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  1. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from PistoldPete in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    There are no rules, as to when, or how.
    You will know when you are ready... and your family will be ready, when you do.
    And bombshells are what you drop on enemies... not friends.  Whatever you say to your friends, and whenever, and however you say it, assuming they are true friends, a bombshell it won't be.  True friends will listen.  True friends will care.  True friends will help, despite being helpless!
    In the meantime, the next best thing is to let it out... to anyone... in any way... Ooh... like writing down your thoughts, anonymously, to strangers... that's an excellent start!  
    You're on the right path buddy.
    Stay strong, not silent!
  2. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Scott129 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    There are no rules, as to when, or how.
    You will know when you are ready... and your family will be ready, when you do.
    And bombshells are what you drop on enemies... not friends.  Whatever you say to your friends, and whenever, and however you say it, assuming they are true friends, a bombshell it won't be.  True friends will listen.  True friends will care.  True friends will help, despite being helpless!
    In the meantime, the next best thing is to let it out... to anyone... in any way... Ooh... like writing down your thoughts, anonymously, to strangers... that's an excellent start!  
    You're on the right path buddy.
    Stay strong, not silent!
  3. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Miggins in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    There are no rules, as to when, or how.
    You will know when you are ready... and your family will be ready, when you do.
    And bombshells are what you drop on enemies... not friends.  Whatever you say to your friends, and whenever, and however you say it, assuming they are true friends, a bombshell it won't be.  True friends will listen.  True friends will care.  True friends will help, despite being helpless!
    In the meantime, the next best thing is to let it out... to anyone... in any way... Ooh... like writing down your thoughts, anonymously, to strangers... that's an excellent start!  
    You're on the right path buddy.
    Stay strong, not silent!
  4. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    There are no rules, as to when, or how.
    You will know when you are ready... and your family will be ready, when you do.
    And bombshells are what you drop on enemies... not friends.  Whatever you say to your friends, and whenever, and however you say it, assuming they are true friends, a bombshell it won't be.  True friends will listen.  True friends will care.  True friends will help, despite being helpless!
    In the meantime, the next best thing is to let it out... to anyone... in any way... Ooh... like writing down your thoughts, anonymously, to strangers... that's an excellent start!  
    You're on the right path buddy.
    Stay strong, not silent!
  5. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to Scott129 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Reviving this thread just to vent really.
    My dad was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago. Since then, he's lost a ton of weight and has essentially stopped eating. So much so, he's ended up in the hospital receiving fluids today, and has an operation scheduled for next week.
    My mental health has never been the best but, for obvious reasons, it has taken an absolute battering over the last few weeks. I'm struggling to sleep most nights and often find myself getting distracted thinking about worst-case scenarios.
    What's more, I've not really had the chance to talk about it with anyone. Or maybe I have and I just don't know how to approach or take that opportunity. I actually feel like family members are trying to skirt round the issue to protect me a little bit. Are they waiting for me to go to them? Do I even want to address it directly?
    And, for the life of me, I haven't got a clue how to 'announce' it to my friends, most of whom I've known for a good 20 years. Do you just drop a bombshell in the WhatsApp group? Or wait until we all get together socially so that I can decimate the mood spectacularly? Not a clue.
    Took me about 45 minutes to write all of this FFS. **** cancer, man.
  6. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ken Tram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Well done for getting it off your chest on the forum!
    Doing it here will probably make it easier to share in "real life" - and I suspect that you'll soon know with whom you feel safe to share what's going on for you.
  7. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in The Administration Thread   
    Not sure about that, but the current "Slice of India" restaurant, next to/adjoining Roller World, was definitely Paradise Nightclub back in Jan '86, on the night Dirty Den came to town... which coincided with the night and place I first met the delectable future Mrs Mucker!  
    "...And we've remained in paradise ever since, dear", says I... often... with a straight face!   ?
  8. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    Not sure about that, but the current "Slice of India" restaurant, next to/adjoining Roller World, was definitely Paradise Nightclub back in Jan '86, on the night Dirty Den came to town... which coincided with the night and place I first met the delectable future Mrs Mucker!  
    "...And we've remained in paradise ever since, dear", says I... often... with a straight face!   ?
  9. Haha
  10. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ramrob in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Mine arrived today! 
  11. Haha
  12. Haha
  13. Haha
  14. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    I'm under the impression... rightly or wrongly... that indeed, no public funding would (need to) be spent?
    Income from rent/rates etc should more than cover any loan repayments, and any subsequent sale would be at considerable profit, due to the (current) bargain asking price.
    I've seen the phrase "Win-Win" a few times, in these discussions.
    I'm not convinced the voting public need to concern themselves on this particular matter?  ?‍♂️
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Rev in Holiday Plans 2022   
    Just a word up before we finish the season, and some of us consider jetting off (Or driving through a tunnel, in my case) to warmer climes...
    Listen carefully...
    Passports... EU Land...
    Many of us last renewed our passports early, and the remaining validity on the previous passport was added.
    For instance, at the time of issue (Feb 2013), Muckerette's passport was then valid to May 2023... 10 years + 3months.
    Mine was issued Oct 2014, and is valid until June 2025... 10 years + 8 months.
    Some folk are now reportedly being turned away at EU borders, or being refused entry on to flights, as per the following .gov advice:
    I'm sure many of us are already aware we need that 3 month validity when we return home.
    But that 10 year old ruling is catching some folk out!
    So, as an example, (should these rules still be in place and followed), Mine would be no good to me (For EU countries) from Nov 2024, despite still having 7 months to the expiry date... DUE TO BEING MORE THAN 10 YEARS OLD.
    Don't get caught out... and don't shoot the messenger!
    Happy Holidays, everyone.
  17. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Oh Boy!  ?
  18. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Boycie in Awards Night May 3rd   
    At 36 though?   ?
  19. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Live football thread.   
    He may be right, but this Brizzle fan clearly has no self-awareness :

  20. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Got my outfit sorted 

  21. Haha
  22. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    I'm under the impression... rightly or wrongly... that indeed, no public funding would (need to) be spent?
    Income from rent/rates etc should more than cover any loan repayments, and any subsequent sale would be at considerable profit, due to the (current) bargain asking price.
    I've seen the phrase "Win-Win" a few times, in these discussions.
    I'm not convinced the voting public need to concern themselves on this particular matter?  ?‍♂️
  23. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    I'm under the impression... rightly or wrongly... that indeed, no public funding would (need to) be spent?
    Income from rent/rates etc should more than cover any loan repayments, and any subsequent sale would be at considerable profit, due to the (current) bargain asking price.
    I've seen the phrase "Win-Win" a few times, in these discussions.
    I'm not convinced the voting public need to concern themselves on this particular matter?  ?‍♂️
  24. Haha
  25. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    I'm under the impression... rightly or wrongly... that indeed, no public funding would (need to) be spent?
    Income from rent/rates etc should more than cover any loan repayments, and any subsequent sale would be at considerable profit, due to the (current) bargain asking price.
    I've seen the phrase "Win-Win" a few times, in these discussions.
    I'm not convinced the voting public need to concern themselves on this particular matter?  ?‍♂️
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