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  1. Sad
    Gringo got a reaction from Hector was the best in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    WigAn were charged  £2,266,930.25 by Begbies a 3rd rate outfit and we will be more complicated than them¢64,  I have been thru 4 administrations 1 putting into administration and 3 buying from an administrator.
    They only want to clock as many hours as possible because they charge an hourly rate , including admin staff back in their offices at £150/hour thru to  ¢650-700/hr for a partner.
    Wigans average was £367/hour  well over 4000 hours
  2. Cheers
    Gringo got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Yes you can restate accounts to companies house and HMRC but they have to have been audited and the restatement signed off by your accountant, I restated 2018-19 because of a stocktake error and this was accepted by HMRC as it was in their favour.
    However please note creditors hate restated accounts and so do credit rating agencies.
  3. Clap
    Gringo reacted to angieram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    When all this is over, and we are wallowing near the bottom of division one or two and living sustainably within our means, I don't want to see any of the posters who are now criticising the way Mel Morris overspent complaining. Or saying players are rubbish, or demanding the owner sacks the manager. 
    All the things people have demanded repeatedly during Mel Morris's tenure. 
  4. Clap
    Gringo reacted to IslandExile in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Question to everyone....
    Imagine the scenario, two years time, clear at the top of the championship, on course for back to back promotions.
    Wayne Rooney, manager, approaches the board during the January transfer window:
    "The lads are doing well but tiring. We need one more player just to get us over the line. I have one lined up."
    The board refuses: "We're top of the league. To buy a new player would take us over budget, albeit by only £100k, but we set a limit".
    Derby miss out on promotion on goal difference due to player fatigue.
    How do you feel about the board?
  5. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Sparkle in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    My take on that 
    He is absolutely right without covid this would never had happened but Covid has happened it is here 
    we look to have failed the FFP in one year by £4 million so Potential 4pt deduction so I assume that may linger on? Will that be £4 million on following years? And more 4 point deductions - who knows as the EFL seem to double count.
    we were denied the £8 million loan in January by the EFL ( premiership money) to help pay tax and NI for unexplained reasons which is a shame because now the HMRC won’t be getting that money as a nation because they will be offered let’s say 20 pence in the pound in the not to distant future.
    he mentioned about us not being to extend a players contact to keep him a year longer to maybe keep his value or sell him ( we know this to be Jack Marriott) he also mentioned that another championship club lost a lot of money in a similar way - my view is that it would be Reading FC and Omar Richards who left to join Bayern Munich was it on a free) 
    He mentioned that since F&P has come in only Two clubs have been promoted without breaching F&P 
    He mentioned that 15 calls of interest in buying the club came in over the weekend which he believes 2-3 have the means and intent to do so 
    I believe he mentioned that he still owns the stadium so if he gets anything back it may come from that and his losses are in excess of £200 million of his own money 
    He said he tried and failed and was sorry that we are where we are.
    He wouldn’t go into depth about the EFL at this point in time 
    we’ll that’s what I heard I read others may have different opinions.
  6. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Abu Derby in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Because I believe with older records no payment needed to broadcast them and also no decent music made after 1978
  7. Clap
    Gringo reacted to IslandExile in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Those slamming Mel should pause for a moment to think about his intentions.
    I do not - for a minute - think he's intended to run the club down.
    He has spent millions, not to run the club into debt, but to chase the dream. We all supported that chase.
    Even though he's managed things badly, which he admits, I do believe that he genuinely thinks the only way he can get new owners in is to put the club into administration.
    I'm very far from happy about that, actually been crying about it, but I think it's sincere on his part.
  8. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Miggins in Dell v Mel   
    There is something super weird about this weeks events;
    1 why pay off Barclays if you are going into administration, that does not make sense UNLESS it was Dell that paid off Barclays as the bank also has a charge on the stadium etc, this clears the way for Dell to be in sole  charge of all the assets.
    2. Why on earth are Pinsents being appointed the administrators? They are a magic circle outfit and an insolvency this size is really small for them
    3. The fake sheiks lawyers were Pinsents
    We have to wait 28 days before any potential buyer is flushed out but my guess is there is one.
  9. COYR
    Gringo got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Dell v Mel   
    There is something super weird about this weeks events;
    1 why pay off Barclays if you are going into administration, that does not make sense UNLESS it was Dell that paid off Barclays as the bank also has a charge on the stadium etc, this clears the way for Dell to be in sole  charge of all the assets.
    2. Why on earth are Pinsents being appointed the administrators? They are a magic circle outfit and an insolvency this size is really small for them
    3. The fake sheiks lawyers were Pinsents
    We have to wait 28 days before any potential buyer is flushed out but my guess is there is one.
  10. Cheers
    Gringo got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Dell v Mel   
    Companies house settled on 9/14
  11. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from CBRammette in Dell v Mel   
    There is something super weird about this weeks events;
    1 why pay off Barclays if you are going into administration, that does not make sense UNLESS it was Dell that paid off Barclays as the bank also has a charge on the stadium etc, this clears the way for Dell to be in sole  charge of all the assets.
