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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. It's weird isn't it. When I was 20 ish, nobody had a mobile and me & my mates would think nothing of driving round the Peak District lanes (where I grew up) on frosty & foggy nights with no means of contacting anyone. Now, if I forget my phone when nipping to the shop, I feel so vulnerable and isolated.

    First phone was a Nokia Brick and had a couple more of them as work phones. I remember really liking my first internet enabled one - an O2 XDA that had TomTom satnav on it. Then work discovered iPhones (3GS was my first) and other than a couple of experiments in the last 10 years with a Blackberry and a Samsung (when I thought I was going to change jobs), I've stuck with Apple.

  2. 16 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    'Fall' (Netflix)

    Very basic story and you immediately wonder how it can be dragged out to 100min film.   Am sure some people will find it one dimensional.

    But for me, rather like Open Water or Buried, that very simplicity creates the atmosphere that drags you in and keeps you engrossed.

    8 out of 10

    Judging by how much my palms were sweating and toes aching, just watching the Netflix clip, I don't think I'll be watching that.

  3. On 20/03/2023 at 13:32, David said:

    I feel like I am the perfect person to create this topic.

    And let me stop you right there, when I say members I'm talking about all of you, not what's between your legs.

    Please do not share anything too graphic, Google is watching.

    Anyhow, in the latest instalment of my life and so B4 doesn't feel on his own, I will now show you a picture of my toes.


    Usually you have to pay for this kind of content online, but this one is free of charge.

    This my left foot, the same side I recently broke my ankle which is still swollen and taking an insane time to heal.

    Walking down the stairs, as we all do everyday of our lives, unless you live in a downstairs flat or bungalow, my left foot slips on the edge of the step, smashing into the wooden post things toes first.

    I have bruising on the other side as well which I'm not willing to share without having a pedicure first.

    My diagnosis is either just bruised or broken, not much point in bothering the hospital, I have numerous boots and braces round the house from previous trips to A&E.

    Back to walking like I've crapped my pants again I guess, you don't really appreciate what your toes do until you can't use them.

    I feel your pain @B4ev6is

    I did the same thing coming downstairs on christmas morning when I was about 10. Bloody agony and by lunchtime I had 3 black toes.

    As you say, nowt much you can do other than strap them together. I've never been able to move them since, though, so maybe should have had them checked out.

  4. As a viewer of both The Apprentice and Dragon's Den, I had to conclude last night that both finalists and probably all of the final 5 in The Apprentice would have been laughed out of the Den in 2 minutes flat.

    I hope for his sake that Lord Sugar gets paid more than the £250k prize money he's giving away because he ain't getting that back any time soon.

  5. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    I'm with Curtis on this one.

    Someone from the Referees Association describing it as assault. Really? 


    Defining it as assault is certainly a bit strong but the ref's have a hard enough job without physical argy-bargy as well as the verbal abuse - which players seem to get away with (and shouldn't IMO).

  6. On 09/01/2023 at 10:56, Jubbs said:

    Watched The Menu on Disney+ over the weekend.

    Unique psychological thriller with an ensemble cast (Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicholas Hoult).

    A great, thought-provoking film with deeper meanings about society as a whole.


    Finally got around to seeing this on Prime.

    Enjoyed it but I was wondering at the end what the meaning of it all was. And then I remembered the bit 3/4 through the film when he says (not a spoiler) that he wonders why they haven't tried harder to get away.

    Fiennes is just effortlessly good in everything and I could watch Anya Taylor Joy all day long.


  7. 58 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I urge everyone to watch this extraordinary exchange. The guy asking the question is not some lefty lawyer - he's a Tory MP and he is clearly trying to get Braverman to admit that it's the complete absence of safe and legal routes for people to come and claim asylum that drives the issue of the boat crossings


    It's baffling (maybe not) but certainly depressing how utterly incompetent people like her get the top government jobs.

    Nadine Dorries was another one - as Media secretary or whatever, trying to justify selling Channel 4 because it wasn't a good use of the license fee - and then to have to be informed (also in one of these committee sessions) that Channel 4 isn't funded by it.

    Plus Truss and Kwarteng of course....

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