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    ramit reacted to Philmycock in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People that write OF instead of HAVE!
  2. Like
    ramit reacted to Phoenix in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    F***ing tractor drivers towing trailers, who find it essential to drive from Ashbourne to Kirk Langley at 20 mph in the pitch dark, at 6 pm on a Saturday evening, without even considering pulling into one of the mutiplicity of lay-bys or bus pull-ins.
  3. Like
    ramit reacted to Tony Le Mesmer in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    there is also the other option of not using facebook altogether which somehow I prefer.........
  4. Like
    ramit reacted to WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who think the little orange lights on their car are just for Christmas
  5. Like
    ramit got a reaction from i-Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Use your signal indicator before turning
    When someone signals to enter your lane, here's a novelty, let em
    Don't have conversations in doorways, move along
    And since i mentioned doors, either leave or don't leave, don't half leave and hang up that phone already
    If you are incapable of tying your laces while chewing gum, do not use your phone while driving
    Look up from your smartphone before crossing the road, you crazy kid
    At first opportunity place a divider on the checkout conveyor belt for the next person
    Store manager,59.99? Really? Shall i return the insult and call you a blithering idiot? Okay, deal
    If someone is nice to you, be nice back, you moody biatch
    Do not travel on public transport if personal hygiene is not your thing, in fact don't leave the house, ever
    Do not, i repeat do not drill into a concrete wall in a multi apartment house on a Sunday morning
    If you borrow a book, it's your job to remember to return it and when you do, not in tatters thank you
    But i am trying to be more forgiving
  6. Like
    ramit reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Ex-Pats moaning about Brexit.
    I have 2 relatives (wife's step-siblings) who never stop ranting about Brexit on Facebook & moaning about how awful it is.
    She has lived in Colorado, USA for over 15 years.
    He has been in Mongolia for 3 years but also lived in USA before that.
    He posted another one last night & was demanding that remainers stand up and do everything possible to stop the process. YOU HAVEN'T LIVED HERE FOR 20 YEARS AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF RETURNING. GO AWAY YOU MUPPET!
    It's only for the sake of family harmony that I haven't ripped either of them to pieces before now.
  7. Like
    ramit got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Use your signal indicator before turning
    When someone signals to enter your lane, here's a novelty, let em
    Don't have conversations in doorways, move along
    And since i mentioned doors, either leave or don't leave, don't half leave and hang up that phone already
    If you are incapable of tying your laces while chewing gum, do not use your phone while driving
    Look up from your smartphone before crossing the road, you crazy kid
    At first opportunity place a divider on the checkout conveyor belt for the next person
    Store manager,59.99? Really? Shall i return the insult and call you a blithering idiot? Okay, deal
    If someone is nice to you, be nice back, you moody biatch
    Do not travel on public transport if personal hygiene is not your thing, in fact don't leave the house, ever
    Do not, i repeat do not drill into a concrete wall in a multi apartment house on a Sunday morning
    If you borrow a book, it's your job to remember to return it and when you do, not in tatters thank you
    But i am trying to be more forgiving
  8. Like
    ramit got a reaction from richinspain in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Use your signal indicator before turning
    When someone signals to enter your lane, here's a novelty, let em
    Don't have conversations in doorways, move along
    And since i mentioned doors, either leave or don't leave, don't half leave and hang up that phone already
    If you are incapable of tying your laces while chewing gum, do not use your phone while driving
    Look up from your smartphone before crossing the road, you crazy kid
    At first opportunity place a divider on the checkout conveyor belt for the next person
    Store manager,59.99? Really? Shall i return the insult and call you a blithering idiot? Okay, deal
    If someone is nice to you, be nice back, you moody biatch
    Do not travel on public transport if personal hygiene is not your thing, in fact don't leave the house, ever
    Do not, i repeat do not drill into a concrete wall in a multi apartment house on a Sunday morning
    If you borrow a book, it's your job to remember to return it and when you do, not in tatters thank you
    But i am trying to be more forgiving
  9. Like
    ramit got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Last night i drove to the airport to pick up friends returning from Spain.  i really like watching people reunited, the joy and love there for all to see, while blissfully unaware of anyone else around.  Brings a smile to face every time.
  10. Like
    ramit got a reaction from jono in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Last night i drove to the airport to pick up friends returning from Spain.  i really like watching people reunited, the joy and love there for all to see, while blissfully unaware of anyone else around.  Brings a smile to face every time.
  11. Like
    ramit got a reaction from i-Ram in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Last night i drove to the airport to pick up friends returning from Spain.  i really like watching people reunited, the joy and love there for all to see, while blissfully unaware of anyone else around.  Brings a smile to face every time.
  12. Like
    ramit got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Last night i drove to the airport to pick up friends returning from Spain.  i really like watching people reunited, the joy and love there for all to see, while blissfully unaware of anyone else around.  Brings a smile to face every time.
