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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. 10 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Based on what?

    Two things

    1. I'm not sure he will maintain his pace and fitness for 2 more years on top of this season

    2. If we go up this season thats 2 years in the Championship. I'm not sure he would be a regular starter

    I accept though that maybe we couldn't get him to sign a 1 year extension because there were Championship clubs prepared to offer that or rather if that was all that was on the table he would take his chances in the summer I don't know. I'm not that bothered about it though, if the club think its the right thing to do then fair enough 

  2. Obviously we should not over pay. But we have to be prepared to pay the going rate or we will get nowhere. I remain convinced that the answer is in finding players that not everybody else is also aware of. That means looking outside of people coming to the end of, or at the  end of their contracts at Championship and league 1 clubs. Obviously that carries more of a risk but the people who really achieve in life are the ones that are prepared to back their judgement and take a risk    

  3. 7 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    Looked an outstanding talent in the game against Port Vale, if I’m remembering the right player, and there was a lot of hype around him. Can’t see us signing a centre mid this window though, Warne loves Hourihane too much.

    The injury probably puts pay to any potential move for him anyway, very much doubt he’d pass a medical - other than maybe right at the end of the window, so guess it could be one to watch if we lose anyone in midfield.

    I don’t think he loves Hourihane at all. He’s hooked him off quite a few times now. I just don’t think we have had better options. He will be replaced as soon as possible. Warne really rates Bird though and he would play ahead of Hourihane if we had another good attacking midfielder

  4. 1 hour ago, Srg said:

    What would be a top quality loan in your eyes? Remember we are in League One and not the Championship anymore. 

    I don't know but I think we should be finding our own players and then developing them like Peterborough do. If we do take a loan then the player has to be better than Bird, Fornah, Thompson, Hourihane, Smith and Sibley. If Warne and Thomas think he is then fair enough. Just seen Gabby's post above which he was obviously typing as I typed mine that gives ground for belief he might be a permanent signing, if so then great  

  5. Cashin is also like Ross MacLaren. Thats where we are at the moment, Cashin is a third division player. However he does play like Todd and might one day get close to him. Toddy was much, much quicker though and used his pace. I read a book by Kevin Keegan who says 'Toddy was a 90 minute nightmare. He could out run you, out jump you and when he had got you thoroughly demoralised he would come at you with the ball' I don't think Keegan would have struggled with Cashin quite so much but he's getting there and its great to see. Great that we might not be selling him after all as well     

  6. Doesn't seem like a top quality loan to me, just going on his track record. Would he be better than Harvey White? Would he be better than our current midfield options? Who knows. Could of course be just pure journalistic speculation and fabrication as Arthur used to say   

  7. Warne has definitely earned the right to be given this season at least. If he wins promotion then he has earned the right to a crack at the championship as well, and provided he doesn't then get us relegated and we can see some progress then the following season as well

    HOWEVER that's all predicated on him delivering promotion. He must deliver promotion this season particularly as I expect he will be backed sufficiently in this transfer window to make promotion a reasonable expectation. If he doesn't then he should be replaced. I'm going to give him my full support and backing until the end of the season and see what happens, as we all should. For what its worth I'm quite confident we will in fact get promoted   

  8. 6 minutes ago, May Contain Nuts said:

    ...but are they the most reliable options because one of Warne's own signings (Fornah) has not yet shown enough signs to prove he should displace one of them, or has that addition  not proved successful because Warne doesn't understand how best to use him?

    Similar to LB/LWB, is Elder a better option than Forsyth? Similar to CB, is Bradley a better option than Cashin? Is Washington a better option than Collins?

    Why did we sign Fornah? What's his role? Why did we sign Ward and Wilson?  Ward isn't our best RB, he's not out best RW, arguable he's not even  our best RWB.

    Has Warne brought in a player yet shows clearly better than whoever they were supposed to replace?

    FWIW I think Fornah, Elder, Nelson, Wilson, Ward, Washington, Bradley are all good signings individually, I just don't see how they make us better when we're talking about the team as a whole or it's collective functionality.

    Just to answer one of your questions I don't think he set out to sign Wilson having already signed Ward, but the opportunity arose to take him as part of the Knight deal and it was a chance to get a player he had admired for a while 'into the building'. And than goodness he did. Ward is meh but Wilson is special

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