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  1. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  2. COYR
    Eatonram got a reaction from OohMartWright in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  3. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Sheff Ram in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  4. COYR
    Eatonram got a reaction from Premier ram in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  5. COYR
    Eatonram got a reaction from Kinder in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  6. COYR
    Eatonram got a reaction from Zag zig in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  7. Haha
    Eatonram got a reaction from Bob The Badger in To those of you under 50, some good news   
    You ought to consider a career in life coaching or something. That is just so inspiring. 
  8. Clap
    Eatonram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  9. Clap
    Eatonram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  10. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  11. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Last two home games   
    A lot of people including me would love the opportunity to buy our season tickets now to show support and solidarity with Wayne and Chris. We can’t do this sadly. But we could make our last two home games something to really catch the medias attention. Highest gates in the Championship. I would love this to happen as a thank you to all involved at the Club. Can we do it?
  12. Clap
    Eatonram reacted to Bob The Badger in To those of you under 50, some good news   
    You’re going to be gutted this morning, and rightly so.
    But it ain’t all bad.
    When we dropped out of the old 2nd division into the 3rd in 1984 things were in many ways, worse.
    We didn’t (quite) have the financial issues, but we had a horrible team and the entire season was utterly depressing and devoid of hope in a way this season hasn’t been.
    My personal highlight of an utterly depressing season was meeting Dave Watson in a Little Chef on the A1 after we spanked Cambridge away 3-0 in the FA Cup. That was pretty much it for ducks sake.
    AND we had not just relegation, but the ignominy of losing to Plymouth in the FA Cup quarter-final to contend with after we had dragged them back to the BBG.
    We all thought that we’d bounce right back when we did get relegated and the arrival of Arthur Cox just emboldened that belief.
    An opening day away loss to Bournemouth, when Bournemouth then were more like the equivalent of Exeter now, didn’t dissuade us.
    Of course, we didn’t bounce back and ended up outside the top 6.
    But we had some BRILLIANT away days that season, Hull, Lincoln, and the last game of the season at Newport spring to mind.
    It was a whole lot more fun than the previous season because we were, for the most part, competing and you could see what Arthur was trying to do.
    There’s something fun about going to smaller clubs and taking the place over. Those of you who travel to away games know that the camaraderie is special.
    In fact, the adversity that we have faced this season has developed that camaraderie, only it’s done it at home.
    I work online and use social media a lot and the admiration for Derby’s support, especially those of you who travel away is a delight to read. I’ve even read genuine Forest and Leeds fans say they’re impressed.
    And what’s not to be impressed about?
    Forget the trolls who are loving this, the REAL football supporters appreciate and understand what Rooney has dragged the club through and the guy is universally respected, exponentially more so than when he was merely an excellent player.
    He’s now an excellent ex-player and an excellent human being. Time will tell if he can become an excellent manager, but the signs are promising.
    The second year under Arthur we did come up and that season was even better for road trips..
    I’ve seen Derby beat Benfica, Real Madrid, every top English club multiple times and Forest many times. But if I were to list the best 5 games I’ve ever attended, Derby at home to Rotherham in the old 3rd Division on a Friday night would be up there.
    That game with that penalty that took us back up to what would now be the Championship was a raucous, intense and then delirious atmosphere ending in an effing celebration comparable with any I have witnessed - although to be fair, my memory is a tad blurry because we did hit the pub hard.
    I doubt there was a Liverpool fan that got anything like the joy from beating Man City in the cup semi or will get more if they win the thing, than we Derby fans got from squeaking past Rotherham that night.
    The fact is, winning is just fun, no matter what division you are in. And beating adversity is fun too. So much more satisfying and enjoyable than just delivering on what’s expected.
    Somebody posted that they hope we're not that team that thinks they will bounce back up.
    I don't really care if fans think that. It's totally irrelevant.
    What is relevant is what WR thinks and what he allows his staff and players to think.
    And I have no doubt whatsoever that he'll not allow that entitled type of mindset to creep in.
    The good news is we have renewed hope for a stable club, a very promising manager in place, an Academy that is flourishing even if it is being pillaged and some wins to look forward to.
