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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 4 hours ago, curb said:

    He’s started trawling through old Twitter posts now to show what an awful fan base we are. 
    He’s a poisonous troll. 

    I don't mind comments as long as they are correct, some of the stuff on other sites (I know we have it on ours) is toss. Also its important to not take an isolated quote and make it the opinion of everyone.

    The man needs to calm down, have a look at what he is writing and be more objective. He alone (pop) must see the potential of his words on events when BCFC visit PP. If it does kick off and I hope it doesn't for everyone's sake, then he needs to reflect on his rhetoric and blinkered vision. 

    Some of what he says is true, some not, some blinkered and some inflammatory. I had contact from someone from the BCFC site (who I will not name) and they said in reality he is a decent bloke who gets a bit agitated and doesn't see the effect his words have. He said dont worry he has the bee in his bonnet about Stoke now. Pop calm down and concentrate on your own club  

  2. 3 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    That's not quite true. We don't know the exact figures, but ball-park figures can be estimated. 18/19, 19/20 and 20/21 aren't pretty ?

    17/18 without the stadium is a bit ugly too.

    its the exact figures I was on about, some peoples estimation will be close to the mark and other way off

  3. 8 hours ago, Ramarena said:

    I had a look at the link to their site and noticed the Pop individual answered you directly over there!

    I don’t have an issue with facts, but their is a lot of tosh on there. I know all sites including this one have people that need to think about what they write.

    i do see similarities between some of the BCFC and Middlesbrough fans and their blind adherence to what they are being told and the tosh that Mel fed us.

    we need to publish our accounts, but the thing that was a constant theme on both the Middlesbrough and BCFC sites was the use of forecasted revenue for players they might sell in the future based on historical figures. Something we have never spoken about on here. 

    it’s a bit like the delays, some people still think  that we appealed when it was the EFL. I for one am not bothered if BCFC get a points deduction or not, if they do it’s down to their operating model that is based on buying cheap and selling big (something that they did well). Our operating model seems to be the worst of everyone’s.

    Pop just needs to calm down on the rhetoric (and some 0f the others), he is clearly an influencer. He needs to stop turning not ITK comments in to fact. 

    non of us know what the accounts look like as they haven’t been published, or what and who people have bid for the club or what’s going to happen. 

    he also need to calm down about Stoke and concentrate on his own team.

  4. 1 hour ago, Shipley Ram said:

    Someone on OTIB claims to have been told no bid is big enough and we will fold following the last game of the season


    There are a lot of ‘experts’ on their site who have opinions on all clubs not just Derby. For Derby they feel that.

    - we blame everyone and not ourself…….no we blame Mel

    - we supported him when he was being a ****…….. yes we were misled , we did ask the question but he told some   porkies 

    - we have got away with murder with the EFL…..really..we got the points we deserved ( although Reading were treated a little nicer), what more do you want

    - we should not play Belick as we have not paid for him….tosh, we could not sell him he was injured and why do you think that.

    - the stadium sale was illegal…no, it was higher than I thought it was worth but have a look at other things going on.

    - It is ok for BCFC and others to take possible future income from transfers as part 0f a covid reduction…….and you have an issue with amortisation, do you really think that’s fair? 

    - BCFC will never go over FFP, umm you might even with the overly kind covid allowance 

    like this site their are good and bad on the BCFC site but they need to focus on themselves rather than other clubs 

  5. 25 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    Who said anything about insolvency law?

    The EFLs rules on this were quite clear before Mel decided to put us into administration. We're not allowed to extend contracts or buy new players because it is currently unclear where the money will come from to pay for any of that. The EFL is trying to protect other clubs as well as ourselves.

    12 points for administration is automatic as per EFL rules and the 9 points was for breaching ffp, which again is part of their rules. There has to be a punishment for entering administration otherwise teams will just take advantage of it and if FFP isnt going to be enforced there is no point doing it (and before you say anything no i dont think ffp is a good system, but that is irrelevant)

    I have no idea why you are trying to protect Melvyn, but everything that has happened is entirely his fault. We wouldnt even be in administration if it wasnt for his actions.

    Spot on, We cannot have a go at the EFL for imposing their own rules and ones we agreed to. The only thing that I feel that is up for debate (and this is not about Derby but generally) is that the penalties are issued in a way that dosnt reflect other penalties that have been give previously. Again we accepted the 9 points.

    Mel is responsible for both and the ongoing administration issues. Re what the previous person commented about the cases involving Middlesbrough and Wycombe, he has a point, I don’t think the EFL were correct in what they did.

    the EFL have a lot to answer but they are general football issues. Such as FFP, PP and the ridiculous system of COVID relief that benefits some more than their covid losses. It has allowed some clubs to potentially fall within FFP when they would not have done in a non covid period.