  13. Like
    ramit reacted to Stive Pesley in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    I've been wanting to start this thread for ages
    As the "Random stuff that annoys me thread" reaches 100+ pages, it is pretty clear that we could solve the world's energy crisis if we somehow harnessed man's natural ability to complain about things.
    So, as one poster accused me of having "no balance" I thought I'd try and tip the scales of karma and start this one up as well. Let's see if it is just as popular?
    So I will start with an easy one.
    When you read through a lengthy online debate and you disagree with what people are saying, so you stick your neck out and say something - get a torrent of abuse back - and then suddenly someone you don't know pops up and agrees with you. Immediately restoring both your faith in humanity and the thought that you may be going mad.
  14. Like
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    ramit reacted to JaguarRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    OCD is a strange illness. You do the compulsions and rituals to prevent the anxiety of the intrusive thoughts. My therapy involved not ignoring the thoughts or avoiding the activities which caused the anxiety but instead doing them and thinking them without performing the rituals and compulsions. It is amazing how the avoidance and the rituals increase our anxiety while actually doing the activities and letting the thoughts happen reduces the anxiety. Hard process but worth it. 
    A good example is when I went on the podcast for the first time. Every part of my brain said don't do it and avoid. But I have learnt to ignore the part of my brain that is registering the danger. It is wrong. Like a faulty thermostat. If one person has done it I can too and the anxiety eventually fades. If I had avoided then the anxiety would continue. 
    I am just working on leaving the house and checking the door once now. Simple things that cause a lot of anxiety with OCD. 
  16. Like
    ramit reacted to bigbadbob in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    TV adverts
  17. Like
    ramit got a reaction from bigbadbob in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Fear of zen creeping in?  Wow, Brexit is worse than i thought.
  18. Like
    ramit got a reaction from Anon in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Fear of zen creeping in?  Wow, Brexit is worse than i thought.
  19. Like
    ramit reacted to Alph in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I'd shake the hand of the artist. Wonderfully put. 
    I pulled straight out on somebody the other day. Right in front of them. Not often I make mistakes on the road but I realised that all the gestures for saying sorry also mean "thank you"
    How do you say sorry.
    It was really close. I feel bad. But when a Pokémon is nearby it seems daft to let it get away
  20. Like
    ramit reacted to BondJovi in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    This one is for @Alpha

    Driving from Sheffield along Baslow road, I saw sprayed on the road.. "BMWs are ****". I can't help but feel they mean the drivers of such cars rather than the vehicles themselves.

    People who start to change lanes, pull in front of you and decide to signal after nearly completing the maneuver when you have no choice but stop or slow down for them. Indicators...to indicate your intentions not to confirm the crap I just saw!
  21. Like
    ramit got a reaction from Boycie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    The universe likes to tease me sometimes.  We got up at 6am the other day to catch the grand opening of an appliance store at 7am.  We got there at 7 but already there was a line a half mile long.  Wife needed a blood pressure checker device thingy because she is on medication for high blood pressure and we needed a new toaster and cheap hairdryer and i needed an electric shaver.  At 8am i saw there was still at least 20 minutes until we would be let inside and we were running late already for wife had to show up at her work at the Red Cross and 9am and i had an appointment with our family doctor at 9.20am and so we gave up and returned to our car.  Wife blamed me for the whole fiasco and we had a hearty argument most of the way home about it.  i decided we needed some cheering up so i came by at the bakery.  My phone rang and it was the doctor's office telling me that my time had been cancelled because of the doctor's sick offspring.  Yay, another perfect day
    We are in full agreement now though, no more grand openings for us.
  22. Like
    ramit reacted to ramsbottom in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Morning chaps,
    Just to let you all know I'm doing a lot better.  Had a good chat with the Mrs, had a little cry, had a couple of days off and celebrated my lad's birthday as a family.  Certainly made me appreciate the little things a lot more, and I'm feeling stronger for it.
    Thanks for advice and letting me know I'm not alone in feeling like this from time to time.  You're a good bunch...
  23. Like
    ramit got a reaction from EssendonRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    i'm dealing with mood swings, emotional imbalance and low stress tolerance, it sometimes pushes me into depression.
    The best way for me to feel better, aside from talking about it is get my sleep and eating in order and become physically
    tired from some activity.  The trouble is the depression lies into my ear, what's the use, don't even try, you are worthless.
    No wonder that in older times people thought depression was some kind of demons infesting them.
    i am looking more and more at it as my mortal enemy, whatever it is.
    Am impressed with this thread.
  24. Like
    ramit reacted to StockholmRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    We love you though mate. 
  25. Like
    ramit reacted to ronnieronalde in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Taking a leaf out of our forum colleagues book. A curtains special.  A random youtube link!
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