    We are where we are, so we may as well embrace it and have fun. And you will have some fun, I promise.
  13. Clap
    Eatonram reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    One of them is even stalking Kirchner's wife on social media. Most of them are truly demented and painfully insecure. They get butt-hurt when anyone praises our team's resilience. If they don't get promoted, some of them will need to be put on suicide watch. They should change the club name to Nottingham Fragile and get free counselling with every season ticket. God help them if they're ever in our position, most of them would have to be sectioned. 
  14. Like
    Eatonram reacted to GlastoEls in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Imagine a normal relegation - the fans would be irritated, the players shells of themselves, the club in doldrums.
    Last night was about - Pride.  
    In the manager, who was the only one there for us in our darkest hours, in the squad, who didn’t give up and are fighting until the end.  In the fans, who are unified like rarely before .. and just maybe, in a new owner who saw what he might be buying!
  15. Clap
    Eatonram reacted to IslandExile in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    We're on the cusp of relegation but the manager, coaching staff and every single player come out of this season with enormous credit.
    I am proud to be a Derby County supporter.
    It has been a privilege to witness the effort of all those at the club this season.
    The staff and the supporters do not deserve what we've been through - and football has to restructure itself so this does not keep happening.
    But what we've seen on the pitch - against all the odds has been staggering.
    Rooney, Ram ? 
    Rosenior, Ram ? 
    The whole squad, Rams ? 
    Those behind the scenes, Rams ? 
    Thank you to all of you. COYR ?
  16. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in The Administration Thread   
    Last year he stated unequivically and I'm paraphrasing here..."I am not a billionaire but th get to this stage I had to demonstrate I had 60m in liquidity"....Of course it could all be a big con, some sort of practical joke....but why? It would hardly enhance his reputation would it?
  17. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from archram in The Administration Thread   
    Last year he stated unequivically and I'm paraphrasing here..."I am not a billionaire but th get to this stage I had to demonstrate I had 60m in liquidity"....Of course it could all be a big con, some sort of practical joke....but why? It would hardly enhance his reputation would it?
  18. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Rammy03 in The Administration Thread   
    Last year he stated unequivically and I'm paraphrasing here..."I am not a billionaire but th get to this stage I had to demonstrate I had 60m in liquidity"....Of course it could all be a big con, some sort of practical joke....but why? It would hardly enhance his reputation would it?
  19. Clap
    Eatonram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Administration Thread   
    The go to guy for reporters in the know

    Go to Kirchner, don't go to Kirchner, go to Kirchner, go to Ashley, Go to the Binnies , don't go to Appleby, go to Kirchner. Pay 35%, don't pay 25%, pay 25%, pay 10%, pay 40 million, pay 25 million, don't pay 25 million, pay 10 then 20,  Choose life, choose something else, pay unsecured creditors, don't pay creditors,   pay over 3 years, don't pay over 2 years, take a deduction, pay 25% now, don't pay 25% now, don't take a deduction, find an accord, buy the stadium, don't rent the stadium, rent the stadium.
  20. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    I would have thought the obvious line would be to take the 35% over three years option and look to be back in the champ by then.
  21. Clap
    Eatonram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    I would have thought the obvious line would be to take the 35% over three years option and look to be back in the champ by then.
  22. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    I would have thought the obvious line would be to take the 35% over three years option and look to be back in the champ by then.
  23. Clap
    Eatonram reacted to Ramfambo in The Administration Thread   
    Get it sorted. Get the tills open and they can have 4 x season tickets of cash from me to do with what they see fit immediately. ☺️
  24. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    In October Kirchner stated, and I paraphrase "I am not a Billionaire, I'm not sure this matters, however the Admins are very dilligent and just to get to this stage I had to prove funds of £100m in liquidity"
    Now of course it may just be a big con and the administrators have had the wool pulled over their eyes.....but I doubt that.
  25. Like
    Eatonram got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    In October Kirchner stated, and I paraphrase "I am not a Billionaire, I'm not sure this matters, however the Admins are very dilligent and just to get to this stage I had to prove funds of £100m in liquidity"
    Now of course it may just be a big con and the administrators have had the wool pulled over their eyes.....but I doubt that.
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