  6. Big week next week, apparently we will not know who is the PB until later 0n in the week as Steve Gibson is taking a long weekend too sort out his allotment. 

    there is no truth in the rumour that Gibson asked George Clooney for his autograph and George said sure it will cost £60m based on my wired calculation of cost v time v carpetbagger sanctions 

  7. 1 minute ago, RAM1966 said:

    No - Morris ignored Boro and Wycombe, had he not have done so this would have been sorted long before.  I suggest he badly advised Q to do the same....

    Mel should of sued the EFL for continued dealays to the process.  We all know he would have won, especially as they since had an official rule change.....  Q cocked up there rilling over big time!

    You are right, just because you think their claims are a pile of poo (and I still think they are) you still need to deal with it. The EFL are complicit in the delays but as a club, our leaders have not helped, for instance where are the accounts 

  8. 13 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

    If the EFL were a credible organisation then he'd fail miserably the Fit and Proper test but they're not so he might be, providing Gibson is happy with it.

    He would pass it as they have a 2 strike rule. However there must be a rule that an owner cannot rebuy his company DCFC as that would inefficient get rid of the debts he has run up. Also he would not be welcome. If he wants to do something put the stadium in a trust called Derby County Football Club or give it to the new owner 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I'm sure you meant no offence, of course I know debt can be built up over a period of time. All I'm saying is shouldn't those losses be taken into account when calculating P&S regardless of whether the lender is now prepared to write some of it off? As you say, if it's £13m every year for the last ten years then crazy as it seems, you're still OK for P&S. Didn't Stoke make a loss of £88m in their last Accounts? I'm sure some can be attributed to Covid but not sure how much. I know they managed some clever accounting regarding the value of their players registrations and perhaps they'll get away with it that way.

    A lot of this is down to a bad Covid policy (EFL) where the last two seasons are halved (so a BOGOF situation) and then they also get £5m a season as well. So Stoke have under Covid overspent by £44m, then take away another £5m and dah dah, £39m. Sell your stadium (as we did) and that covers the other 2 years

  10. 33 minutes ago, Big Bad Bob said:

    Clearly I'm missing something. Why have they borrowed £120m? 

    Revised question. If a club has cash in the bank, under FFP can they spend it if it exceeds turnover by £39m over years?

    a lot of it is historical debt, so if you lose £13m a season for 10 seasons the debt is £130m. Remember Stoke were in the prem as well.  So debt of £130m but still inside FFP levels.

    The owner can put £100m in the bank but FFP is based on your operating income and not the owners wallet. 

    If the club has no money in the back they can overspend up to 13m a season (£39m over 3) with FFP penalties.

    The EFL should look at historical debt as if the owner can no longer afford it then the club goes bump, unless he makes it into his own debt or do what Stoke and others have done re shares  

  11. 1 hour ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    I know jack about accounting but this seems as dodgy as what MM was up to. May be he needed a better accountant.

    No its fine, getting rid of what in effect is your own debt dosnt affect FFP. Now id we are talking dodgy, .......parachute payments, the Covid reductions given by the EFL, trading between clubs owned by the same person.....different matter.

  12. 5 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    I’ve given Q benefit of the doubt more than most, Mel has left a horrific mess, they are selling a turd quite frankly so don’t know what some people expect regarding bids and progress.

    However, they’ve given a deadline directly to Team Derby and the MPs which I dont believe they’ve done previously. It may be a deadline of sorts as their wording probably gives them wriggle room to avoid announcing a preferred bidder this week but not much, selecting a preferred bidder this week would surely mean EFL meeting next week and an announcement unless there is another EFL curveball. 

    I think if we don’t make progress on the PB in the next two weeks then while that won’t mean certain liquidation as some will infer, any shred of credibility Q have left will be gone.

    I’m going for a Thursday announcement with a PB that we have not heard of before.  

  13. 9 hours ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I'm being serious actually. The stadium has been professionally valued at £80m. Mel will reportedly let it go for £20m. The club need a minimum of around £30m to pay off debts to avoid minus 15 points next season. If those figures are correct the new buyer is £30m up. 

    You make an excellent point and one I have not considered. Although £80m is a little over the top it was valued for that. PP like any other property is only worth what someone is willing to pay irrespective of the valuation. Other clubs supporters are already going on about the 80 v 20m but we do operate in a free market economy. 

    so and the end of my waffle yes the new owner will make (on paper) money on the deal.

    ps let’s hope the administrators told them that………probably not

  14. 1 hour ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    The current thinking is that nobody will pay £30m for DCFC plus £20m for the stadium. Isn't the stadium a valued asset of £80m however? If so the purchaser is £30m up on the deal. 

    I know that was a bit tongue in cheek but the stadium is worth more than £20m, not £80m but at least £50m

  15. 2 hours ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

    A lot of chatter but no action.

    On the box tomorrow is a perfect time to highlight the plight. 

    Option A.

    Run on the pitch naked and tie wrap ourselves to the corner flags

    Option B.

    Throw plastic balls on the pitch after 14 minutes (years since we were last in Prem league)

    Option C

    Delay going in the ground by 5 mins until kick off has started

    No NO No, we need to be united for the players, any negativity will be multiplied by the media and pushed back down the pipeline and affect the team.

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