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  1. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Just watch again….   
    Not having a go but Ur totally missing my point bud
    im not saying he should be forgiven .. im not saying he hasnt absolutely ducked us.. im not saying hes right to do what i hope he might be doing 
    im saying is there an alternative motive for fridays events is it not quite be as its first percieved .. ie total abandonment and throwing in the towel
    maybe it is.. i was merely question it
  2. Clap
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Just watch again….   
    Yes the people hes doing it with are dodgy but thats not my point.. its his intent and trying to sort the club first and foremost over his own gains/beneift
    and yes hes trying to circumnavigate the rules … but people do it in all walks of life, politicians, celebraties, the rich and wealthy all have clever people working for them that know how to manipulate the rules… what Derby did wasnt illegal and in any normal walk of life would have been fine but football is different.. it has an independent body that are able to make their rules .. even though we didnt break any legal technicalities
    im not defending him.. im just saying in light of the last 24 hours then (and im saying this in hope) all maybe isnt all lost yet ?? 
    i dont know i just found it interesting to revisit after fridays announcement
  3. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Everyone on here was saying what a lovely guy our Phil was cos he just walked away … erm no he didnt, there was no mutual agreement hes had a right royal payment
  4. Clap
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Foxy Ram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Everyone on here was saying what a lovely guy our Phil was cos he just walked away … erm no he didnt, there was no mutual agreement hes had a right royal payment
  5. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to Sparkle in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    My take on that 
    He is absolutely right without covid this would never had happened but Covid has happened it is here 
    we look to have failed the FFP in one year by £4 million so Potential 4pt deduction so I assume that may linger on? Will that be £4 million on following years? And more 4 point deductions - who knows as the EFL seem to double count.
    we were denied the £8 million loan in January by the EFL ( premiership money) to help pay tax and NI for unexplained reasons which is a shame because now the HMRC won’t be getting that money as a nation because they will be offered let’s say 20 pence in the pound in the not to distant future.
    he mentioned about us not being to extend a players contact to keep him a year longer to maybe keep his value or sell him ( we know this to be Jack Marriott) he also mentioned that another championship club lost a lot of money in a similar way - my view is that it would be Reading FC and Omar Richards who left to join Bayern Munich was it on a free) 
    He mentioned that since F&P has come in only Two clubs have been promoted without breaching F&P 
    He mentioned that 15 calls of interest in buying the club came in over the weekend which he believes 2-3 have the means and intent to do so 
    I believe he mentioned that he still owns the stadium so if he gets anything back it may come from that and his losses are in excess of £200 million of his own money 
    He said he tried and failed and was sorry that we are where we are.
    He wouldn’t go into depth about the EFL at this point in time 
    we’ll that’s what I heard I read others may have different opinions.
  6. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to AGR in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Whilst I hate him, he does have a point on the amortisation policy 
  7. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to cosmic in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    He’s asking the right questions, to be fair. 
  8. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Dell v Mel   
    watch from about 47 mins
    theres just a part of me that thinks mel wouldnt let us go to the wall 
  9. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Dell v Mel   
    I havent seen this statement praising dell … would be interested to read it or see a snippet
    ur right re the wording “intention to go into admin” 
    thats very very interesting… maybe (and im saying this more in hope than anything) mel has one final play
    my overiding feeling is
    mel has been of ill health, mels health may have deteriated.. it may be he just wanted or needed out of all this 
    He wont go down without a fight, hes Derby , theyre his club, we always have been his club and as hes always tried to do, hes trying to do what's best for the club (having got us into this mess)
    im saying this in hope more than anything but maybe there is something in what ur alluding to, it does make a little sense 
    a final f you to the efl 
    i dont know 
    i just find it interesting to around the wording
    i dont suppose anyone remembers that video the price of football that caught mel sat round the table with those dodgy businessmen
    mel said…with referecnce to their proposed deal “ it would be beneficial to the club if i wasnt in the picture/ silent role” 
    i wish i could find it 
  10. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to angieram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    On the contrary, I want to hear what he has to say. Then I can make my own mind up about it before it is twisted, misinterpreted,  slanted either way to suit people's agendas before posting on here.
  11. Haha
    NottsRam77 reacted to kevinhectoring in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Blimey must be quite a roast dinner in your house 
  12. Haha
    NottsRam77 reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  13. Clap
    NottsRam77 reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    For goodness sake if you listen to his voice in the interviews you can hear he's choked up with emotion. A pause? He's not a bloody orator you know! ?
  14. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    Trained maybe, but he was struggling to control his emotions. His stories do tally, there was just extra info in the time given in the post-match interview. He'd already been interviewed pre-match, why mention a time? It was a point being made to someone. 
