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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 13 hours ago, Parsnip said:

    Do you work in the industry @Carl Sagan?

    A little - I'm lucky and flit about. I did work for the British Film Institute for a while and am still connected, but I'm more TV, space and publishing. I would love to work more in film as it's my favourite format but it's just so hard to get anything made. For instance there are tens of thousands of books published every year (way too many) but not very many movies so your odds are way worse.

  2. On 05/02/2019 at 15:52, 86 points said:

    Malek definitely a strange call to play such a vibrant and larger than life character. Was OK in Mr Robot and would think that's more his thing really. Didn't know Ali G was in the running! Would have been fascinating to see how that worked out - have a hunch Baron-Cohen would have been excellent. Also a dead-ringer for Freddie. WIll give it a swerve I reckon, in any case. Thanks for write up ?


    41 minutes ago, Parsnip said:

    Wow is that true?? He would've been brilliant.

    Films take forever to make. Bohemian Rhapsody began about a decade ago and they picked SBC as first-choice Freddy in 2010. But he walked in 2013. There are differing opinions as to what went wrong, but clearly he didn't agree with the film Queen wanted to make and Queen didn't like the film he wanted to make.



  3. It's a relief for the public media frenzy that the body recovered was the player not the pilot, as it means the player search isn't going to continue with the Argentine family clinging to false hopes. All terribly sad. Given it took two hours to find the plane on the seabed, it makes a bit of a mockery of the previous search efforts.

    Cardiff had signed the player - he was no longer anything to do with Nantes. Unquestionably Cardiff will have to pay the full fee under the contracted payment schedule. Whether there is a way they can pursue money from third parties is up to them, but Nantes had sold him. If Cardiff hadn't sorted out their own insurance, then that's their problem.


  4. Sorry to Bother You 


    Mixture of very good and bits that don't quite work. Very interesting and striking, but probably too many ideas. I think it's the director's first film and it's as if he tried to do everything in one go. 

    It could be two very good separate films, but by trying to force the different strands together, I think it loses something. 

    But I'd definitely recommend it as something different and interesting. 


  5. 4 hours ago, angieram said:

    Just to say how much I have enjoyed the coverage of the under 23s and under 18s games this week with Owen Bradley and Marc Edworthy commentating.

    It's a good balance with both Owen and Marc concentrating on the game. 

    (Although I did hear someone having a little pop at Zak Brunt tonight!) 

    I think they're much better as a partnership. And it's great of the club that we can watch these academy games in such a professional way. Even if I was distracted by events in Westminster tonight do didn't see that much of the game! 

  6. It's currently the London Film Festival. I went to see Duplicate yesterday, which is a film about two brothers living in the same apartment, passing messages back and forth yet never meeting for some reason. 

    A clever concept movie but hard to maintain interest, especially after the big reveal, and despite the presence of Suki Waterhouse. A little oddly, the film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival called Jonathan (who's one of the brothers). 

    Definitely interesting but would have been better as a "short". Maybe 5.5/10.

    Looking forward to Assassination Nation on Friday! A modern day take on the Salem witch trials. 

  7. 2 hours ago, rynny said:

    Once again Carl, apologies, David has been away from the forum for a few days and as the only mod on at the time I acted quickly to ensure that we still had a thread to talk about the game. 

    If you had said point 4 at the time I could have easily added the link into my post. Unfortunately only David can do number 3. Number 1 could be done in the future, but unfortunately once posted a quote cannot be added. On number, as above David has been away from the forum for the last few days and we didn't have any plan in the place. 

    As Boycie has now started the pre match thread I am sure he will start the match one as well.

    Again apologies. 

    Sorry to have banged on! But I know it's important to some folk. You had to start something as it clearly can't be a case of relying on the original starter to also post the team news tweet an hour before kickoff.

    We defo needed a thread, but should probably have planned it in advance. Sadly I didn't think of option 4 until the end of writing that post (that's why it's option 4!) as that is the most obvious solution, but I still worry it loses thread starter continuity. 

    Another even simpler option is to revert to one thread and add the page number of the team news in the title once it's released? As we have such short pages that would make it instantly findable. 

  8. How to deal with the splitting of the match thread into two? I think we need a protocol for this or else there's no meaning in beginning the threads. It has been custom and practice on practically every football forum since the web began that the thread starter stays on until the team loses.

    @Derby bloodhad started threads leading to four wins in a row but @rynny took it away from him at 2pm, with zero acknowledgement or credit, so it became Rynny's game thread. I don't think that should be allowed to happen again. Some options are:

    1. At a basic level, the teamsheet onwards thread could always quote the original match thread starter (but this still loses the official credit of the original poster)
    2. Better would be to organize a system where the post of the original thread starter also begins the teamsheet onwards thread. Surely that's not beyond the ken of the forum?
    3. Another method might be to pin the original post/thread in the same way we pin pre-match and post-match interviews.
    4. Or the link to the pre-match thread could be embedded at the beginning of the teamsheet thread (but again this still loses the official credit of the original poster, but is probably better than (1))

    Many football fans have deep (of course irrational) superstitions and one of the most deep-rooted is about a lucky poster continuing the threads. Probably half the members don't think it matters, while the other half think it matters a lot. I'd say the forum should honour the tradition.

