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  1. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to uttoxram75 in Embargo   
    I've delved into the EFL regulations and found this,
    EFL rule 247 4.2 subsection XI states, and I quote, I, Rick Parry, will not lift any embargo pertaining to Derby County Dirty Filthy Sheepshaggers who embarrassed me somewhat by being found not guilty of dodgy deals, until they are destroyed by fire or at least relegated as agreed under the Gibson-Parry protocol of 2021 insofar and insomuch until they are competing in the Etwall and District Sunday league Division Two under a strict guarantee that no DCFC fan can ever resort to calling us shortarsed permed w anchors with built up heels, ever.
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Woodypecker in The Administration Thread   
    It might be bloody-minded of me, but if Quantuma have (finally) been allowed to name a PB - after the EFL & Boro blocked it for 2 months, IMHO in a calculated fashion, and caused squad decimation and the prospect of liquidation, I'd be minded to decline the EFL bustards.
    I hope the fan groups demand a prompt approval of the PB. And an apology.
    The EFL fudged and farted their way along the transfer window, on strings manipulated by Gibson, until the damage was done and last-ditch interventions via MPs etc were required.
    Maybe the EFL are now conscious of the attention that will turn upon themselves and they want to 'make friends' with fan groups perceived to be capable of wielding influence over the DCFC fanbase. No anti-EFL petitions, please, look how we solved it for you!
    Parry & Co can burn in hell.
  3. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Indy in OPEN LETTER TO TEAM Derby   
    But that’s entirely my point in my post. The valuation was agreed in law (as it has to be for tax purposes) and also by the EFL convened panel.
    And the EFL regs on the amortisation states that they have to meet accountancy standards. If they had said they had to be “straight line amortisation only” then, in that case, the regs could be different from the law and be applied differently - but they didn’t and they still don’t. 
    In these two instances, the EFL regulations and the law are concurrent, so to say there is systematic cheating in breaking EFL rules I my makes sense if your accusation is that the relevant laws have also been broken. 
  4. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Day in OPEN LETTER TO TEAM Derby   
    With the accusations towards myself and now this, I have to ask why are you so concerned by the mental health of the EFL and not the club, Derby County, that faces liquidation?
    Even the Birmingham game, the fans worked hard, donating tickets to those in need to put money into the club and get behind the lads, we sold out the stadium and your response was something along the lines of....well this will scare the young lads playing in front of a full stadium...WHAT???
    We could lose our club and whilst they didn't put us in this situation, they are making it as difficult as possible for us to leave this situation and your idea of a tea party and gifts for the EFL just isn't going to wash.
    If the EFL have been rattled by the statement made by Mel last night then great, this is fantastic news, we need to show that we're not going to take this lying down without a fight.
    The EFL picked this battle by ignoring not only their own regulations but insolvency laws.
    If you want to go and give Rick Parry and Trevor Birch a cuddle and kiss, tell them everything will be alright, go for it, just don't expect a queue of fans behind you looking to pucker up to them.
    If Derby get taken over, the battle doesn't stop their either, we need to be at the front of the push for an independent regulator and that's not going to see us on their Christmas card list this year, but who cares?
    They don't care about us, we're the ones being affected by all this, so it's time to stop showing so much compassion for an organisation that actively pushing us into extinction.
  5. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in OPEN LETTER TO TEAM Derby   
    Well done for getting MM into the fray.
    But now Rome burns whilst two titanic egos and a nasty US lawyer are locked in a PR battle. And you have terrified the EFl into hiding behind 20 lawyers and an unwieldy rule book 
    Forget the lengthy meetings. Gibson is intent on dragging Morris into a long set piece one to bully, humiliate and torture him publicly. It will achieve nothing. And Couhig will just sit there and excrete slime. You will be pushing it uphill 
    The litigation options are either Russian roulette or too complex. And Q has left them too late 
    But getting MM into the fray is the beginning of a solution. Now you need to put MASSIVE PRESSURE on him to indemnify the club against these claims. It’s not the only solution but it’s clean and can be done relatively quickly. 
