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  1. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don't think he can .....DCFC is a limited organisation so if he walks away the debt doesn't follow him it follows us...also how would it look if he paid the HMRC but then didn't pay other creditors ?? If he was going to pay that bill then surely he would've done so before being put into admin.....also if it was true some players like Buchanan were being touted by clubs for a few million why didn't he sell ?? when Collymore let it out of the bag that we were in deeper trouble than anyone imagined and could mean the club goes under he wasn't wrong and whats more is.....it hasn't happened overnight....well before covid was even mentioned we were being run very badly ....its actually heart breaking whats happened to us it really is ?
  2. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from BBG83 in Mel Morris fan club   
    of course we can't change the past but for anyone to make excuses for Mel is beyond belief it really is!!
    Our Football club is in deep trouble and owes millions to HMRC ( No Excuses ) and yet some see that Mel is not totally to blame !!! it beggars belief!!  We seriously might not even have a football club soon and although I agree ranting and raving will cure nothing I cannot and will not forgive MM of how he's treated this football club...Covid is not an excuse ...I don't see other clubs in a total embarrasing mess like us and I don't see other clubs making a complete hash of it regarding amortisation etc etc ...its a shambles full stop and starts and finishes with the head man who generously  walked away.l...yeah thanks Mel.....lol..........The worst thing that ever happened to our club was the day MM gained control....we were not far away before he intervened and have gone backwards since and now face liquidation if we dont find 30m owed in taxes!!! I'll go further to say had we been run correctly we might be a lot nearer the prem than league1 if we have a football club to actually play in the 3rd tier ......shambles!!! and a disgrace!! 
  3. Clap
    S8TY reacted to BBG83 in Mel Morris fan club   
    In situations like this the former owner should be responsible for clearing at least some of the debt.
    As things stand he has walked away and its the players, staff, and supporters who are punished. How is that? Point deductions shouldn't even be a thing. Punishment should be that Derby County (or anyone else) are unable to be promoted for a season or two and a wage cap applied. No reward, and a team limited in comparison to the rest of the league. That's it.
    We've seen it before Derby and we will see it again. No owner should be able to punish so many innocent people and that's partly on the league to manage.
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to Eatonram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The Middlesbrough claim is just so outrageous. I can’t believe the EFL are just staying silent on this. Surely they can see what the wide ranging implications of this are. 
    The possibility of future claims and counter claims would cause chaos not to mention the very real possibility of this claim being the issue that puts off buyers and send us into liquidation, a situation that benefits no one not even Boro. I can say hand on heart that I would hate it if we were doing this even to Forest or Leeds. 
  5. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Should Rooney be doing better under the current circumstances?   
    Should Rooney be doing better? It’s a fair question and one I look at from two perspectives.
    The first being whether the majority of players are excelling under Rooney. On balance, I think Davies, Jagielka, Bird, Shinnie and Lawrence are having positive seasons and playing close to their most effective. However it’s quite telling that only one of those players is an attacking player.
    We have far too many players who are either not delivering or deeply inconsistent. Could Rooney be getting more quality and consistency out of Byrne, Forsyth, Knight, Sibley, Jozwiak, Morrison, Kazim and Baldock amongst others? Are they performing to their potential? History tells us not.
    The second aspect I look at is results against teams we would be expected to run close and compete with. The Bournemouth, WBA and Fulham results were excellent and richly deserved but not really critical to our chances of survival. Stepping up in games against Luton, Peterborough, Preston, Barnsley and Millwall amongst others would have served us far better and would have been far more energising.
    I think it says it all that we have failed to beat eight of the bottom 12, including five of the eight teams immediately above us.
    It’s all well and good patting ourselves on the back for giving the top teams in the division a headache, but what do those results matter if they are not backed up?
    Of course Rooney could be getting more out of this squad. All bar two teams in the division have won more games than us. How is that acceptable in such a poor division?
    Does the transfer embargo and administration explain why Rooney has been unable to coax more from Sibley, Jozwiak, Morrison and Kazim, all players who could conceivably make a difference to our ability to win games?
  6. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Adslegend in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  7. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Finch in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  8. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from oldtimeram in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  9. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  10. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from EraniosSocks in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  11. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Mel Morris fan club   
    I don’t see how Morris can sleep at night having run us into the ground not paying HMRC I mean that is scandalous a total disgrace and then to walk away it’s beyond words it really is 
    the amount of people and there families this has affected due to admin not just livelihoods but there’s thousands of fans of this club who no doubt like myself am really struggling coming to terms with our situation …shame on you Mel Morris we trusted you ?
  12. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Ram1988 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Mel Morris needs to do the right thing and help clear our debts !!! Afterall he claims to be a fan of our club....
  13. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Ambitious in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The HMRC generates over £600bn a year, therefore I honestly think people are putting too much emphasis on 'they would rather have something than nothing'. 
    £30m (0.005% of their annual intake, roughly). I don't think they would miss the money at all, especially when any kind of amendment is likely to cause huge repercussions, particularly legally. It would be extremely high profile too, so I just don't see them negotiating the sum of money owed, obviously payment terms can also be massaged (such is life) but what is owed is going to be owed. 
