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Gerry Daly

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Posts posted by Gerry Daly

  1. 20 minutes ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

    Is Wilson going to be Derby's Gareth Bale - starting out as a defender before reinventing themselves as a much better winger?

    If he was as quick as Bale he would be playing for a top prem club by now

  2. 4 hours ago, Crewton said:

    If that's what you want, you'll have to be prepared to accept bumps in the road, because teams packed with youngsters rarely romp their way to the title, or perform consistently. Do you have the patience for that?

    Did I say I wanted a team packed with youngsters? I’m just talking about a long term build as we saw with Arthur Cox when we were last in this position. Or for that matter as we saw with Nigel Clough. A blend of youth and experience where the young players go on to form the longer term backbone of the side. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Banksy said:

    Since he was summoned for a chat with the owner a fortnight ago after the Stevenage debacle things have certainly perked up; passing more and crossing less with consequently more chances which is also more pleasing on the eye; the manager and coaches actually attending an academy game in the youth cup at Mansfield on Friday and listening to the pleas for academy lads to play a part last Wednesday.

    Maybe the manager would benefit from more such friendly pep talks to help him 'rock on.' He certainly seems a little more focused at the moment 🐏.

    All we need now is for him to show an intent to build around younger players and academy players for the future rather than sticking rigidly to his experienced pros

  4. 41 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Idea of him at left back or right back needs sacking off. He’s one of our 4 wide forward options that we need. 

    NML, Barkhuizen and Wilson. 

    Need one more if we’re going to continue with 3 up top. 

    And he’s 23. He needs to be first choice with NML coming on as sub. We should be building a team around lads like him and Fornah rather than NML and Smith. But great stuff today

  5. 1 hour ago, nottingram said:

    Villa’s academy recruitment team will know about every child aged between 7 and 18 at every academy in the world. Let alone ones who play in the same country as them, who compete against them, and who represent their national team.

    They’re obviously not interested in signing players from us because our captain, who coaches their U8’s or something, is telling them to.

    I mean for goodness sake.

    Your first sentence is a gross exaggeration but the general point you make is correct. However it easier for them at the moment to target our academy than it was when we were a strong championship club equal to them. We are in a vulnerable position

  6. If we play well and win well on Saturday he will be surviving until the next bad performance and result. If however there is quite a while before that happens and in the meantime we are much improved then a lot of the doubters will have changed their tune and will forgive him a bad result.

    But if we play badly and lose badly, or even frankly just lose at all on Saturday then he’s in deep trouble. There is not a lot of patience or faith left amongst the fans

  7. 3 minutes ago, Banksy said:

    Absolutely not true. Find me a Brian Clough quote from the voluminous archives where he did that. You will find criticism of them falling below the strict standards of on-field discipline which he demanded and on the very rare occasions they failed to follow tactical instructions he would point that out in public. However, it was fundamental to him in following his own managerial principles he never went public on their playing performances; what was said in the dressing room stayed in the dressing room. If he had blasted one of them in there, along came Peter Taylor to put an arm around the player and explain kindly the point Clough was making. But we never got to hear about it. Clough was as loyal to his players as he expected them to be to him.

    Clough invented emotional intelligence in football. Warne took a degree in emotional intelligence. Frankly, he would have been more prudent in saving his tuition fees and just buying Brian Clough's autobiography. He'd have learned a lot more.

    What Clough did came naturally to him. It was not learned. You can study him and try to copy him but his magic came from within him 

  8. 3 hours ago, Yoxoram said:

    No, not completely and I have been wrong about many things in football such as the appointment of Jim Smith. I have been involved in grassroots football for many years and have occasionally been paid for doing so (a little pocket money only) but I wouldn't call myself a professional within the game. However, I do trust the opinion of the true professionals. If the speculation is accurate, we are talking about Championship clubs who think he can do a job in a higher division than he is currently playing in. Doesn't that suggest something, such as he's considered to be a decent footballer.

    A lot of us were wrong about the appointment of Jim Smith so you are in good company!  We don't know that the speculation about Hourihane interesting  Championship clubs is true, so you don't know if there are in fact footballing professionals that support your view. What I would say is that he hasn't got any better in the two years he has been with us, going from the age of 31 to 33 yet there didn't appear to be a queue of Championship clubs after him before now. Now clearly Hourihane is a talented player and has been a top player in his prime. As with all such players, their physical decline can be counterbalanced for a quite a while by their ability and the experience that they have. The best example perhaps that we have seen of that at Derby being Paul McGrath. Hourihane could almost certainly still do a job at Championship level for the right club - one that has a certain playing style and the right blend of players to go with him. That doesn't mean though that he remains ideal for us, given the other players we have, the way we want to play and the sort of opposition we face 

  9. 57 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Im not disputing your source but I think it’s very clear that Clowes behaves in a certain way. He isn’t a showman, or any egotist. I think the first person that’ll know he’s going to get rid will be Pearce. The second person will be Warne and I think it’ll happen very quickly. I just don’t think there’ll be time for any leaks and I don’t think he’d talk about something as sensitive as a managers future other than toeing the supportive line until he’s ready to act on it such is his character. 

    So whilst the noises you’re hearing from those close to him are that he fully backs him - I’d expect him to say nothing different to that even if he is drawing up contingency plans in his head. 

    Spot on. And the other point which I made the other day is that there has been no comment coming out of the club whatsoever. It makes sense to me that Clowes and the club hierarchy are well aware of the intense speculation amongst supporters and were they determined to back Warne come what may I think they would try to dampen the speculation and opposition to Warne by making a public statement of support  

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