    2. Why on earth are Pinsents being appointed the administrators? They are a magic circle outfit and an insolvency this size is really small for them
    3. The fake sheiks lawyers were Pinsents
    We have to wait 28 days before any potential buyer is flushed out but my guess is there is one.
  12. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from 48 hours in A question about EFL   
    To get employed by the EFL you have to pass a dope test
  13. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Ellafella in A question about EFL   
    To get employed by the EFL you have to pass a dope test
  14. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from kevinhectoring in A question about EFL   
    To get employed by the EFL you have to pass a dope test
  15. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Angry Ram in Keeping fans safe at EFL matches   
    2 Coronavirus threads.. Welcome to hell ?
  16. Clap
    Gringo reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Protest against the right people   
    I'm no fan of Mel anymore, he deserves a lot of the stick he receives, same with Pearce, but, protests shouldn't be aimed at them, they should be aimed squarely at the EFL.
    It surprises me that some fans haven't clicked onto who the real enemy are. Protesting against Mel Morris will have Rick Parry licking his lips, and Steve Gibsons no doubt. Any protest against Mel, regardless of our feelings, is another dent against the club.
    Protests need to be pre-arranged, before and after the game, banners with words to the effect that the EFL are destroying football. The media need to know so the protests get air time and we need a spokesperson who can appear in the media and give facts as to why we feel we are being harshly treated. Such as; if the EFL hadn't signed off all our accounts we wouldn't have paid 10 million for Bielik, or 4 million for Jozwiak, or x amount for Wayne Rooney.
    In all of this, we don't have anyone visibly representing Derby and trying to set our story straight.
    I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of the EFL and Rick Parry, I would rather see us play non-league football and fight them to the hilt than bend over and accept guilt!
    If Mel Morris reads this (he won't), you have made lots of mistakes, but you have my full backing on this, fight the barstewards right to the very end, don't accept any points deduction, at least until the EFL accept liability also.
    Protest against the EFL not Mel!
  17. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Embargo.   
    Of course if you are getting 40% of the settlement for personal injury cases as lawyers in this legal sector do then as that lawyer you can take on any amount of cases as quantity is its own quality.
    On litigation cases like the Rams v EFL no lawyer in the world would take a case on a no win no fee basis, as a matter of interest how many cases have you litigated in court. 
  18. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from i-Ram in Embargo.   
    Lawyers never ever ever give better odds than 50/50 they always say it depends on the judge on the day.
  19. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Kathcairns in Embargo.   
    Would this be the same Simon Jordan that took Palace into administration in 2010?
  20. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from jimtastic56 in How many more points required?   
    For the 999th time Mel will not put the club into administration, he has personal guarantees on the debts to MSD (this is a fact as this is confirmed on the documents lodged at companies house), he will soldier on running on a skeleton playing staff until the club is sold and he is released from those undertakings, ALSO MSD have to approve any change in ownership unless their loans are paid as well as the EFL. 
    At the moment the club is covering its running costs, as the loans from Barclays have been paid in full (which Mel will have paid),HMRC have not issued any winding up orders a sure sign there is a payment plan in place I therefore anticipate a sale within the next month or so.  
  21. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Tamworthram in How many more points required?   
    For the 999th time Mel will not put the club into administration, he has personal guarantees on the debts to MSD (this is a fact as this is confirmed on the documents lodged at companies house), he will soldier on running on a skeleton playing staff until the club is sold and he is released from those undertakings, ALSO MSD have to approve any change in ownership unless their loans are paid as well as the EFL. 
    At the moment the club is covering its running costs, as the loans from Barclays have been paid in full (which Mel will have paid),HMRC have not issued any winding up orders a sure sign there is a payment plan in place I therefore anticipate a sale within the next month or so.  
  22. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Carl Sagan in How many more points required?   
    For the 999th time Mel will not put the club into administration, he has personal guarantees on the debts to MSD (this is a fact as this is confirmed on the documents lodged at companies house), he will soldier on running on a skeleton playing staff until the club is sold and he is released from those undertakings, ALSO MSD have to approve any change in ownership unless their loans are paid as well as the EFL. 
    At the moment the club is covering its running costs, as the loans from Barclays have been paid in full (which Mel will have paid),HMRC have not issued any winding up orders a sure sign there is a payment plan in place I therefore anticipate a sale within the next month or so.  
  23. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Embargo.   
    Lawyers never ever ever give better odds than 50/50 they always say it depends on the judge on the day.
  24. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from RAM1966 in Embargo.   
    Would this be the same Simon Jordan that took Palace into administration in 2010?
  25. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Sparkle in Embargo.   
    Then get given a so called punishment and appeal it and get the proper representation at the hearings to follow through our case. We should use the full parameters of what we are allowed to do.  Especially if we believe we have acted within the law 
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