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Abu Derby

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  1. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Very sad news   
    As I am sure you are all aware, there were two extremely serious injuries yesterday to their gallant numbers 22 and 33.
    It was heartbreaking to see the 33 crawl pitifully back on to the pitch so he could reach a teammate and whisper his last words to pass on to his wife and children. The number 22 had a serious head injury requiring extensive physio work on his leg and again only the miraculous intervention of the highly trained medical staff delayed serious harm.
    However, a friend of mine who works at the Royal, has reported that neither is likely to make it through another night. Can we please come together as a football family to pray hard for these brave warriors - real men - who gave so much to the game that we all love. 
  2. Clap
    Abu Derby reacted to DavesaRam in MK Dons (H) Monday 10th April, 3pm KO   
    I said it a couple of matches ago re NML's enormous crosses. Isn't it about time that when he gets the ball and heads off down the wing one of our wide left layers immediately goes to the far side of the penalty area so  when the inevitably over-hit cross comes sailing over we have someone there completely unmarked to run in and slot the ball home? Or is that a bit to "common sense", a bit too obvious?
  3. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to loweman2 in 50 years ago today, European Cup Semi Final.   
    Derby County reached the semi final of the European Cup
    It is still talked about to this day how Derby would exit the competition in 1973. In short, Clough believed that their semi-final against Juventus was rigged, the Rams turfed out of Europe unfairly thanks to unproven skullduggery involving a German referee. Or, as Clough rather more floridly put it in his autobiography: ‘The lousy stench still fills my nostrils when I think of the attempts at corruption. UEFA later carried out some kind of inquiry, but the truth has remained somewhere swept beneath the carpets in the corridors of power.’
    Derby started their first ever trip to Europe – unless you count the Texaco Cup, a rather quaint affair involving British Isles sides not in the main European competitions that Derby won in 1972 – with some gusto. They beat Željezničar of Yugoslavia in the first round, and then with the aid of a strategically ‘watered’ pitch in the next phase, they brilliantly swept aside Benfica, Eusebio and all. Czech side Spartak Trnava were beaten next, meaning they would face one of six-time champions Real Madrid, winners in the previous two years Ajax or Juventus in the semi-final, which was rather like being asked if you’d prefer to be punched in the face, stomach or groin.
    In the end they received the most favourable (a relative term) draw, and would play against Juventus, Italian champions and boasting the likes of Dino Zoff, Roberto Bettega, German midfielder Helmut Haller and one Fabio Capello. The game carried with it some extra pressure for Derby, given that they were out of both domestic cups and their hopes of retaining the First Division had disappeared after a disappointing start to the season, a rally either side of Christmas then scotched by another poor domestic run that left them ninth in the table when they travelled to Turin for the first leg.
    When they arrived in Italy they were greeted by rain, and plenty of it, the northern Italian heavens having been wide open for a couple of days before their arrival. ‘Turin at the moment resembles a comedian’s idea of Manchester,’ wrote David Lacey in the Guardian, but by the time the game arrived the skies had cleared. The opening stages were as one might expect a European tie to be, Juventus on the front foot but Derby jabbing back at them, ‘both sides fencing cleverly for the opening’ wrote Geoffrey Green in the Times, who also beautifully noted that County ‘spoke in sharp syllables in counter-attack.’
    Juve took the lead after 29 minutes, the Brazilian Jose Altafini firing left-footed past Derby keeper Colin Boulton, but just two minutes later the Rams were level, Kevin Hector shooting ‘violently’ home to put them on terms at the break. However, the introduction of Haller after half-time seemed to change things, and Juve retook the lead on 65 minutes, the Tom Selleckian moustache of Franco Causio giving his men the advantage, before Atalfini made it 3-1 six minutes from time.
    That’s the short version of the story, anyway. Most observers, even Clough himself, seemed to agree that Juventus were the superior side, but events before the game and at half-time made some assume that something more suspicious was afoot.
    John Charles, the great former Juventus player, was at the game in an ambassadorial capacity, and around half an hour before kick-off he warned Peter Taylor that he had seen Haller, who scored West Germany’s opener in the 1966 World Cup final, enter the referee’s room. The official in question was Gerhard Schulenburg, as his name suggests also German, so of course this could just have been a couple of Herrs talking about the old country, but inevitably suspicions were raised. Particularly when Haller returned to the officials’ quarters at half-time, prompting Taylor to take action. ‘I hurried after them, trying to overhear and saying ‘I speak German, gentlemen. Do you mind if I listen?’ he wrote in his memoir ‘With Clough, By Taylor’. Of course Taylor spoke no German at all, and in response to his request Haller elbowed Taylor in the ribs, leaving him gasping for air in the corridors of the Stadio Comunale Vittorio Pozzo. ‘Haller…barked something that brought a squad of heavies into action. They shoved me against a wall and kept me there. I didn’t know who they were, except that some were uniformed, and possibly club stewards, and others looked like plain clothes police. I didn’t know what was going on; my only thought was ‘Let me get into that ref’s room because I’ve rumbled them.’
