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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    Other clubs fans I talk to at work don't seem to realise that, whatever we did wrong, we have been punished for under the rules of the EFL. When you can explain face to face to them what has happened to DCFC in terms of the disciplinary process we have endured, you can see the light bulb flicker.
    Points deductions, transfer embargo, wage caps, no covid money, its all been done (or ongoing). We have taken the full might of the ruling body's wrath for Morris' wrongdoings and are now in administration facing possible liquidation.
    Gibson knows full well that the longer he forces his mate Parry to stop us being taken over, the more chance we will fold. Even though we have been punished. Its as if our survival would be seen as somehow we've gotten away with it.
    There is no point talking to complete and utter morons on a Boro forum who have no idea and no interest in actually looking at the facts.
  2. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    EFL doesn’t know the answer to these questions before it is finally agreed with Gibson. And he will spin it out because time is on his side. Couhig will be worse 
  3. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Yes Boro/ Wycombe  have us over a barrel at the moment naming preferred bidder because of EFL intransigence on ruling creditors status .
    I agree something has to change so maybe Administrators have no other course of action open to them 
  4. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    Do we even know If WW and Boro are being arbitrated separately or jointly, if jointly will they appointment an arbitrator each or will it be a single arbitrator.
    I am sure everyone can see how unfair the process could be, especially taking in consideration clause 101.1, if the claims are arbitrated jointly and WW and Boro each appoint their own arbitrator.
    It would be good to have clarity and an overview of the arbitration process, the EFL not only need to be fair, they need to be SEEN to be fair, the EFL is under the microscope.
  5. COYR
    RAM1966 reacted to uttoxram75 in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
    A really good comment from the BBC piece that @angieram posted above.
    But as much as the march was an attack on those they feel have done their club down, this was really about the support of a football club. Thousands marched in support of their club. From the brow of the hill that goes over the railway line the snake of humanity stretched as far as the eye could see, forwards and back. There was no demographic. Male and female, old and young, middle-aged parents and stylish supporters in their early 20s. 
    Generations of fans made their point peacefully. All walking behind a banner proclaiming: "Founder Member of the Football League. 138 Years of Football Heritage. Save Derby County."
  6. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to angieram in Luke Plange   
    Nothing but classy comments from Palace chairman Steve Parish and Lyke Plange himself over on the Crystal Palace website.
    It's restored a little bit of my faith in football.
  7. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Ram1988 in Luke Plange   
    I have to say the same. Fair pay to Palace and treating us as a club with some respect and compassion.
  8. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Sparkle in Luke Plange   
    It is nice to see another football club communicating decently unlike the two parasite clubs 
  9. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Orphanram in Luke Plange   
    After a bit of Google-Columbo it appears that Mike Ashley & Steve Parish are good friends. Maybe that’s  just coincidence but classy from Palace and SP nonetheless 
  10. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Oldben in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Arbitration has several flaws.
    An arbitral award may be contested in domestic courts only in the following cases:
    A major irregularity affecting the tribunal, procedures, or decision has caused or will cause some injustice; and the appeal is on a matter of law resulting from the award (although this basis for appeal may be omitted in the arbitration agreement.)
    Each person must assess the benefits and downsides of arbitration. As a result, the following points are ambiguous.
    Regardless of the outcome of arbitration on Derby, the decision is binding, that means Derby's administrators could absolve themselves from any decision by the arbitration panel, simply by saying that they did not agree with the verdict but had no choice but to go through arbitration to resolve the claims (regardless of whether those claims are fair).
    Many decisions by the efl arbitration process have been considered unfair.
    The efl arbitration panel will consist of 3 QC's but no jury, and although experts are called to give evidence, there is no guarantee that football insolvency specialists will be called. The review will be against the efls own rules, which some might argued require might not be entirely fit for purpose.
    HMRC do not like the football arbitration panels as these rule football creditors as more important than they are, they have challenged this, but failed in the process.
    Its possible Middlesbrough and Wycombe could receive significant payment awards via the process, and that doesnt mean that other creditors would reduce their demands, ergo Derby would cease to exist.
    See the list below.
    Arbitration Pros
    Arbitration helps.
    Arbitration is cheaper than court. This isn't always the case.
    Other dispute settlement methods take longer since arbitrators have less work and time.
    Either the parties or a system pick arbitrators. A neutral arbiter may be chosen by both parties (or arbitrators).
    Even if an arbitrator errs, the award stands. This may assist settle a dispute.
    There may be a lot of paperwork, hearings, and depositions during litigation. Arbitration may save time and money by avoiding court.
    They are not public, nor are their transcripts. This might be useful for collecting.
    Arbitration Cons
    Arbitration does not always save money. Arbitration may be more costly than litigation in certain situations. It's up to you whether they're One only. This increases the expenses of the arbitration.
    Some say a little dispute may be resolved in small claims court. Arbitration may be more known to businesses.
    Arbitration isn't always faster, cheaper, or better. A lot of people, arbitrators, and legal conflicts might cause this.
    A contract's small language may require customers to arbitrate conflicts. Other states may need more funds and time off.
    Not even clearly erroneous arbitrator judgments may be reversed. The court has little power to overturn an unfair result.
    Most customers and people respect a peer jury. No judge. One arbitrator may be both judge and jury.
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to PistoldPete in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Kevin you are trying to make events fit your narrative.
