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    TigerTedd got a reaction from Rammy03 in Live football thread.   
    Gotta say, if Mason Mount was ever part of a team that beat Forest in a final (like that would ever happen), it would fill me with joy to see something like this. 
  2. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to ziggyram59 in F1 2021   
    Verstappen is a fantastic driver but I will always want Lewis to win a world championship whilst he keeps driving even if it's boring. 
  3. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Comrade 86 in F1 2021   
    While I agree with petty much all of this, I'd still happily see Hammy smash out 10 WDCs all the same ? 
  4. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Live football thread.   
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    TigerTedd reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    It's going to be very funny watching Leeds fans realising that it was Bielsa that everyone loved and actually no one likes Leeds utd.
  6. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Easy when the manager gets his minions into the opposition training ground bushes to spy on their tactics.
    Never took that into account.
    Waiting for the day Bielsa leaves so they can follow the Sunderland path.
  7. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to JfR in Live football thread.   
    Watford's seen the result ?
    For context: When Bournemouth played Watford earlier this season, Jefferson Lerma was a right sod the entire game, diving, picking fights, etc. Bournemouth won and he posted that Emoji after the game to mock Watford fans complaining about his antics. Seems Watford haven't forgotten it.
  8. Clap
    TigerTedd got a reaction from ramit in Johnny Russell   
    Happy wife, happy life. 
  9. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Johnny Russell   
    Probably is, but then could also be missing friends and family, with a young family of his own fancy being closer to home. He may see this as the perfect opportunity to fulfil a dream of playing in the Premier League, one last crack if the interest is genuine.
    Looks like he's loved over there by the fans, but look at Rooney, they adored him also but talk was his wife wanted to move back. One day you might bag a woman of your own and realise you can't do exactly what you want all the time ?
  10. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to maxjam in Live football thread.   
  11. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Rev in F1 2021   
    I've never understood why British F1 drivers get shade for living in Monaco?
    If my job entailed me living out of a suitcase for 40+ weeks a year, and being paid a fortune for doing so, damn sure I'm going to base myself in a sun drenched enclave a couple of hours from Blighty with a low tax rate. 
  12. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to strawhillram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Difference is that the Glaziers are not very transparent. Panes me to say it, but  who is the frame for us now. 
  13. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    In other Mars news, NASA today signed a contract with SpaceX to demonstrate refueling in orbit (space people bizarrely call it "on orbit") by 2022:
    This is important for NASA's Artemis Moon programme and also the Mar settlement plan, as the Starships will need to refuel for both. It comes about because Jeff Bezos and his Blue Origin have halted the main Human Landing System in the Senate, of which this would be a part. NASA can't afford to wait, so is getting the money to SpaceX  by another means to be able to keep the ambitious 2024 schedule on track. That's one possible reading of it anyway. 
  14. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Finally SpaceX has posted its own tremendous footage of the successful SN15 test flight:
    SpaceX has designed its own Thunderbirds-style Starship transporter which secured the rocket without a crane and took it back up to the launchpad, where it's currently standing waiting to be prepared for a second test flight. Which would be remarkable.
  15. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from MuespachRam in Live football thread.   
    Surely you mean city have ‘retained’ it. 
  16. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Last night Starship prototype SN15 (they skipped forward 4 numbers after SN11) delivered a largely perfect test flight, and landing. A very soft landing too, with the six stubby legs holding up fine. There was a methane fire on the landing pad for several minutes after touchdown, but eventually the automated systems "safed" the vehicle and today it looks almost good to go again.
    There was a lot of cloud cover so the video of the whole flight isn't great, but here are the launch and landing highlights:
    It's a fantastic achievement. There were a lot of improvements on this prototype, preparing for the future orbital flight test. For instance you can see the black band of heatshield tiles. Only one fell off! 
    A Human colony on Mars is a step closer today. As is a return to the Moon now Starship has won the NASA contract for that!
  17. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Mostyn6 in Mason Mount   
    I agree. Not only that, my perception is that he’s got a lovely-lad temperament about him. I can see him being really polite and respectful to the older generations and being a caring son etc. Bet his parents are mega proud. 
    just popped into my head that he plays with a smile and an enthusiasm that is endearing. Made me think of Tom Ince and the perception people had/have of him because he’s got a stern look when playing. 
    smile and the world smiles with you. 
  18. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Ramslad1992 in Mason Mount   
    Mount 100% Carson has ‘won’ it before.
  19. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to JfR in Mason Mount   
    It's going to be a real Sophie's Choice moment deciding whether I'll be rooting for Mount or Carson in the final.
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    TigerTedd reacted to BucksRam in Live football thread.   
    Agree - Although I may not be a fan of some of the them, i.e. Chelsea / Man U, I'd always want the English (or British) team to win against European opposition.
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    TigerTedd reacted to Ghost of Clough in Live football thread.   
    I'd much rather an English team win it. I'd even prefer Celtic or Rangers fluking a win, rather than some Spanish or Italian side.
  22. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Premier ram in Live football thread.   
    would like Arsenal in the final , think Artetas a good manager managing in difficult circumstances , he deserves a break , agree with you about United they can do one
  23. Clap
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Curtains in Live football thread.   
    It’s weird, I struggle to name city’s star players. Everyone knows Kane, and Salah, but City don’t seem to have just one stand out guy, they’re just all really, really good. And smart players as well, able to play that system and know what they’re supposed to be doing. Imagine Guardiola trying to do that with our players. I think that was Cocu’s problem. 
  24. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Good to see Liverpool players showing that the most important thing to them is the supporters, by refusing to wear shirts saying that 'football is for the fans'. I pretty much think that they are all wondering how much more money their agent will be able to get them.
    If the lot of them sat down on kick off, with prior agreement with Leeds, and took off their Liverpool shirts to reveal a football is for the fans statement (possibly with an 'but we all hate Leeds' addendum) then that would show the world what they thought. Instead they are probably calling their social media fixer to ask their personal watch vendor to pop round with something tasteful and gold and diamondy, as they rub their hands with dollar signs in their eyes and sink to their knees to suck down Satan's black worm jism, as Bill Hicks would probably say.
    I truly belong to the generation who has fallen out of love with the game and those involved with it. Give me Gary Micklewhite and Bobby Davison any day of the week.
  25. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to JfR in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Just to demonstrate how angry this European Super League nonsense has made me, I am actively rooting for Leeds tonight. The "big six" have screwed up so much that they've somehow made Leeds the good guys.
    It's a shame this game's behind closed doors, because, give them their dues, I'm sure a packed out Elland Road with a sizeable Liverpool away support would have an awful lot to chant about if they were allowed in.
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