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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. 12 hours ago, Banksy said:

    No clubs publicise internal discussions. Why should they? It's where issues get thrashed out. This is a rebuild of the whole club and a work in progress. It's the end product that matters. If anyone involved can't buy into it, there's always someone waiting in the wings. The head coach is directly accountable to the owner, not the fans. Thank goodness.


    It’s not a question of the club publicising internal discussions. Simply Warne telling us that he is committed to youth development and the progressive inclusion of young players. He can do that himself alongside all of the other things he chooses to tell us about his management philosophy and techniques such as giving out mugs and the wall

  2. 51 minutes ago, Banksy said:

    Not worrying about this. It's almost the identical story to when Jack Thompson was offered his contract. Then it was Chelsea, City and Spurs; always top six clubs that are suddenly interested. Agents feeding desperate  journalists a story knowing they'll print it and it gives publicity for the client. I think the need for a pathway is recognised within the club and it will be defined. That's how Hale worked at Southampton. He and Fleming and the other academy coaches have not come here to be messed about. The academy as a resource is vital to the club and we simply have to make best use of it. I'm sure Warne will come to realise that very soon if he doesn't already.

    I'd like him to say so publicly. And in some detail and in a way that we can tell he means it. If he did I would get behind him

  3. We are getting results now. Maybe performances will improve but I don’t think I have ever felt so little confidence in or interest in a manager or group of players as I do now. I can’t wait to see the back of Collins in particular, I hate him with a passion. But I can’t stand the sight of Smith, Hourihane, Barkhuizen, Washington, Waghorn, Forsyth, Mendez Laing and most of all Sonny bloody Bradley. I want to see the lot of them cleared out in the summer and to be honest I won’t cry a river to see Cashin, Bird and Sibley go as well. Bored to tears with the lot of them. A clean start is what we need, just hope it’s with a new manager as well

  4. 20 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Interesting. I suppose Elder or Wilson possibly the obvious options. Nyambe or Sibley are possibilities also. 


    We have been playing a back 4 so surely Elder will play if he's fit. I don't particularly like the look of him as a wing back but he's an experienced left back. If he's not fit though I reckon it would be Nyambe at left back and Joe Ward at right back(rather than Wilson who I think will play further forward) 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    If you can find and attract another Arthur Cox then happy days. In the meantime, it doesn’t matter how many times anyone says Warne isn’t good enough for Derby County we’re stuck with him until his contract expires, DC decides to show him the door or, he makes such a success of managing the club over the next year or so that someone poaches him (I’m joking of course before anyone accuses me of being deluded or drinking too early in the morning).

    Yeah OK we will see 

  6. Yorkshire Ram said 'We're in the weakest playing position in our club's history, coming out of the worst financial period' 

    This is not true. In my opinion we were weaker playing wise in the early 1980's and the period before Maxwell got involved was just as bad financially. 

    Warne inherited much better players last season than the squad Arthur Cox inherited plus a lot of very good youth players. Arthur took one season to start to reshape things, but you could see the progress being made. Then the next season it was constant, rapid progress all the way to 5th in the old first division. We made no progress last season and none so far this season either. Warne isn't good enough for Derby County       

  7. 22 minutes ago, Archied said:

    So basically the reasons to get rid by rubbishing any reasons to keep him😂,

    creative if nothing else

    No I said at the outset that the reasons for getting rid are strong, varied and have been rehearsed many times. Just see David's post a few posts up for an example of where some of the main arguments are well set out. I just thought it would be useful to say the counter arguments don't hold water   

  8. I think we have been through the reasons why we should get rid of Warne at some length so pointless to repeat it. I think is useful though to look at the four reasons that are given for keeping him. These are either used on their own or in combination

    1. We should be be proper supporters and GET BEHIND OUR TEAM. This gets generally mixed together with supporting Warne because he's the manager and because its about supporting the project and supporting David Clowes. All this MOANING AND NEGATIVITY isn't helping at all and we should recognise that we are in fact 7th on the verge of the play offs. If we were all pulling together and supporting our team

    2. We CAN'T AFFORD  to pay him and all his staff off

    3. We should not keep CHOPPING AND CHANGING managers and we need to give him time. We are partly in the mess we are because we kept chopping and changing

    4. This is a MASSIVE LONG TERM JOB BECAUSE OF ADMINISTRATION and those that think there can be a quick fix are DELUDED  

     There may be a fifth in that some people claim to know David Clowes mind and believe he has no intention of getting rid come what may. There is an element of truth to 1 and 3 but I don't believe any of these points are stronger than the evidence that Warne is the wrong man for the job. Also I don't believe 2 and 4 to be true anyway    

  9. 22 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Whether he has failed so far, how long he should be given before a judgement is made and whether promotion this year is a must or not is up to Mr Clowes. We, on this forum, can (and some already have) make our own judgements but they count for very little.

    Agreed but that goes for pretty much any opinion on a message board. So what's the point? you know that thread where people give their opinions on the players performance each match for example. Doesn't matter a damn whether we thought Bird was a 7, 8 or 9 or that NML was MOM. The only opinion that counts is the managers. And so on and so forth. On here we have a debate right. Should we not do so?

    In any case  I would disagree with you slightly though in that the collective opinions of supporters always counts. No owner can disregard that. At the moment Warne is on thin ice with a lot of supporters. He's probably at least as unpopular as Phil Brown was or Nigel Pearson was. He's got some good results at home in the league recently though so he's got some credit in the bank but that result and performance against Crewe hasn't helped his cause at all. We will see how he goes but would you like to bet any of your hard earned money that he will see out his 4 year contract? 

  10. 20 minutes ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

    Is Wilson going to be Derby's Gareth Bale - starting out as a defender before reinventing themselves as a much better winger?

    If he was as quick as Bale he would be playing for a top prem club by now

  11. 4 hours ago, Crewton said:

    If that's what you want, you'll have to be prepared to accept bumps in the road, because teams packed with youngsters rarely romp their way to the title, or perform consistently. Do you have the patience for that?

    Did I say I wanted a team packed with youngsters? I’m just talking about a long term build as we saw with Arthur Cox when we were last in this position. Or for that matter as we saw with Nigel Clough. A blend of youth and experience where the young players go on to form the longer term backbone of the side. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Banksy said:

    Since he was summoned for a chat with the owner a fortnight ago after the Stevenage debacle things have certainly perked up; passing more and crossing less with consequently more chances which is also more pleasing on the eye; the manager and coaches actually attending an academy game in the youth cup at Mansfield on Friday and listening to the pleas for academy lads to play a part last Wednesday.

    Maybe the manager would benefit from more such friendly pep talks to help him 'rock on.' He certainly seems a little more focused at the moment 🐏.

    All we need now is for him to show an intent to build around younger players and academy players for the future rather than sticking rigidly to his experienced pros

  13. 41 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Idea of him at left back or right back needs sacking off. He’s one of our 4 wide forward options that we need. 

    NML, Barkhuizen and Wilson. 

    Need one more if we’re going to continue with 3 up top. 

    And he’s 23. He needs to be first choice with NML coming on as sub. We should be building a team around lads like him and Fornah rather than NML and Smith. But great stuff today

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