    There are a lot of you. Please organise and focus yourselves 
  6. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to 1967RAMS in The Administration Thread   
    Ashley has run an English team sustainably for well over a decade. Rush was in post during our spell of frivolous spending (at best) that caused our current problems. I would say that makes Ashley far better qualified. Don’t want to speak for Kathcairns but I think being English provides a better understanding of the history and culture of the club and area. Not sure why people seem to want to read more info it than that 
  7. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to 1967RAMS in The Administration Thread   
    It’s not just gate receipts. I brought 2 pints and a pie which makes 40 mil look an underestimate 
  8. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
  9. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    MPs can and should put pressure on the Sports Minister, The word that's pissing me off continually is "Pragmatic" Ministers speak for "it aint nowt to do with us".
    As for letting them foul up for years...they all eat from the same trough, And will continue to do so.
    I really hope those claims go Un Paid...even if it means Liquidation!
    There's not a great deal of more weakening to be done
    The last wheel to come off will be Liquidation!
  10. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    It’s incredibly frustrating but we are where we are but we now have a route out 
    MM walked away probably because of the mismanagement of himself and of the EFL and the contribution of the Middlesbrough owner whilst the obvious Covid 19 financial hit played a major part - I wish he stayed and paid all the bills before leaving but he didn’t - the EFL are appearing to be rather dodgy on their decision making and the Middlesbrough owner has my upmost contempt for the rest of his days.
    Actually on the football pitch I have never been prouder of the players wearing my teams colours 
  11. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Yes but the narrative and look of all parties doing so and not engaging will be horrendous. Only have to look at MPs posts from yesterday evening to see the pressure re the previous narrative peddled of them being ready to go with arbitration and us/Q not engaging in arbitration. I think that is possibly the most salient point from Mel's statement as, if correct, May 2022 does indeed show the collusion and vindictiveness in keeping us unsellable until well into the summer of 2022 mucking up another summer of planning for us. I will not forgive Mel for the financial mismanagement leading us to this point ever but with this I am perhaps understanding why he thought admin was the only option (even if we know it left us at the mercy of the sharks and wolves) although on any sale process he could have indemnified future owners for the claim as happens all of the time in transactions. So still think admin disastrous move but think I understand why he perhaps did it a little more - thinking that with him removed we may get fairer treatment. We didnt so he's back
  12. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in The Administration Thread   
    Very well worded and concise, it would have been at least a further 10 paragraphs had I tried to generate such correspondence to anyone at the EFL.
    You won’t have had a response from the EFL or RP yet, they are still putting the wording into a dictionary to decipher there meanings ???
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to TooFarInToTurnRed in The Administration Thread   
    I emailed Rick Parry yesterday morning but not had a response:
    Dear Mr Parry,
     I would like some clarification on the statement put out by your organisation on 3rd February 2022 regarding the situation of Derby County.
    Point 1, the statement that “no Club should gain (or seek to gain) any advantage within the context of professional football over other Clubs by not paying all its creditors in full at all times” appears incongruent with the fact that Nottingham Forest, were according to their published accounts, write off a loan of £5million during the year ending 2020 with no apparent recourse. Is this an oversight and you will look to immediately rectify or do different rules apply?
    Point 2, the statement is clearly prejudicial and clearly insinuates the claims from Middlesbrough and Wycombe are debts. As I understand it they are not and therefore should not referred to, even by insinuation, as debts. They are heavily disputed claims. The definition of a debt is “the obligation to pay a sum of money owed” and at present no obligation exist. Will you acknowledge and release a statement to the effect that these are not debts as they are currently untested? I believe by referring to them as you have you may have prejudiced the cases against Derby County.
    Point 3, I understand that the current regulation specifically prohibits taking legal action outside of the EFL framework but that this is now you current proposed action. This will undoubtedly lead to a significant increase in legal costs for all parties, should Derby be successfully exonerated will the EFL cover these costs as it failed in its duty under its own regulations?  
