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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Seth's left foot in The meeting   
    I think Wednesday onwards will tell us more than that meeting to be honest! 
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Charlie George in DET Headline   
    What should the DET Headline be.? The local journo's should be banging the door down demanding answers 
  3. Sad
    RAM1966 reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Supporters   
    Was Nigel Clough there?
  4. COYR
    RAM1966 reacted to DCFC Kicks in Takeover Update   
    Being angry at Lampard for leaving is one thing, which I understand, but to suggest he intentionally lost the play-off final is totally far-fetched. Do you have any proof? How would it be possibly to have that much control over a league as unpredictable as the Championship?
    I agree that if he had stayed we would be in a better position but there was no way we would have been able to re-sign Mount and Tomori, they were too good. 
  5. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rammiesdad in Season ticket or not   
    As this week we are able to renew season tickets , do football clubs in general and ours in particular , have to win us back . At this point it would be quite easy to become an armchair tv fan .
     yes I  know  the main reasons for being there,  but after an enforced break , it could break the habit .
     At the moment I  feel a total disconnect  to our club .  But will renew 
  6. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Curtains in Takeover Update   
    It’s Lampards fault he signed poor players like Joz and Holmes and Waghorn and Marriott and Malone. 
    He had 3 top class loans which we couldn’t replace and then he left us. 
    Actually Waghorn wasn’t that bad he saved us from relegation last season so I’m indebted to him 
  7. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to JfR in Takeover Update   
    Just realised that it's taken the Taliban less time to takeover Afghanistan than it's taking Mel to get someone to takeover Derby
  8. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to ScubaRam in Takeover Update   
    Its a messy situation. I don't think I blame the EFL for these embargos, and whatismore, actually think they are actually helping Derby. Yes its far from ideal that we can't sign players and have a threadbare squad, but when we owe money, and not paying that money back, to every man and his dog, why would we be allowed to start building up new debts in additional players wages? 

    I've been going to watch Derby for the last 20 years. My bar is so low that I've accepted relegation and would rather just have a fairly stable club that is able to start the league next season. 
  9. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to BaaLocks in Derby county value   
    Nope, we signed Butterfield for £4m and I recall reading little else than that he was bang average. Bradley Johnson for £6m was, as I recall, seen as a decent player but well over priced - though even that generosity was a bit lost as he didn't even know the name of the club he had signed for. By the time we got to Blackman and Olsson I don't recall too many feeling comfortable with what was happening. It's not history by the way, I'm not re-writing anything, I'm just saying how I remember it.
  10. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Bianoic in Derby county value   
    I’m asking you 
  11. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Derby county value   
    Dunno ask Gibson?
  12. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to FrostedRam in Derby county value   
    And here lies a question. If he’s invested £200 million of his own money. How do we have debt???
    I guess what he has done is guarantee loans, which we actually know the club can’t pay back as we have no assets of saleable value. In truth it’s not in Mels interest for the club to go under as i imagine he is liable for the loans. If rumours on the sale are believed he’s now looking for the new investors to take on liability of these loans. 
  13. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    David’s meeting notes are now available after Mel review.

  14. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    I bet Steve Nicholson can't wait to retire.
    He's a very good journo, unfortunately the paper he works for has joined the headlong rush for clickbait just to survive, and any good he can do is swamped by the rubbish his employer pushes out.
    He'd have been fantastic at The Athletic.
    That's not a slight on Ryan Conway either.
  15. Angry
    RAM1966 reacted to angieram in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    Might be an unpopular opinion, but Steve Nicholson also usually has something interesting to say after the press conferences, IF you can be bothered to wade through the rubbish in the other articles. 
    It's about choosing the right ones and I sometimes get it wrong!
  16. Sad
    RAM1966 reacted to Kingpin in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    Local press is more or less irrelevant these days. Twitter/online  will always get the news faster and first. 
  17. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to sage in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    The nationals atr happier to take a punt on rumours and fill in the gaps. 
  18. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to angieram in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    Chris Coles from Radio Derby gave a good update a few weeks ago, when fans were asking for one.
    I don't think it's a deliberate snub, it's just that there's not much access for any journalists at the moment. 
    Maybe the nationals are more persistent?
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Simmoram2024Ramsrontheup in Local Media - are they being ignored.   
    I wanted to ask you guys for your opinions on the local media and newspapers and whether you feel the club are ostracising them and avoiding communication and instead turning to Mel’s TalkSPORT pals?
    i have Steve Nicholson on Facebook and everything he posts is usually followed by a barrage of abuse a lot of it totally unwarranted?
  20. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Eddie in Filing our accounts   
    NDA - "Not Doing Anything"?
  21. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to jono in Filing our accounts   
    The sooner we all realise this is politics not accountancy the better. 
    The argument is taking place within the EFL and it’s numerous committees and main board
    It is those who want us punished, possibly because  Mel went to war with them but really because they will lose face if we aren’t  , Versus those who don’t because, right or wrong, things have gone far enough. 
    The rest is window dressing and self justification. 
  22. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Good post. I am a notch down (or up?) from you in that I think he has gambled the Club's status for his own personal gain and status (I think he convinced himself he could with his money get us into the Premier League in a minimum of 3 years). He would have loved it there. I know many disagree, but the writing was on the wall for all to see the day he walked into the dressing room. 'Sacking' Mac was probably another early and bad mistake (driven in my view by his ego at the time), although I do have some sympathy with him on that as Mac was no doubt flashing his pearly whites at Mike Cashley.
  23. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    All valid points even if I don’t agree with them all, but the documentary has not contributed to any of those feelings (or at least I don’t see how it can from what I watched), those are the same views you had and would have had with no documentary. 
    I don’t feel any real loyalty to Mel. I feel some of the criticism of him is justified, I think some of it isn’t justified or at the very least premature. He gambled for the right reasons, but he made mistakes and I’ve been quite critical in the past, especially the early years. If he had been less trigger happy early on,  if we had an adequate recruitment policy to supplement the great work he’s done with the academy then we could have done better and got over the line. But in terms of backing the club and FFP, What Mel has done is no different to the owners of Leicester, Bournemouth, Leeds, Villa to name a few, the difference was they got over the line, we didn’t. If he hadn’t put any investment in people would slate him for lack of ambition.
    I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and still will if he stands behind his mistakes, and funds the club until he can find a suitable owner. However the issue with the embargo is now starting to concern me especially if the reason we are still in it is because he won’t commit to funding the club for a period if a buyer isn’t found. He may have a legitimate reason for that like it could weaken his negotiating position with potential buyers.
    That being said we need to compete and with the embargo in place it makes things difficult. Therefore the longer this embargo situation goes on my sympathy for Mel will wane.
    I think it’s premature to say he’s ruined the club (as some people have suggested), but his actions in the coming months will be key in whether or not he gets out of his tenure with it being an ok job, or whether he becomes the worst owner in our history and comparable with the Oystons. He hasn’t reached that level yet as he’s still paying the bills and we don’t know the ins and outs of the EFL and HMRC situation.
  24. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Mostyn6 in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Sam Rush was the catalyst for improvement at Derby. Mel’s trigger-finger the start of the plummet. 
  25. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Yani P in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Anyone that thinks Morris has been anything but a disaster needs to wake up and smell the coffee..
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