  15. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in Dell v Mel   
    watch from about 47 mins
    theres just a part of me that thinks mel wouldnt let us go to the wall 
  16. Clap
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in Dell v Mel   
    I havent seen this statement praising dell … would be interested to read it or see a snippet
    ur right re the wording “intention to go into admin” 
    thats very very interesting… maybe (and im saying this more in hope than anything) mel has one final play
    my overiding feeling is
    mel has been of ill health, mels health may have deteriated.. it may be he just wanted or needed out of all this 
    He wont go down without a fight, hes Derby , theyre his club, we always have been his club and as hes always tried to do, hes trying to do what's best for the club (having got us into this mess)
    im saying this in hope more than anything but maybe there is something in what ur alluding to, it does make a little sense 
    a final f you to the efl 
    i dont know 
    i just find it interesting to around the wording
    i dont suppose anyone remembers that video the price of football that caught mel sat round the table with those dodgy businessmen
    mel said…with referecnce to their proposed deal “ it would be beneficial to the club if i wasnt in the picture/ silent role” 
    i wish i could find it 
  17. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Just watch again….   
    From circa 47 mins in… maybe slightly before
    Listen to mels words when hes sat round the table
    maybe im saying this out of pure desperation and blindness.
    u dont think theres a final play going off do u ?
    ”so that im no longer connected to the club”
    Hand on heart i dont think those are the words from a man that would let this club go to the wall
    even at the point he believes hes selling the club hes trying to do something beneficial for us?
    i dont know maybe im clutching at straws 
    it just got me thinking
    were not in admin yet… we served notice “of intention” 
  18. Sad
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from I know nuffin in Just watch again….   
    From circa 47 mins in… maybe slightly before
    Listen to mels words when hes sat round the table
    maybe im saying this out of pure desperation and blindness.
    u dont think theres a final play going off do u ?
    ”so that im no longer connected to the club”
    Hand on heart i dont think those are the words from a man that would let this club go to the wall
    even at the point he believes hes selling the club hes trying to do something beneficial for us?
    i dont know maybe im clutching at straws 
    it just got me thinking
    were not in admin yet… we served notice “of intention” 
  19. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to Chester40 in I take it back...   
    Think a lot of people are readjusting their views today. Can we confess in one safe place?? 
    I kinda said all along Mel was spending unnecessarily and at inflated prices but that's not to say I was complaining. 
    However, got to hold my hands up and say Rooney has acted with a lot of class today. Said all the right things....for him to find out via Sky is an absolute disgrace. 
  20. Haha
    NottsRam77 reacted to Ellafella in Dell v Mel   
    Ssshh! Don’t spoilt Mel’s 3D chess moves. ?
  21. Clap
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Stoke at home   
    Fantastic win,
    was nice for a for a bit to be immersed in football and what a tidy little team rooney has put together with literally nothing and not the circus of politics that is Derby county 
  22. COYR
    NottsRam77 reacted to Leeds Ram in Stoke at home   
    Actually felt quite tearful before and after the match. Today was an extremely special day and something we should all remember for an extremely long time. The performance from the players was superb, first 10 minutes we looked very good and should have been in the lead. The next 15 20 mins we backed off, let them have the ball and could see us conceding. Then magic Bird happens and Stoke collapse like a house of cards by conceding a second minutes later. 

    Not sure how Ravel misses at the beginning of the second half but we dug in deep and worked so hard to get a well deserved 3 points. The atmosphere throughout was fantastic and we need to bring that every single game this season. Pride Park needs to become an absolute fortress that teams know they'll find it difficult to get anything from us if we're to go down swinging. #COYR
  23. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from 48 hours in Stoke at home   
    Fantastic win,
    was nice for a for a bit to be immersed in football and what a tidy little team rooney has put together with literally nothing and not the circus of politics that is Derby county 
  24. COYR
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Zag zig in Notice to appoint administrators   
    This is it , this is where we stand together 
    this the ducking bare bones, bar the truly unthinkable this (next few years) is the rock bottom
    we ducking stand together and get behind whoever it is thats running us 
    i heard someone say people like groundsman and staff will go 
    i was there thinking can people volunteer … id stay up all night mowing that lawn friday night if it meant the club saved a few quid and kept the accademy open 
    like i said were bottom of the barrel now we need to do everything we can to save our club 
    we are the club 
  25. Sad
    NottsRam77 reacted to Bris Vegas in 12 possible 21 not   
    We won’t survive 12. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but we just wont.
    Our team isn’t good enough to get 60 points this season.
    We’ll pick up unexpected points along the way, morale-boosting wins.
    But we won’t score enough goals while we will have natural ruts in form too.
    4 points from Stoke and WBA is excellent. But 2 points from Forest, Boro and Brum before that is poor.
    We’ll have similar runs throughout the season.
    Can’t fault the effort. But the quality isn’t there.
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