  9. Just spotted the new forum rule of no politics, religion, sex (has there ever been sex? I must have missed that). Even in The Pub! Huge shame. I felt it was really informative to see the different opinions on say Brexit or whatever, with fascinating polls to gauge the view of the forum. 

    I'm disappointed if people took it so seriously that it had to be shut down. In the end we're all Derby fans and that should be a deep bond. This place will be much the poorer for not being able to discuss topics around the edges. 

  10. On 02/09/2018 at 17:10, angieram said:

    Did you do this yesterday and then merge it back together or have I just got a dodgy phone connection up here in Yorkshire? 

    Aha! That's why the Rotherham thread is labelled "pre-match". I can see the point. Another leap forward for Frank Lampard's dcfc fans.

  11. Spent a lot of time in Scotland and shockingly have never been to Aberdeen. What a day that would be if the Rams came to town and the chance to watch and have a drink and discuss bands with @Inverurie Ram? I just checked and it's a direct  from my lovely local airport so less than 3 hours door-to-door including the wait time. Not that much different from Pride Park!

    Just call my name and I'll be there.


  12. 4 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    No problems for me even though I'm on android and my internet connection is pith poor.

    Been stable since 2.30 when it came on air.

    Been terrible all first half. Rebooted laptop and telly several times. Then the whole thing went off air at the start of half time. Has come back far better. Just went again. But finally we're back on the big telly in HD for the first time in the game. Everything crossed it lasts the half...

  13. On 20/07/2018 at 00:02, Inverurie Ram said:


    Great job on the thread and amazing to see this team of U16 hopefulls from 2011. Jamie Hanson the last man standing, with his central defensive partner on the day, Farrend Rawson, now eating houmous at Forest Green Rovers. If I recall, Kwame Thomas managed quite a lot of England U20 games, but has since been loaned out to the National League. A division lower still, Ross Etheridge keeps goal for Nuneaton. 

    You'd have thought the winners of the Denis Law Cup might have achieved more. #TheirFinestHour 

  14. On 30/01/2018 at 17:23, 86 points said:

    As others have said, Three Billboards is excellent. Check out Martin McDonagh's other stuff, In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths too.

    Sat down to watch The Killing of a Sacred Deer the other night and was back in the pub 30 minutes later. Incomprehensibly awful.


    The Killing of A Sacred Deer 1/10 :ermm:

    Agree entirely about The Killing of a Sacred Dear which I suspect I put in this thread earlier.

    Went to The Shape of Water last night. I'd read the screenplay beforehand so I knew what was going to happen. Really I think it was trying too hard and was too one-dimensional and predictable. Admittedly with some unusual elements. I think I'd give it 6.5.

  15. 28 minutes ago, RamNut said:

    Ooops, letting your standards slip for brum v derby.

    the sound for the pre-match programme is dreadful with tom loakes or owen having an open mike which obliterates the studio sound and report by michael johnson.


    I'm really struggling with the autoplay videos. It's like trying to open up a story on the DET, but the paper is doing it in desperation for advertising revenue whereas for the club it seems to be to highlight a recent video. We're not stupid and can look at them ourselves! I've even gone to the trouble of finding and installing the Chrome "html5 video autoplayer blocker"  just for the Rams TV site but it hasn't worked.

    However, there's a crazy glitch. If I'm not logged in I can close the autoplaying video and not have it bothering me and getting in the way of the site. But when I'm logged in and close the video, the sound keeps playing in the background even though the video is no longer there! So, if I'm going on the site without needing to do things as me, I don't log in which surely is unhelpful for the club who will want to kow as much detail as possible about who is on the website.

  16. Posted in the Academy thread but adding in here that today is another free RamsTV U23 showing We're twenty minutes in away at Sunderland, drawing 0-0 but dominating the game.

    Nice that the in-app casting is back for games like this as it is a better way of doing things.

  17. 5 hours ago, zaragozaram said:

    I know the game is not live on Rams TV tonight, however does anyone know if the full game is being shown on Rams TV tomorrow or Sunday, like other league games? Daughters 16th Birthday party tonight so can´t watch or listen but I could avoid the score until the morning.

    If we win, you'll have a job not hearing about it, even in Zaragoza! But I always like trying to do a "Likely Lads" if I can't follow the game.

  18. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, 5.5/10

    Watched this because it's scifi and stars Rams-scarf-wearing Cara Delevigne (see @Posh Ram's avatar)

    I like that people are trying to do space opera scifi that's not Star Wars (like Jupiter Ascending or Guardians of the Galaxy) and some of this is interesting, but there's just no tension and it's let down by some of Besson's puppets and ideas (as though nothing's changed since The Fifth Element. There are good bits such as the potted history of humanity's transition into a galactic-faring species but it ended up being more like one of those bad early movies based on videogames.

    However, the beautiful Cara is excellent as ever. I genuinely think she's a star and has seamlessly made the transition from world's hottest/most in-demand model to credible actress. She's added a couple of points to the score on her own, and the whole film scores through interesting visuals. There's a good cameo from Rhianna too.

  19. Just now, Moist One said:

    have you never seen Birthday Girl? She's awesome as a Russian Mail Order bride.

    I have and that's true. Well remembered.

    In this one, her husband is a heart surgeon with a fetish for comotose patients, so she has to lie there pretending she's under general anaesthetic while he does what he wants, but perhaps surprisingly it didn't redeem the movie.


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