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  1. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Srg in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I mean, this is the wrong thread for this, but being jabbed doesn't stop you catching it. Just as a seatbelt doesn't stop a car crash. However, just like seatbelts, the jab could save your life.
  2. Haha
    mike93rh reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Some of the language I'm seeing on twitter is beyond ridiculous. Branding Mel Morris a 'disgrace' etc is really poor imo, the club has clearly been mismanaged, it's an omnishambles at the moment, but I don't think it's appropriate nor fair to use such harsh language. Fans need to understand that there is a fundamental difference between mismanagement and having malicious intent. The sort of owners I reserve that sort of language for are people like the Oystens at Blackpool or that bloke that put Wigan into admin, not Mel Morris. 
  3. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    How on earth can the manager of the football club expect to have players in this week.
    Only for the owner to say nothing is happening.
    Absolute disgrace.
    Mel Morris has ruined this football club. I absolutely despise him.
  4. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Derbados in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Mel knows better than every manger he’s hired according to himself. You cant just flood a team with academy graduates, you have to blend it with experience and bed then in gently, not just throw them to the wolves!! 
    the bloke is ******* deluded 

  5. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to NottsRam77 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Cos he usually sacks them before they do 
  6. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Rammy03 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
  7. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to rammieib in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    We ask the club to engage in better communication with fans, and then tie everyone up who attends with an NDA. That is more bad PR as far as I am concerned, even if it is to let the club publish the minutes first. Then they haven't given the attendees a date/time when they will publish the minutes by?
    You keep saying it could only be for one line. Well that isn't true. The NDA I am sure is covering all the content discussed tonight. However, any information already out in the public domain isn't covered by the NDA. I'm not sure how much 'new' news will come out of tonight to be honest.
    MM had a great chance to be open and transparent, and his leadership is sadly lacking again for me here. A chance to build bridges with fans (which he and the club desperately need to do) and he's continuously failing.
    For the record - you absolutely should attend but I'm with Texas Ram here - this is bad PR from MM and a bad way to approach supporter engagement.
  8. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Ellafella in David Squires on...   
    The Guardian has a readership of over 18.5 million. I wouldn’t know about the other 2. 
  9. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Ellafella in David Squires on...   
    …apart from me; and thousands of others. ?
  10. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Eatonram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Simple questions are the best.
    will you ensure the club does not enter administration under your ownership?
  11. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to S8TY in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    What a complete state of a club we have become ...just read through the 12 pages on this thread....I just do not get how anyone can possibly have sympathy with Mr Morris when we are in such a shocking mess......debts to the HMRC are     in-excuseable !!! 
    Good loyal fans on here wanting answers about a club they love yet the owner will no doubt only answer questions he's comfortable with with well rehearsed answers yet we owe millions to the HMRC........
    When just when we will get back to talking about the game we grew up as kids loving instead of finances and aspects of running a business that many of us will know nothing about.......I think its a total disgrace how it has come to this .......I would rather have the yanks back .........than someone who cannot genuinely face us like one of us and just be honest....I think we have all had enough of this and I'll be honest it has affected my sleep as I'm so worried this club is in deep deep trouble and much more than we can imagine as Collymore alluded to .....
  12. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to RAM1966 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    My original post seems to have been deleted, which I think tells us all we need to know about what questions will be allowed to be asked or answered by DCFC.  I wonder why there has been so many negative posts about the club deleted, we already know that the Derby Telegraph are on the naughty step.............   
    Wait until the accounts are all published, I believe that the fans will be up in arms when you realise just how much debt we are actually in.  Lets face it failing to pay the HMRC and the players on time is hardly a resounding vote of confidence as to the state of the clubs finances.  I'll happily have a £100 charity bet loser pays if we are in a better financial state (Debts) than when Mel took over. 
    Mel Morris who once courted the media has been conspicuous by his absence since it has all; gone wrong!
    I'd like to know why was my post deleted, are we too frightened to ask the difficult questions or has a certain moderator been told that certain questions can not be asked therefore deleting them?  My post was made in all seriousness and I'd happily meet Mel and calmly ask him lots of questions, the trouble is, I very mush doubt Mel would like to answer questions about recklessly stewardship of our club, which includes selling our biggest asset the stadium...
  13. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Dimmu in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Nothing wrong trying panenka in friendly match (or a world cup final). 
    Key to be a successful penalty-taker is to break any patterns in a way you take them, so data won't help the keeper. 
    Nice one ?
  14. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Just out of curiosity, what would you consider being a ‘good squad’ compared to the rest of the Championship? One capable of finishing in the top half? Top 16?
    I don’t want to dampen the mood, but we really struggled towards the end of last season and our squad is weaker now going into the season.
    I hope the youngsters can step up but importantly I hope the supporters in general curb expectations and show support. It would be demoralising to hear boos should we endure a tough start to the season which is probably to be expected.
  15. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to RamsFan10 in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Panenka-ing a non-league side is exactly the poohousery I want from my captain. 
  16. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to GenBr in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    I actually like that Sibley and Watson are both playing - although I assume we will be wasting SIbley out on the wing. What positions do the other young lads play - Cashin and Ebosele I know, but not sure about the others. I hope Cashin is really good, because I don't really like the idea of playing Forsyth at centre back for an entire season.
  17. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Carnero in Who will be our first signing?   
    Jagielka and Davies then ?
  18. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Chester40 in Wayne Rooney   
    What really annoys me most - about Wayne and those in a hurry to stick up for him - is the complete double standards. 
    'Oh poor Wayne, if it wasn't him no one would be interested, it's a non-story' etc etc. 
    What a pile of rubbish. He ONLY has the job in the first place because he's Wayne Rooney. He only got the massively inflated player's wage because he's Wayne Rooney. He only got taken on as a coach because he's Wayne Rooney...or got away with disappearing on other ventures or having to self isolate because he's Wayne Rooney. 
    He only got the manager's job and survived the season because he's Wayne Rooney...no other criteria would justify him being manager and getting the platform after the end of season we had, to talk about getting support from the club and them acting with a bit more dignity. To then go and shoot himself in the foot and seem to claim its victimisation because of who he is, really shows no self-awareness of any sort. 
  19. Haha
    mike93rh got a reaction from Jourdan in Wayne Rooney   
    Every time I think we've bottomed out and that'll be the last of the ridiculous news stories, 6 new ones come along and blow it all out the water.
    I genuinely can't keep up with the mad stuff that's happened in the last few months, let alone the last two years.
  20. Haha
    mike93rh got a reaction from Derby4Me in Wayne Rooney   
    Every time I think we've bottomed out and that'll be the last of the ridiculous news stories, 6 new ones come along and blow it all out the water.
    I genuinely can't keep up with the mad stuff that's happened in the last few months, let alone the last two years.
  21. Haha
    mike93rh got a reaction from Taribo in Wayne Rooney   
    Every time I think we've bottomed out and that'll be the last of the ridiculous news stories, 6 new ones come along and blow it all out the water.
    I genuinely can't keep up with the mad stuff that's happened in the last few months, let alone the last two years.
  22. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to JfR in Wayne Rooney   
    The club can't sell the players you want to keep if they're injured

  23. Haha
    mike93rh reacted to Heisenberg in Wayne Rooney   
    Not having a good week is he?
  24. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to Eatonram in Administration is it the best option now   
    Anyone who thinks administration is the answer I feel does not understand the full implications of this process. 
  25. Cheers
    mike93rh reacted to cheron85 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Must be fake news because it all seems reasonable, informed and vaguely positive - We don't have that kind of news around here
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