    But rumbled them of what? While the consensus was that Juventus were the better team, most observers also noted that Schulenburg adopted a rather laissez faire attitude to the Italians’ rough-housing, but quite the opposite to the Derby players. Archie Gemmill and Roy McFarland were both booked, two players that by coincidence or otherwise, were the only two already on bookings from previous rounds, so were thus suspended from the return leg. Gerald Mortimer wrote in the Derby Telegraph that: ‘Gemmill had his name taken for a trip on [Giuseppe] Furino, retaliation after Furino’s elbow had smashed into his face….McFarland’s booking was totally absurd. He went up to challenge [Antontello] Cuccerddu for a high ball and the two heads clashed. For that, and only that, he was cautioned…it looked like a put-up job.’
    ‘It is perhaps useless to hurl accusations at the referee,’ wrote Green. ‘But he was very harsh on much of the Derby tackling against Juventus players.’ Lacey commented on the persistent fouling of Furino, saying it ‘continued to the point of monotony’ and that he ‘followed through dangerously against [Colin] Todd, fouled Hector in full flight and went over the ball blatantly against [John] O’Hare, receiving only a wag of a finger from the referee’.
    While the men in the press box were firm but circumspect in their observations, Clough was a little more forthright. ‘I couldn’t believe my eyes at some of the things that happened in Turin,’ he wrote in his autobiography. ‘We had two key players booked well before half-time…As far as I can remember their only crime was to stand somewhere adjacent to an opponent who flung himself on the floor. Now wasn’t that a coincidence? McFarland and Gemmill – two players who just happened to have been booked in previous games – would now, automatically, be ruled out of the second leg. It stank to high heaven. I’d heard lurid tales of bribery, corruption, the bending of match officials in Italy, call it what you will, but I’d never before seen what struck me as clear evidence. I went barmy.’
    Indeed he did. At the post-match press conference Clough declared loudly that he would ‘not talk to any cheating bar stewards.’ The assembled local press asked Brian Glanville, the English journalist who spoke Italian, what Clough had said, but his attempts at a diplomatic silence were scuppered rather when the manager returned to bark ‘Tell ’em what I said, Brian!’
    “Juventus bought the referee,” Clough told his biographer Tony Francis years later. “Of that there is no shadow of doubt. I was cheated, Taylor was nearly arrested and two players were booked for next to nothing. What surprised me is that Juventus were good enough without that. They were the better side, but we could have reached the final if Gemmill and McFarland had played at Derby.”
    Clough’s certainty that Derby had been swindled was strengthened when a few days later he ‘got wind’ that the Portuguese referee for the second game had been ‘approached’ too. ‘Francisco Marques Lobo,’ wrote Jonathan Wilson in his Clough biography ‘Nobody Ever Says Thank You‘, ‘revealed he’d been offered $5,000 and a car if Juventus won. Uefa subsequently investigated and exonerated Juventus, ruling that the bribe was the work of the notorious Hungarian fixer Dezso Solti, whom the commission ruled to have been acting independently.’
    Beyond that and Clough’s suspicions, there was never any hard evidence that Schulenberg was bribed, never mind by Juventus directly. Glanville investigated the matter at some length later on, and while he did find a letter signed by Solti ‘on behalf’ of Juventus from 1971, two years before the game in question, nothing else to link Solti directly to that game ever came to light.
    However, it’s also true that Italo Allodi, the Juve general manager at the time, was involved in assorted attempts to bribe and corrupt referees, including in a European Cup game between Liverpool and Inter, where Allodi worked at the time, in 1965. ‘Liverpool were so badly cheated by the refereeing of a Spaniard, Ortiz de Mendibil, that their half-back Tommy Smith kicked him all the way to the dressing room,’ wrote Glanville in his obituary of Allodi. ‘In 1966, a brave Hungarian referee was spirited up to [Inter president Angelo] Moratti’s villa and offered, in the presence of Allodi and Solti, numerous gifts. After refusing to bend the game against Real Madrid, he never got another European match…Solti, a Hungarian refugee, held no official position with the club, but was responsible for seducing referees – and he answered directly to Allodi.’ “All Allodi knows how to do,” said former Italy manager Fulvio Bernardini, “is give gold watches to referees.” In short, while the evidence is circumstantial, it would surprise few to learn that Allodi had been up to his old tricks.
    Derby lost the tie after drawing the second leg 0-0, with Lobo officiating fairly, by common consensus. Alan Hinton missed a penalty, while young forward Roger Davies carelessly got himself sent off, dubbed “disgraceful” by Clough for headbutting Francesco Morini. “There’s no excuse for being sent off the way he was,” said Clough after the game, accepting the result and promising to fine Davies a week’s wages. “He is only young and he will learn.”
    But still, the sense of injustice simmered in Clough, and the fascination with the European Cup was one of the reasons he took the baffling decision to rock up at Leeds the following year. Juventus lost to the great Ajax side of Cruyff, Rep and Neeskens in the final, so the chances of Derby winning the thing if they had gone through were probably slim.
    Still, as Clough proved a few years later, with him miracles could happen to moderate teams from the East Midlands

  4. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Shipley Ram in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Cooper was saying how beneficial he would be to their transfer business in Jan.
