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    TigerTedd reacted to Rev in Electric Vehicles   
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    TigerTedd got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Electric Vehicles   
    I’m very seriously considering upgrading my Peugeot 3008 to a new hybrid 3008 when it comes out in January. 
    we’re on a PCP scheme with Peugeot, so we pay monthly. We pay about £250-£300 a month on petrol. Before lockdown my wife would have to drive about 80 miles a day, and I’d have to do some long trips to Manchester. We were spending about £500 a month between us. 
    Electric motor has a range of about 40 miles, which is exactly what my wife needs to get to her new work and back. 
    so I figure, if it increases our monthly payment by £100-£150 we should be quids in. 
    we also have solar panels, batteries, and a leccy tarriff that pays us for using electricity during the night, which should reduce recharging costs to virtually zero. 
    thinking of investing in a fast charger too. That way I can finish work, get home at 5, stick it on to fast charge, and then it’s fully charged ready for her to get off to work at 7. 
    I did fancy a full electric for my next car, going hybrid feels a bit like being a vegetarian who still eats fish and chicken on special occasions. But I think a plug in hybrid is a good, sensible half way house til the infrastructure catches up. 
  3. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Ghost of Clough in Electric Vehicles   
    These adverts are pretty smart...

  4. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Ghost of Clough in Electric Vehicles   
    New cable.
    With the grant, it should only cost about £500 for the charger and basic installation.
    Depending on the location of your fuse box and meter, you may have to pay a tiny bit more. Mine are located in a cupboard in the middle of the house, so a cable had to be run underneath the floorboards up stairs, then down the side of the house. May have been about £25 extra.
  5. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Pearl Ram in Derby County stats   
    So, if I’ve got my maths right, the 8th game of the 22/23 season will be our 5,000th league game, wow, that’s really something. Wonder if the marketing men will create a special souvenir shirt for that game...I’d buy one. ? 
  6. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Kernow in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    All of dcfcfans' second team has sadly lost today. Oh no. What a shame.
    Hi to all Leeds fans who regularly check in!

  7. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Highgate in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    They both have 9 in a row I believe.  Rangers will have 54.5 titles after this season to Celtic's 51, but still 0 European Cups.  Stopping Celtic getting the 10 in the row this season is going to be sweet for Rangers though.
    Neither club will ever match the great Dumbarton side of 1891 as far as I'm concerned.  ?
  8. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Highgate in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    How could it be legit...they finished second on goal difference and then drew a play off.  If that's not a whopping great asterisk next to a title, then there is no such thing. 
    For me the extremists in the Green and Blue halves of Glasgow are equally unpleasant.
  9. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Highgate in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    So Arsenal bribed their way into the old 1st Division.  And Man Utd only stayed up the previous season by fixing a match with Liverpool. 
    Clearly to undo this historical wrong the only fair thing to do is relegate Arsenal, Man Utd and Liverpool to League 1 next season. Obviously all those clubs League titles in the intervening years are now null and void. 
    Although let's not look too closely at the clubs who accepted those bribes from Arsenal, we have to draw the line somewhere!!
  10. Haha
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    TigerTedd reacted to Mucker1884 in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    That's right.
    The full list is:
    and obviously Bamford... with or without a capital C!
  13. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Always loved Leeds fans, me.

  14. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from MuespachRam in Live football thread.   
    Good point. The penalty wasn’t the match winner, whether it was legit or not, it was the goal they let in in the first few minutes, and the fact that they could find a reply, that killed them. 
  15. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Turk Thrust in Live football thread.   
    Oh I do and lots of mates who are around my age (74).  When I was first taken by dad to see Stanley Mathews at the BBG it was called soccer as much as it was called football and lots of magazines had Soccer in the title. (Soccer World, Soccer Review, Soccer Star etc) It’s not an American thing, it comes from Association football (hence soccer) to distinguish it from Rugby football (rugger). But I suppose it’s use now is just us old gits and Americans (who first adopted the word when it was still called soccer here and to distinguish it from American football)
  16. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to ramsbottom in Will Hughes   
    Not at all.  I wish we had a midfielder who was that savvy.  He bossed the game without appearing to break a sweat, and we only got back into it when he went off...
    If anything our collective hatred for Gary 'The Snake' Rowett should increase exponentially
  17. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Rammy03 in Live football thread.   
    I initially thought that astrix agains their title win wouldn't matter, because they'd go on to dominate for a good few years, and win more titles the gap between them and the rest looked way too big to be caught up in a year by anyone but possibly City. But now everyone, even bloody Leicester, have caught up and passed them. This is a pretty shocking fall from grace. If they don't finish top four, they'll struggle to get the best players, they might loose Klopp, and they might not be up at the top again for a while.
  18. Cheers
    TigerTedd reacted to Jubbs in Mason Mount   
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    TigerTedd got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Got to admit. I’d be pretty fricking terrified if I was in it during the belly flop, expecting it to flip at the last second. 
    I’m sure the people watching the first aeroplane flights thought similar, and this whole thing will one day become completely normal. But at the minute I can’t imagine it being so consistent that normal people would be happy to go along for the ride. 
  20. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Here's the official SpaceX feed of the SN9 prototype launch, belly flop and failed (but spectacular) landing:
    You'll see the tenth prototype, SN10 beside it on a second launchpad. Now attention switches to that and whether it can land successfully. 
  21. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from jono in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    But it’s not NASA that’s doing this. It’s not publicly funded (the vast majority at least). So the US debt has literally nothing to do with this. Elon can do whatever he wants with his own money. And if he believes it’s a good money making investment, and even if he doesn’t, that’s his choice. 
    are you saying he should be using his billions to bail out the American national debt?
    this thread is barely a page old, it’s meant to be about the amazing achievement on putting a man, or men (and women) on Mars in our lifetimes, and the road towards that goal. @Carl Sagan‘s aim of building a chronicle of that progress through the eyes of rams fans is laudable. 
    it’s not about the finances of it all. I’m just happy to trust that some accountant somewhere has worked out it’s financially a good a idea. 
    leave your cynicism at the door, and revel in man’s ingenuity and adventurous spirit. Or just don’t come on this thread.
  22. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    I can get behind that idea. Bielsa gets poached by a bigger club, like Brighton, and they get a Jewell in and go down with 4 points in the bag (all against Newcastle). 
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    TigerTedd reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Oh well, let's hope they develop the difficult second season affliction of Huddersfield and sheff utd. Must be a Yorkshire thing.
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    TigerTedd reacted to 1of4 in Keogh   
    Watching the EFL highlights on Quest, I noticed Keogh has still always got a mistake in him.
  25. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to roboto in 3x U15s   
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