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Anybody have experience of using a chiropractor? My lower back and hip are pretty much always painful with times when it gets so bad it’s a struggle to move around , I’ve never been sure on the chiropractor thing with some saying they are fantastic but some saying no real benefit or actually made things worse , it’s quite expensive but I’m at the stage of giving it a go , anybody with any useful advice ?

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I've never tried chiropractor but I'm crazy about osteopaths.

I go to one about every 2 years and always sorts me out.

I first went to one when I was about 17. Played a lot of cricket but bowling made my groin painful and couldn't pick my leg up to put pants on for a few days. Eventually, I pulled my groin and stopped bowling.

Went to an Osteopath a while later and he showed me my ankle bones weren't aligned and my hip was not horizontal. I thought it meant I was screwed, but about 30 mins later I was all sorted and groin pain has gone.

I now go about every 2 years, usually as feeling tightness on my hamstring or groin again. Osteopath usually finds a couple of sore vertebrae and 30 mins later, all good again.

Session is usally about 30 mins of massage, so they can crack your back/neck in into place.

Someone told me once that a chiropractor is similar without the massage to warm up, but it might have been a biased osteopath!

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I’m always a bit suspicious of their work as everyone I know who uses one says I’ve been seeing them for years.

Makes me think the work they do is just a temporary fix.

Mind you, a lot of physiotherapists now direct you to an exercise app. 

I’d try the chiropractor and try to get an idea of whether their treatment is designed to work long term. 

Posture is often the key to success.


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Out of nowhere, whilst away camping in Bruges, Easter 2023, I had severe pains/restrictions with both shoulders.  Bad enough to keep me awake for 3 nights running, until the Belgian pain killers got into my system.
Literally didn't have enough strength in my arm(s) to raise a hairbrush to my head, or raise one arm high enough to wash my armpits, without help from the other hand!  😲
Could just about manage to brush my teeth and/or shave, but it was a struggle, and not pain free!  I couldn't reach any higher.  Muscles had shot it!  

Bro in law recommended a chiropractor following decent results on his back.
I was sceptical, it has to be said.

Due to the recommendation, my initial appointment/scans/assessment etc was free.

I had trapped nerves in/around the shoulders/upper arms.  "Tech neck" (I've always stooped at the shoulder, to be fair).  A slight sideways curve of the spine.  And a leaning of the hips (One higher than the other).  (None had caused me any grief prior).

I then signed up initially to a set of 6 x 15min appointments (Worked out cheaper than paying for one at a time).  Two per week to start with.
More scans/re-assessment showed we were heading in the right direction.  (Which I could feel for myself, I hasten to add!).

I continued another set of six at one per week.  More improvements followed

I've continued since, but whilst the improvements continue/problems desist, the gap between appointments get wider. (They don't rip you off, and it helps to avoid dropping back into old habits!)
My last appointment was a fortnight ago, and I'm not due to go again until mid August.

Now... of course... there is the small matter of self help.  I'm now into doing certain stretching exercises for a good 5/6mins each morning (even before my coffee!) and again in the evening.  But it's them that advise what stretches to do, and how/when to do them.  It ain't willy-nilly or hocus pocus, and I'm happy to continue to get expert advice.
The incentive is purely based on how much "looser" I feel now, compared to Easter '23.

And I'm amazed that they can actually feel (externally) where the tight spots are (internally).  They also do a cracking massage, when needed.

... Oh... nearly forgot... midway through my first batch of treatments, I proper did my back in humping my F-I-L's (God rest his soul. xxx) mobi-scooter into the car boot.  They sorted that for me too.  There was no problem with them diverting from shoulder/neck treatment to back treatment!  (In reality, it was a bit of both, all within the 15min appointment).

Without doubt, they have worked wonders!
Without doubt, it has thus far proved to be worth every penny.
Without doubt, I would highly recommend...


(I go to Chester Green.  They also have one somewhere in Chello).

Happy to PM my real name, if it helps anyone get a free assessment.  (No idea if they still do that, or if it was a special/temporary offer?)



Apologies if the above blatant advertising is against forum rules.  Happy to delete the lik, if prompted!  🤷‍♂️



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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Anybody have experience of using a chiropractor? My lower back and hip are pretty much always painful with times when it gets so bad it’s a struggle to move around , I’ve never been sure on the chiropractor thing with some saying they are fantastic but some saying no real benefit or actually made things worse , it’s quite expensive but I’m at the stage of giving it a go , anybody with any useful advice ?

Chiropractor to sort it (it's not that expensive mate!), then Pilates as a preventative measure once you're mended, though I'd be sure to get yourself checked over thoroughly BEFORE doing anything to make sure there's not an issue that might be exacerbated rather than fixed. The lower back stuff may simply be sciatic pain which is really easy to mitigate, but the hip issue could potentially be an arthritic condition.


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I have a few occasions to use chiropractors and Osteopaths. Usually with good results. 

Years ago as a relative youngster, after a shunt in a car, a chiro sorted out horrendous neck and shoulder pain but it did take 4 or 5 visits

About 20 years ago I got nasty sciatic pain and an osteo worked wonders 

For a different reason it came back recently. Did a Chiro with little benefit but found another and I am pretty much back to full power. 

Backs and bones near Allestree Park have a fab reputation and it’s worked for me


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15 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

Chiropractor to sort it (it's not that expensive mate!), then Pilates as a preventative measure once you're mended, though I'd be sure to get yourself checked over thoroughly BEFORE doing anything to make sure there's not an issue that might be exacerbated rather than fixed. The lower back stuff may simply be sciatic pain which is really easy to mitigate, but the hip issue could potentially be an arthritic condition.


A +1 here for Pilates. I had severe neck and shoulder issues about a year ago. Got so bad I went privately to a physio who sorted out the basic issues and after a few sessions recommended Pilates to manage the situation and improve my posture and core strength. I now have a range of exercises I can do at home and if any of the old problems recur, I know that certain exercises will deal with them.

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17 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Someone told me once that a chiropractor is similar without the massage to warm up, but it might have been a biased osteopath!

Chiropractors and osteopaths are pretty much lke Catholics and Protestants - they believe in the same thing but have different ways of getting there. Osteopaths generally use more rotation, and sweeping movements, whereas chiropractors are a bit more "crack your bones". I've done both, they both work and I will say that five minutes after your session you won't believe how you lived with being that stiff (no funnies please) before.

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21 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

See a physio, then if the exercises don't help - try an osteopath

Then if that still doesn't work and you have a death wish - try a chiropractor


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbie_Basho (read how he died)


How long have I got left then Stive? 🙄

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I've suffered with a bad back on & off for years, mainly due to having one leg millimeters shorter than the other, so over time it pushes my hips out of alignment and presses on my spinal nerves.  A couple of appointments with Beeston Chiropractors and I'm good for a couple of years, unless I really over do it.  I swear by them...

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