    This is one of those situations that bugs me, because the liability is with the vehicle and not the driver who ran up the debt.   
  14. Like
    S8TY reacted to Sidd10 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    How is Mel Morris not under some sort of criminal investigation for this? What an utter disgrace.
  15. Like
    S8TY reacted to RAM1966 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    So not paying HMRC PAYE youve collected from your employees is ethical now is it?   No wonder the country us in the state its in...  Ive I fail to pay my VAT quartely and corporation tax on my business anually I get hammered by the Taxman.  How come a 1/2 Billionaire gets away with it, after running the club into the ground...
    Morris has a lot to answer for....
  16. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Zag zig in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    Coaches/Managers have to start somewhere Lampard started here why not Rooney? who exactly are you suggesting we get instead of Rooney ? This proven,tangible,experienced,steady hand that you speak of yet have no names ??with absolutely no guarantees of success....like ?? Hughton? Mcarthy?Jokanovic?? All failed and sacked recently so lets hear your suggestions rather than just bleating on about Rooneys so called short comings
  17. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Premier ram in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    Coaches/Managers have to start somewhere Lampard started here why not Rooney? who exactly are you suggesting we get instead of Rooney ? This proven,tangible,experienced,steady hand that you speak of yet have no names ??with absolutely no guarantees of success....like ?? Hughton? Mcarthy?Jokanovic?? All failed and sacked recently so lets hear your suggestions rather than just bleating on about Rooneys so called short comings
  18. Haha
    S8TY reacted to i-Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    No matter how we might want to dress it up, this forum is the exhaust end of the Twitter Combustion system.

  19. Clap
    S8TY reacted to jono in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    I honestly reckon you’re wrong. Not because there aren’t better managers with more tactical genius, which maybe true in certain circumstances; but because Rooney has done an exceptional job inspiring these players to play as a unit, to play for him and each other, and to largely follow instructions. I sincerely doubt any other manager, we could reasonably hope to get, could have done that. 
    Last night was a tough one, player for player they had more than we have, but we ran them close for half the game. Against Bournemouth and Fulham our eager 2 litre 4 cylinder beat the odds against those with 6 cylinders and another 1000cc. 
    I do want to see how we shape up against more pedestrian opponents but I remain convinced that Rooney is doing a great job with what he has AND I retain considerable  confidence that the young guns in our team are going to get better as individuals.
    Bird, Knight, Ebosele, Thomson, Buchanan, Watson … The oldest is 21 … Think about it and then think who understands their game and potential better than anyone.  
  20. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    The bare minimum i expect to see as a fan is effort and i see that in abundance...Mac is here to help Rooney and speaking to fans from other clubs at work they said that whenever they've seen the Rams recently we are playing some decent stuff....with what he have....and i agree...but we are short of a decent striker and if one or two were added we'd see more points coming our way I think....Jourdan tried to say that Andre Gray was not better than CKR based off of last seasons goal stats but i know who'd id rather have out of the two.....for the record I think CKR done very well last season but we need better now and this season has seen him be much less effective 
  21. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    Absolutely minimal evidence of this....Mourinho at Man Utd,Tottenham is just one very good example and Hughton,Mcarthy,Jokanovic are examples too and there are many others....name a manager you'd replace Rooney with .....go on ....I'd like to know who ?
  22. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from jono in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    Absolutely minimal evidence of this....Mourinho at Man Utd,Tottenham is just one very good example and Hughton,Mcarthy,Jokanovic are examples too and there are many others....name a manager you'd replace Rooney with .....go on ....I'd like to know who ?
  23. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    The bare minimum i expect to see as a fan is effort and i see that in abundance...Mac is here to help Rooney and speaking to fans from other clubs at work they said that whenever they've seen the Rams recently we are playing some decent stuff....with what he have....and i agree...but we are short of a decent striker and if one or two were added we'd see more points coming our way I think....Jourdan tried to say that Andre Gray was not better than CKR based off of last seasons goal stats but i know who'd id rather have out of the two.....for the record I think CKR done very well last season but we need better now and this season has seen him be much less effective 
  24. Clap
    S8TY reacted to SirBrian in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    Bristol City forum are praising Wayne, and he is doing a fantastic job against all the odds come what may we all should give him our support, we cannot afford another manager and none would take the job under the present circumstances and risk their reputation.
    Wayne should be praised for his total commitment too Derby County, along with all the players, who else would have signed Jags on £4500 a week and its not only on the pitch but off it, passing on his knowledge to the young lads.
    Thank you Wayne for giving your all to this great club.
  25. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from TheresOnlyWanChope in QPR (H) Matchday Thread   
    The bare minimum i expect to see as a fan is effort and i see that in abundance...Mac is here to help Rooney and speaking to fans from other clubs at work they said that whenever they've seen the Rams recently we are playing some decent stuff....with what he have....and i agree...but we are short of a decent striker and if one or two were added we'd see more points coming our way I think....Jourdan tried to say that Andre Gray was not better than CKR based off of last seasons goal stats but i know who'd id rather have out of the two.....for the record I think CKR done very well last season but we need better now and this season has seen him be much less effective 
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