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  1. Haha
    Boycie got a reaction from JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Listen, Like You Say   
    Like, you drinking on a school night?
    Hold on! 6 weeks init?
    as you were.😂
  2. Like
    Boycie reacted to Macintosh in Martyn Waghorn - signed a 1-year deal   
    You'll have to buy the book. It's available for pre-order on Amazon. Makes a great Christmas present.
    Some last words from Max:
    ‘I’ll never have anything but nice things to say about Phillip and his staff. They looked after me when I lost my best friend and then broke my leg in the space of about three weeks and I was in a really bad mental space – they would always look out for me.’
  3. Like
    Boycie reacted to nottingram in Jason Knight   
    2 assists for Haydon Roberts as well
  4. Like
    Boycie reacted to RoyMac5 in Jason Knight   
    And an assist.
  5. Like
    Boycie reacted to littleover ram in Jason Knight   
    He’s got two now. Maybe Warne played him in the wrong position 🙄
  6. Like
    Boycie reacted to littleover ram in Jason Knight   
    Just got his first goal for his new club 
  7. Clap
    Boycie reacted to BaaLocks in Pride Before The Fall-Ryan Conway   
    Nah, not sure about that one bit.
    Rooney had his personal interests but it's hard to deny he stood by the club in their darkest hour - sometimes paying out of his own pocket to do so. We all know Rooney had no invested interest in Derby and was here for a share of the club or some business interest - why would he be here for anything else. But my view is that he acted with decency and integrity (inside the boundaries of someone here for business reasons) and could have completely dropped us (and others around him) under the proverbial bus on more than one occasion. Doesn't mean I want Rooney back, or anything like that, but I do appreciate what he did for us at the time he did it.
    I know, you don't agree!
  8. Clap
    Boycie reacted to RAM1966 in Michael Smith   
    No he's not he's a very naughty boy!
  9. Clap
    Boycie reacted to MaltRam in Michael Smith   
    Coarse language.
    You're a very naughty boy.
  10. Haha
    Boycie reacted to B4ev6is in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    This is why no holidays allowed in the summer stright into pre season.
  11. Like
    Boycie reacted to angieram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    What an utter shambles that first half was tonight. I don't think it was so much lack of effort that did for us, but the system. 
    Someone commented that Blackpool also play three at the back and made it look easy, but actually they had a five man defensive unit across the pitch and a solid midfield in front of them.
    This isn't helped by our painfully slow build up play. It takes us an age to play out from the back because neither Nelson nor Bradley are comfortable on the ball. So the Blackpool defence was set, and coped easily with our balls in to two attackers who don't look match-fit.
    Blackpool in contrast just got the ball forward quickly and because we were only playing three at the back -at best - often two as Nelson and Cashin are being encouraged to play forwards - we were caught flat-footed on numerous occasions and there could have been a few more goals against us than there were. 
    Wilson plays so far forward that he might as well be a winger. Except Mendez-Laing is a much better winger, if we want someone to play that high. (I know he's injured tonight, but just making that general point.) 
    Why was Hourihane on the left wing getting in Elder's way? The whole set-up was bizarre.
    Second half we could have made more subs but Tommo and Fozzy made a big difference. Tommo because he moved about looking for the ball and played it quickly. Bird came to life with him at the side of him. Fozzy because he is far more assured in defence, Cashin immediately relaxed and he too had a better second half. Ward was much better than Wilson, not least because he can defend a bit, too! 
    I could put up with slow centrebacks if they were doing their jobs but they aren't at the moment. And they aren't much of a threat from set pieces either, I don't think we got a head on any of those first half. Fozzy is also pretty slow, but his positioning and reading of the game is just so superior to Bradley's so far that his lack of pace isn't the same issue.
    I would have liked to see Collins and Brown on at half time too, as Wash and Waggy were tiring and not able to take advantage of our increased momentum in the early part of the second half. As it was, we huffed and puffed but didn't create a lot. At least we looked more solid at the back. 
    I didn't enjoy Warne's post match interview on Radio Derby. If he wants to throw players under the bus, then he'll need to take responsibility for finding some better ones. Even if we don't know for certain who they are, the players will and that might be the final push they need to decide to walk away. On his track record so far, I'm not sure what sort of quality we're going to get in to replace them. 
  12. Haha
    Boycie got a reaction from MackworthRamIsGod in Michael Smith   
    He’s the new messiah!
    (i’ll give it 3 posts)
  13. Haha
    Boycie reacted to oldtimeram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I feel the club is toxic at the moment sadly
  14. Clap
    Boycie got a reaction from SparxTheRam in Billy Sharp   
    In my opinion showing how some peoples actions effect others need to be shown sometimes.
    I can guarantee that the idiots who chanted the vile comments to Sharpe don’t have kids of their own.
    If they do? There’s no hope for the future.
  15. Haha
    Boycie got a reaction from Archied in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Hey, come on,
    it’s only a game.
  16. Haha
    Boycie got a reaction from CBRammette in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Hey, come on,
    it’s only a game.
  17. Haha
    Boycie reacted to RadioactiveWaste in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Exclusive footage of the demise of HSM Pisstheleague
  18. Haha
    Boycie reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I know lots of us are taking this hard but just imagine how hard it is for the players right now, as Warne gets his guitar out and sings about how their families still love them on the free love highway. 
  19. Haha
    Boycie reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    1.5 games in and we've wrote a signing off already. Excellent.
  20. Haha
    Boycie reacted to Mucker1884 in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
  21. Like
    Boycie reacted to Rev in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Auto correct has done you there, I presume?
    Pisstheleague will set sail, but if pisstheleague sets sale we'll be lucky to bring in a tenner.
  22. Haha
    Boycie reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Hey everyone, look at the positives, it isn't raining, its Tuesday and we haven't conceded 3.
    Up the rams.
  23. Cheers
    Boycie got a reaction from nemoram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
  24. Haha
    Boycie reacted to RoyMac5 in RamsTV Streaming | How to Watch   
  25. Like
    Boycie got a reaction from rynny in Billy Sharp   
    In my opinion showing how some peoples actions effect others need to be shown sometimes.
    I can guarantee that the idiots who chanted the vile comments to Sharpe don’t have kids of their own.
    If they do? There’s no hope for the future.
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