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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 30 minutes ago, trekkie_ram said:

    Presumably I’m in the wrong, but I don’t understand why the Watford penalty against Manchester United was re-taken, due to the attacker gaining an advantage?

    I think there was encroachment by an attacker and by a defender

  2. 1 hour ago, cstand said:

    In the Yorkshire post some teenager now making allegations against Azeem about sending unwanted texts of a sexual nature to her four years ago. 
    Will allegations now be made that he is misogynistic?




    Does that change anything he said about YCCC?

  3. 1 minute ago, David said:

    Sir Thomas Hotel where we stayed, back in the car park on Victoria Street now waiting for the women as they've gone shopping, could be a couple of hours knowing them ?

    If you can nip down, happily go for a pint?

    Mum's 60th so we came up for the night

    I'm just round the corner in North John Street.

    Unfortunately, I'm stuck at work and can't get away.

    Hope you're having a great time.

  4. 17 minutes ago, David said:

    I'm fine, honestly, won't lie it's been a frustrating few months but what can you do.

    Sure I could have thrown the club under the bus publicly, however the marketing team who I was in contact with were equally frustrated, feel sorry for them having to be at the end of my emails.

    I know people will look at the money owed, claim it's some kind of payment to defend Mel and somehow proves that he's had control of the forum, however I can honestly say that's simply not true.

    It was for banner ads on the forum which helped to cover the running costs, nothing more.

    Mel was not involved in any of the process, nor was there any communication between us regarding the adverts, forum itself or even money owed.

    Always been transparent about this. 

    I've had very little contact with Mel at all for the last 18 months or so until the "NDA" meeting where I contacted him personally to say this is a mistake and would backfire on the club, which it did spectacularly.

    As for cost, when we first launched it was a fiver a month, we had 30 or so users and it could run on the basic server.

    Fast forward 11 years and we now have over 1.5m pageviews a month we have had to go on our own server which is currently £180pm. On top of that we have Google Workspace for emails, Amazon server to send notifications out, caching.

    We also have software renewal fees for security and updates. Domain renewals.

    Currently sat in a Liverpool pub to go through the full breakdown, however I've just had the monthly server direct debit come through.


    Which pub?

  5. 16 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    Red Notice 

    Decent knockabout fun with The Rock and Ryan Reynolds.  Bit 'paint by numbers' action fim but enjoyable nonetheless.  Part buddy movie, part Indiana Jones ripoff,  part jailbreak....


    I thought pretty much the same thing about it. The Rock being the Rock and Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds for 2 hours. Good fun if you like that sort of thing. Which I do.

  6. I'm a lazy sod and can't be bothered to do the work myself but does anyone know how many matches in this tournament have been won by the team batting first? And how many of those matches were night matches?

  7. 1 hour ago, Malagaram said:

    I know some people on here dislike him but there must be someone who likes him so I am on here to tell you all there is a programne tonight on BBC 1,11pm about how he is helping Macclesfield do a phoenix,arise from the ashes of bancruptcy.He or they being his partner are seemingly doing a good job,new astroturf playing surface,playing to a full crowd,new restaurants and a bar,whats not to like.!

    Robbie Savage is what not to like.

  8. 22 minutes ago, ziggyram59 said:

    Just my opinion but I think Gerrard should have stayed at Rangers for a couple of more seasons and gained  more experience for the Liverpool job when it becomes available, I think going to Villa now will be a hard job because they are a middle of the Premier League team who will never challenge the top 6. 

    People thought that about Leicester.

  9. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    This isn't just any Liverpool player is it though and in fairness he wouldn't be walking in on purely his name.

    Wins the league again this year and that's a decent job considering where they were when he arrived.

    We'll see I guess, but looks odds on to me, would be very surprised if they went elsewhere. 

    You might be right. I don't, however, know many people who think winning the league in Scotland with one of the only two teams who have a realistic chance of doing so is any great shakes.

  10. 57 minutes ago, David said:

    Really? Think he could have stayed there as youth coach and still got the job.

    Would be hard to replace Klopp, the guy is a legend up there now, I don't see anyone out there that could come close to replacing him.

    Replace him with another legend and you have the fans on board at least.

    Think it's the most nailed on appointment in football right now 

    Liverpool are serious. I don't believe they would hire someone on the basis of his having played for them. I also don't believe there's much appetite for this kind of sentimentality amongst the fans either. At least not amongst the very small sample I have asked.?

    They would love Gerard as manager but he needs to earn it. They expect success. Anything that puts that in doubt is not going to be welcomed.

    I also think that if he wants to be the manager of Liverpool, he knows he's got to prove himself and that he would rather fail at Villa than Liverpool.

  11. 20 minutes ago, David said:

    Would be surprised if Steven Gerrard took the job, favourite for it apparently.

    Contract expires at Rangers the same time as Klopp's at Liverpool.

    Keep Rangers in a title challenge until then and the job at Liverpool will be his, no interview required.

    Goes to Villa, struggles to lift them, will start to be questioned if he's ready for a top job, which would be unfair given the resources would be totally different up at Liverpool.

    I would be astonished if Liverpool took Gerard only on the back of what he's 'achieved' at Rangers. The risk would be that he'd just turn into the new Solskjaer or Lampard.

  12. 1 minute ago, SKRam said:

    After their pain in 2019 I only wish them well!! Well won that, we always had too few runs 

    With 4 overs to go, New Zealand needed 57 runs. Win predictor was 79-21 in England's favour. 166 should have been plenty in that situation.

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