    Situation has not changed in the last month.
    q had a plan to proceed with CVA or restructuring to compress creditors including Boro and Wycombe . As of xmas Eve they had a preferred bidder in mind who had outbid Kirchner. But Efl then threw a wobbly by saying if they included Boro and Wycombe in the CVA that would be in breach of their football creditor (fc) rule. q asked them on what basis Boro and Wycombe are fc and how can that interfere with the statutory process of emerging from insolvency didn’t get a reply. 
    as of the January 13 meeting ( actually a Thursday) Efl  didn’t provide an answer on the fc question but still insisted that q couldn’t proceed with the CVA as planned , due them Insisting that Boro and Wycombe are fcs. 
    and that’s where we still are . Efl not answering the question. .. just saying legal clarification is needed on how to apply their own rules. 
    which is not my definition of being helpful. 
  12. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to uttoxram75 in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    We know they are football creditors if they win. - No we don't, there's no precedence for clubs claiming against other clubs in administration.
    I’m sure the EFL agree with us on that, indeed the EFl is completely on our side in these disputes. - Parry has made it blatantly obvious that he wants Gibsons pathetic claim to become a football debt.
    There is nothing the EFL can do to help us, except lobby the extortionists, which they are undoubtedly doing) - Not true, the EFL could have made the call ages ago that any claim Gibson made would not be classed as a football debt. He didn't because he was scared that Gibson would sue the EFL instead.
    If we go out of business, if our club dies, it will be Morris who put us in the dock, but it will be Parry and Gibson who have acted as judge and jury and carried out the execution.
    They will not be forgiven.
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Lovely to hear from you Kevin. You are taking me far too seriously, and are of course once again mistaken, if you think I unjustifiably subject posters to ritual humiliation on here.
    The bit I have highlighted in your post, which you say is completely apposite, is of course correct, but our Administrators have never, ever challenged the position that they need to account to football creditors at anything other than 100% if our Club is to retain the Golden Share. They have more simply been stating that they have QC opinion that neither Boro or Wycombe, and their spurious claims, have achieved anything to be awarded football creditor status as yet.
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    I-ram   (cc @Oldben)
    Me again I’m afraid old friend. Well I’m glad I’m not the only one whom you unjustifiably subject to ritual humiliation on here.   The section below, from Ben’s linked article, is undeniably completely apposite. It will be of considerable interest to @PistoldPeteand of course to our fearless leader in the bushes 
    “To many, the words ‘paid in full’ seem out of step with insolvency processes where creditors generally receive at best a percentage of their debts, but football is a peculiar beast in this respect ... “
  15. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Liam Thompson   
    Only when there isn't an option atm. It was easy to see the difference Bielik made immediately he came on. Shinnie (if here) would have been starting I'd have thought.
  16. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Addingham Ram in Fans March Sunday v Birmingham   
    I agree with posters worried about both potentially watering down / splitting the message, and about keeping any unruly elements away - as the last thing we need now is any negative press, but imagine how powerful a message it would send out to see fans from other clubs supporting the campaign.
    The cat is already out of the bag, and the march has been widely reported. Indeed there are already some Portsmouth fans attending the match to lend some support, as reported on Radio Derby, so I'd be surprised if they've come all this way and don't join in. I bet there are fans of other clubs attending that we don't know about.
    Fans from different clubs wearing different club colours marching together could actually make some strong headlines, especially as the Premier League is on it's winter break.
    I would imagine if anything, that would increase the potential coverage.
  17. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Simmoram2024Ramsrontheup in Name and shame   
    I bet Mel isn’t even there is person , probably on zoom by a pool somewhere 
  18. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Name and shame   
    Mel has a price he wants for the stadium and he won't budge on it, its that simple.
    The fact 2 bidders have tabled bids and one made it public they are willing to tackle Boro and Wycombe separately proves that they weren't the only issue, or even the biggest issue. As much as I don't like Gibson, his statement made for interesting reading.
    Kirchner told us pre-Christmas Mel (and his administrators) were the problem.
    And between Nixon and Percy, it's now apparent that Ashley offered less for the stadium and less to the administrators and the "administrators weren't keen".
    It's Mel (and his administrators).
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Name and shame   
    Definitely at the meeting this morning and keep the foooker shut til it’s sorted.
  20. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Bubbles in Name and shame   
    Mel Morris. Steve Gibson. The chaps at Quantuma and the chaps at EFL. There you go
  21. Clap
  22. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    For god's sake Mel, stop pissing about and put the ownership of the stadium in a perpetual trust, administered by elected local people exclusively for the benefit of the club, city,county and country it stands in.
    You took over ownership of this club on an investment equals equity basis, the Americans took a haircut to allow you to play with a grown ups trainset, now step aside and let us survive ffs.
    The last owners went without seeing a penny profit, indeed massively down on their investment, now step up and do the same, even if we have to service a £15m mortgage on the ground, which you inherited, please please please leave this club in no worse state than you found it, that is surely the minimum you should do for this club!
  23. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
  24. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Jimbo Ram in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    It should be illegal….
  25. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    Interesting that MFC lost tonight and are just outside the play off places as a result.  If those three points matter at the end of the season they might add another failed play off position to our list of crimes.  After all we did sell Bradley to Blackburn because we couldn't afford to keep him after all our financial mismanaging and had he not played they would have won.
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