  5. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Day in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Only been there 6 months, had one transfer window. 
    Chris Wood and Jonjo Shelvey, yeah I can understand it 😂
  6. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    f*** me. Recovered from Leeds and Villa have we. If you want the the Titanic, get some videos of Worralls defending to go with your Betamax collection of your last time in the top division.  Have you still got the one where Carbonari scored in the 90th minute to send you into a quarter of a century of oblivion.  That's a proper blockbuster.
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    One fella reckons they've got 100 million in Johnson and Yates.  He's using his own clubs spaffing of a quarter of a billion in fees and contracts as the barometer I assume.
  9. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Brennan Johnson stole the last pie.
  10. COYR
    Abu Derby reacted to Ram-Alf in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    The weight on the pass was enough to make me cry...with laughter 😁
  11. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to hintonsboots in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Forest team bus leaving Villa Park.

  12. Haha
  13. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Zag zig in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Finishing with 10 men because used all their subs, well done Cooper.
  14. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    This is a pisstake right.  They haven't actually taken a plane to Birmingham and got the team coach to drive to there to pick them up the other end.  
  15. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to FKANorwichExile in Referees   
    Disallowing Cash's goal utterly deflated the team today. That's not the refs fault, it's down to managing the morale of the squad, but you have to wonder if we're ever going to get a decision in our favour.
    The push on Knight would have been a touch soft, but it's the type of pen that's been given against us time and time again this season. How many of us instantly waited for the whistle when Chaplin went down like he's been shot? Where was the booking?
    I don't think there's a conspiracy from the EFL down, we're more than capable of sabotaging our own season, but the level of officiating is beyond abysmal.
  16. Clap
    Abu Derby reacted to estinnes in Referees   
    When checking for a foul, the linesman said "No, I had eyes on the goalkeeper", the referee heard this as "it's a foul on the goalkeeper".
    They've then apologised after the game for the miscommunication and said "we're still learning"... It's shocking that the referee didn't check with the linesman, why the linesman didn't then correct the referee 
  17. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  18. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to strawhillram in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    Promotion via the Play-offs this season isn’t going to happen. We might scrape into 6th, but we then have to get results over 3 games against teams that are better than us.
    Unless the EFL lift their restrictions on us then next season won’t be any better. We will lose players and can only add journeymen or youth players. If we did get up to the Championship it would  be a difficult season for us.
    I reckon we might have a chance the season after next, when we can start on a level playing field again.
  19. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Couple of gems here in the Times report of their game yesterday:

    Cooper has some nerve coming out with that statement, considering what their bench get up to - he should be worrying more about what Marinakis is doing going in their dressing room to give his players dietary advice (well, he said they weren't hungry enough, which is technically the same thing 😉).
    Get the green scarves out again lads, you know it makes sense 😏
  20. Haha
    Abu Derby reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Draw does nothing for Forest. Their away form is horrific so can’t see them beating Leeds they’ll be hoping for a point. They’ll have hope that they played better yesterday it seems. I keep thinking Leicester and West Ham are going to turn it around which if they do - Forest are in real danger. If they go down after spending £180m, that’s an epic fail and one that could cripple them a few years down the line - hopefully!!
  21. Like
    Abu Derby got a reaction from Premier ram in The Greatest ?   
    What a great player Bobby was for us. Loved him. How we could do with someone like him now. 
  22. Like
    Abu Derby reacted to plymouthram in James Collins   
    Derek Hales was signed by the Rams having smashed in 28 goals in 1975/76 season for Charlton in the old 2nd Division (now Championship). He had scored 72 goals in 129 apps for Charlton and at Derby managed 4 goals in 23 apps. We off loaded him to Westham where he faired a little better by scoring 10 in 24 apps. He went back to Charlton in 1978 and scored another 76 goals in 191 apps. Most famous for having a fight with his strike partner Mike Flanagan in a cuptie with Charlton in 1979. Also famous at Derby for missing absolute sitters on numerous occasions.
  23. Clap
    Abu Derby reacted to Tamworthram in Peterborough United vs Derby County   
    You might well be right. As well as not being able to adapt to the opposition manager shaking things up, it could be a state of mind thing.
    This is the exact message I sent at Half time to my Arsenal supporting friend:
    ”Typical Derby I fear. Dominated the first half but failed to capitalise. They can’t normally maintain it for both halves and/or Warne can’t react to the other team changing things and stepping it up. Defeat incoming”🙁
  24. Sad
    Abu Derby got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Peterborough United vs Derby County   
    When we went in at half time at 0-0 I knew that we’d lose the game. I also think that applies to the players and the manager.
    How we are seemingly unable to perform at the same level for 95 minutes will be the reason why we won’t be promoted this season. 
  25. Like
    Abu Derby got a reaction from Tamworthram in Peterborough United vs Derby County   
    When we went in at half time at 0-0 I knew that we’d lose the game. I also think that applies to the players and the manager.
    How we are seemingly unable to perform at the same level for 95 minutes will be the reason why we won’t be promoted this season. 
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