    Finally, it is rumoured in the press that several Championship clubs are likely to breach the Profit & Sustainability regulations during the current season. Can you confirm that this summer you will again be using ‘interchangeable fixture lists and will support compensation claims made against such clubs by others?  As several of these clubs are currently occupying places in or around the top of the division so I would urge you to move the Play-offs to the end of July to allow for the participants decided by the Courts.
    Your current narrative appears to distract people from the lack of leadership and incompetence shown by your organisation by attempting try to turn people against Derby County by trying to rile people against us by continually bringing up the money owed to HMRC. Unfortunately this does not appear to be having the desired effect and it appears you will be on the wrong side of history.
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Wignall12 in Derby fined £10k   
    Nope , just prize ? ends 
  15. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to IslandExile in Derby fined £10k   
    Errrr, would you accept 25% ?
  16. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Tyler Durden in Mel Morris: an example   
    I would suggest there weren't any takers for the club for one of the following reasons-
    Morris was asking too much money for the club
    The amount of money Morris was asking for the club was too much
    No one would pay the amount of money Morris was asking as it was too much
    Take your pick 
  17. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to strawhillram in Mel Morris: an example   
    as long as mel is involved behind the scenes, then Gibson and efl wont give an inch. They want him to suffer personally, and as a consquence our club suffers.
  18. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to jimtastic56 in Mel Morris: an example   
    Sorry Dave , you are doing what you always do -Trying to divert attention away from MEL. I could have forgiven Mel if he had walked away. But he hasn’t. He has appointed his preferred Admin team, He has left Pearce there to keep his eye on things , and doing God knows what behind the scene’s.
  19. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to IslandExile in Mel Morris: an example   
    Excellent post. I agree with all of that but.....I'm sure you're not really expecting the EFL to provide the lead.
    Football governance is under the spotlight - more so because of our case - but it really does need addressing. That will not come from the EFL - who are not fit for purpose - or the Premier League - who are purely self serving.
    I don't know what the answer is - perhaps a government imposed regulator.
    After all that works well for the railways, energy suppliers........oh wait.
  20. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Mel Morris: an example   
    Clubs just need to stop paying the salaries beyond what they can afford.
    Dave bigboots is going to be the same player on five grand a week that he is on fifty.
    The football "marketplace" decided Dave bigboots could be paid 50K a week out of fear that their rivals might sign him and they'd be left with only John quitegood on £45k a week.....
    All the clubs only start paying what they can afford to pay and the salaries, fees and wages will go down.
  21. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    All this is true - but I think the last three paragraphs all feed into each other and explain it. 

    They *were* dealing with the boro/wycombe claims by agreeing with the EFL that they (EFL) would deliver a ruling in return for accepting the 9 point deduction. That way there is certainty on the product - points deducted and potential risk. But I suspect the EFL agreed that and then didn’t do it. I frankly wouldn’t trust them as far as I can throw them.
  22. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Derby_Dave in Chances of staying up....   
    You can’t win every game no matter how good you are.  Keep the faith we are still in the race.  
  23. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Pretty clear your boss has an enforceable claim against the poison Gibbo dwarf 
  24. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to SamUltraRam in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    So is there a date set for this arbitration hearing ?
    My boss is starting to wonder why my work output has dropped since Christmas & I can't tell him it's because I keep checking my phone for DCFC updates.
    If I lose my job I think I'll pursue the EFL for loss of earnings
  25. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in The Administration Thread   
    Am I right in saying that the rules do not say “Clubs in admin who don’t pay football creditors 100% must be liquidated”?
    I was under the impression that the rule was 15 point penalty if you do not. Can someone confirm.
    If so this would make liquidation no more probable if parasites win as it just means the other creditors get more of a haircut as buyers won’t pay any more. It merely makes the -15 points a certainty. Possibly with more umbongos etc..
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