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  1. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    Did 10,000 march to Pride Park to show the world we want to #savederbycounty just to walk away if one man is involved in saving the club even if he was responsible for nearly killing it. Personally I dont think so,because like me they feel the club and team comes first
  2. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinions but, as I said in an earlier post, the club is far more important to me than any single person and, if he was still at the club, I personally wouldn't let his involvement stop me coming to PP and supporting my team.
  3. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    Correct - but I struggle with the idea of a 2 year business plan after admin. A new owner should be allowed a free hand to run the business as they see fit, not operate according to the whims of the EFL - they will after all, have been vettted by the EFL before they've been allowed to buy the club....
  4. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Sheff Ram in The Administration Thread   
    With the news of Festy leaving confirmed, it brings home just how hard and long we have been punished as a club. The 21 point deduction is severe in itself but the restrictions placed on us in terms of making new signings and offering new contracts to existing players is destroying our club further.
    It goes way beyond this season. It has made survival in the Championship nigh on impossible, made it harder for us to find a buyer and even if we are eventially taken over, with a potential 15 point deduction, the possibility of a new manager and a scratch team, we face an uphill struggle next season too. And that's the favorable outcome.
    The EFL, the idiot chairmen at Middlesbrough and Wycombe and all the trolling Florist/Leeds/Boro and other teams (so-called) fans have further tried to push us over the edge.
    I just want this to be over now. I'd be a liar if I said this hasn't lowered my mood. The continued worry about the loss of something you have loved for the majority of your life is draining. I'm sure many of you feel the same. Please make this finish. Please can we have a PB  by Friday and at least start on the journey in rebuilding our beloved Rams.
  5. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t think it’s strange. Sure MM was wreckless and then Covid spoiled his escape route. He was the instigator of our woes. No doubt about that,
     But the EFL ? Supposedly the even handed governing body has kicked us, kicked us again and spat in our faces at every turn. Where were they in the farce that was Boro and Wycombe ? How come we were forced to field kids in a cup game or couldn’t re sign loaned veterans on short term deals. How come when judgements - made according to their own procedures - by their independent panels did they express “regret” or “reluctantly” accept decisions ? Mel made a mess but the EFL wanted to make an example of us and at the same time has been craven and dishonest in submitting to pressure from the likes of Boro. It’s rank hypocrisy and damned nasty 
  6. Sad
    derbydaz22 reacted to curb in What might have been....   
    Don’t worry, he’ll be playing in the EFL next season, at a club that’s virtually guaranteed to go up thanks to parachute payments.
    Hope that makes you feel better, it doesn’t me.
  7. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to San Fran Van Rams in What might have been....   
    The whole Ebosele debacle is shocking and seems to be completely counterproductive in supporting the admin process... losing such a talented player for free when he could have been locked down to a contract and potentially sold to support the financing of the club's debts is madness. Another EFL rooster up in my eyes - how can they not see this kind of double punishment only serves to push the club further into oblivion.
    The other terrible thing with Ebosele is that the English game is losing another fantastic young talent to foreign leagues... yes Festy is Irish, but surely we want to retain such talent to play in the EPL/EFL as he's the kind of players fans pay money to watch...
  8. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Sparkle in Malcolm Ebiowei   
    I said somewhere else that even a bog standard league one centre forward with height would be having a field day 
  9. Haha
  10. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in House Party in Chadd, and memories of the Hardmen of the area.   
    Blooming eck, I wandered onto this thread looking for the clips of some slapper grinding our Wayne as he takes a quiet nap.... 
    ...... Seems I've wandered into an episode of last of the summer wine..... ?
  11. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    We do not owe £8 million for Bielik. That was  the total owed for Bielik, Jozwiak, Byrne Marshall and a few others in November last year. We have paid instalments since then so we will not owe anything like £8m for Bielik. 
    But you are right we need to improve recruitment, and have done to be fair. No problem with  Allsopp , Jags , stearman, Morrison  and co. 
  12. Haha
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Yes Mel Morris oh hang on ?
  13. Haha
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Yes Mel Morris oh hang on ?
  14. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    There's something right and I think wrong with that post LER.
    Why would a Billionaire want to buy a club who are on their knees, Ashley surely doesn't need the cash, But then he keeps buying failed businesses, Is it that he has to prove he can raise the Titanic everytime he buys a business?
    It's not that he has to pop round to next door to borrow a cup of sugar, Buying and accepting a -15 points imo would have support/non support by our fans, Support for saving the club, Non support for having to struggle yet again for another season.
    It would be any PBs objective to get to the Premier League as that's where the loot is, But, Look at Chelsea...could fold, Everton over spend by £255million, Sothampton and Leicester borrow money against the following ST sales, Burnley bought Burnley ie the owner borrowed the money, Man Untd owe circa £850million...football is eating itself alive.
    I personly don't see the attraction of the Premier League anymore but hey that's just me.
  15. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    If a billionaire buisnessman is happy for us to start on minus 15 points next season for the sake of an extra 5 or 10 million pounds I think it would be a poor decision.
    They will instantly devalue the last remaining asset (the goodwill).
    Keep us afloat and give us a fighting chance next season, regardless of what division we are in, and the fans will be forever grateful.
  16. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    What is it about adversity that makes non fans come sniffing around our message board with their sanctimonious comments and advice?
    I assume they are the sort of people who slow down on the motorway to rubberneck the accidents on the other carriageway! 
  17. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    Have Q earned enough out of this little project to put in a bid of their own yet?  They'd make great new owners, I'm sure of it!  ?
  18. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to loweman2 in Arthur Cox receives Lifetime Achievement Award   
    People say that the winding up petition was our darkest day !
    i beg to differ
    It was this abomination wearing a Derby shirt !!

  19. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    There certainly seems to be a vindictive nature to most of the the comms that come out of the EFL. The blame for this sorry mess lies squarely at Morris’s door, but we must never forget the role that the EFL have played in dragging out the resolution and increasing the stress felt by the supporters - despite their empty promises of trying to help the club…..
  20. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Big Bad Bob in v Luton match day thread.   
    We're missing Lawrence. 
  21. Clap
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in v Millwall (H) Match Thread   
    I agree perhaps we should play Bird deeper of the two as he gets us playing and is more mobile when we lose the ball.
  22. Like
    derbydaz22 got a reaction from angieram in v Millwall (H) Match Thread   
    I agree perhaps we should play Bird deeper of the two as he gets us playing and is more mobile when we lose the ball.
  23. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to samtheram83 in The Administration Thread   
    quite the marvel!
  24. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Gritstone Tup in The Administration Thread   
    Don’t be so silly! We all know he’s wealthy but he wasn’t prepared to just walk in on day one and right off all the debts was he!?
    Hes not interested in the club just like he wasn’t interested in Newcastle. His business ethos is stripping every business down to its bare bones so it can just about function and make him a profit. Ashley is a terrible option.
  25. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Spot on B4, they never really leave you completely. I lost my dad in 2020 but he still pops into my mind when I think of something that he may have found funny or annoying and even now, stuff happens and I think 'Dad would love to hear about this' and then I remember. The sadness gradually dims though and you're left smiling at the thought/memory. Only time can do that.

    Sorry for off-topic, just couldn't let B4s thoughtful post pass without commenting. Good on ya mate ?
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