepute behaviours, by the parasite clubs pass

    * Publication of 'alternative' league fixture lists for DCFC & WW to swap League places in different divisions That was very bad

    * Publishing press releases and statements without reference to DCFC; expressing 'disappointment' about LAP/ IDC judgements agreed

    * Leakage of selective information to gutter press to stoke up the demonisation of DCFC proof 

    * Ambiguity of the status of the parasite claims in terms of creditor preference

    * Blocking PB progress / discouraging bidders due to the above ambiguity

    * Ensuring that admin and legal processes endure throughout the fifth (!) transfer window, in January 2022 in which DCFC has been embargoed.

    * Due to blocking PB progress (and their £5m non-refundable funding deposit) and because of the parasite claim status ambiguity, impelling administrators to undertake desperate player disposals by DCFC, in order to facilitate instant cashflow demands cannot argue with that 

    The EFL's attitude of deflection, obfuscation, delay and denial makes me very angry and will get called out, if we get relegated or (Heaven forbid) go into liquidation. Constructive relegation is not my paranoia - it is DCFC's ongoing nightmare, a gift from Parry to Gibson.

    need to be careful in saying that anything criminal has taken place. I think that the whole saga is should be part of an independent investigation and potentially a criminal one.

  8. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Tbf people are going to sing that at us even if they don't mean it. That's the bravado between fans. 

    I don't mind them singing it. I mind more about their opinions when they think they know our situation and clearly don't. Because they spread misinformation 

    Definitely appreciate the support of rival fans but those that don't like us... join the likes of Boro, Forest etc at the EFL HQ then you can all be in one place when we tell them to feck themselves. 

    I think the party song will be turned onto Gibson at Middlesbrough...delete..Derby....insert Gibson  

  9. 14 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    It is a bit concerning to think that we can only really afford to lose 4 games though. Nice to know one loss doesn’t mean doom and gloom, but if we lose a couple back to back at any point, it’s all going to get very worrying and not leave much room for error in the run in. 

    it’s be nice if we could just smash out 6 wins in a row in the next 6 games, and leave all our troubles behind. 

    its as Rooney has said going be down to the wire. I think we will get close to Reading. Re Reading their form will change possibly when they change their manager. I expect them to improve. I think we will be above Peterborough and Barnsley but lets see re Reading. lots to play for. Their next 2 games are important, if they lose then pressure will build. However like I say they will change their manager and teams always pick up or a least a couple of games.

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